Former Jacket, Travares Tillman is our next DB coach


Helluva Engineer
collins doing collins things. I just hope tilman is a more hardnose discipline coach replacing much more docile coaches that were friends.

As far as his coaching. Who knows. Msu wasn’t great in the secondary but its never as good or as bad as it seems, except here, it is as bad as it seems; so it is what is is.


Helluva Engineer
Glad to see something other than the aggregate stats. I figured someone will post some analysis from Football Outsiders or some source like that eventually to give us a better idea how they really measure up. They did play in the Big 10, not the mighty ACC Coastal after all so the talent level of the opposition is relevant.
Football outsiders doesn’t keep track of DB specific metrics, and I’m not really sure what DFEI would really tell with regards to just the DB coach. Maybe PFF has data I am not aware of, but I don't pay for that site.

22021Michigan State0.29058830.07001045320.46495731041.4251520

Here are some more advanced stats. Take these with a grain of salt. There is more to defense success rate than just the dbs. The havoc rate is probably the closest metric, but even that will be influenced by how well a defense is able to pass rush or what type of passes the offense chooses to throw. I chose years where he was listed as the DB coach.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I'm not sure how talented Michigan State's secondary was, but they had the worst pass defense in the country. I didn't watch them except for the Ohio State game and was astonished to hear that statistic. But, as I saw wide open receivers running down the field, I figured that the stat made sense.
" part because the Spartans were often ahead, they faced the most pass attempts (556) of any team in FBS."

Think about the why, look beyond the eye candy.


Helluva Engineer
More stats

Mich St
Opposing Passer rating: 142.6 (87)
Yards per attempt: 7.5 (72)

Opposing Passer Rating: 179 (130)
Yards per attempt: 10 (128)

Mich St has some inflated totals due to who they played, but they were far from good. Anything will be better than GT 2021.
Michigan St. did not face the QB talent that we did.


Helluva Engineer
There is always context missing when things get reduced to single numbers.
So much context to consider. The MSU defensive backfield was hit with transfers and injuries, but were the transfers because they didn't like their coach(es)? How much talent did they have back there? Tillman was only one of two coaches for the defensive backfield. How much of their woes were on him, if any? More passes were thrown against MSU than any other team. I would assume, since they were 10-2, that part of the reason was that they had a stellar run defense, so opponents naturally attacked their weakness. And on and on. Judging a coach by his stats is somewhat like judging a can of soup by the contents on the label.


Helluva Engineer
All we can hope for now is he's good. He's probably not used to WRs running right past his DBs all the time, but I'm sure he'll coach the DBs differently & call a different scheme than the last guy after he watches our game tape.


Helluva Engineer
All we can hope for now is he's good. He's probably not used to WRs running right past his DBs all the time, but I'm sure he'll coach the DBs differently & call a different scheme than the last guy after he watches our game tape.
Could. Not. Possibly. Be. Worse.


Helluva Engineer
Could. Not. Possibly. Be. Worse.
The covidc year we moved to upper deck and i watched the db and s. Up high you could easily see the whole field and could focus
I made note of where the dbs were relative to wr at 3, 5 , 7 seconds.
For us on offense the db were close to our wr at 3 & 5 seconds but lost coverage on some at 7 seconds.

For us on defense we often had guys covered at 3 seconds but just as often they were wide open. After 3 seconds they were some times covered but mostly wide open w db closing on wr. After 5 there we several wide open.
It was like they fooled us with their route .
When they were on defense it was like they had a real good idea of first move and second move.

This year they seemed a little better in early converge but our deep coverage was totally busted. The safety would set up 25 and be backing up. The qb had a giant window and wr had ball several steps before the s was closing. Its like the safety did not understand when to break on the receiver.

I think w had a failure to communicate that collins allowed to go on too long.

Hope our db s can be near the reciever sooner next year.


Helluva Engineer
The covidc year we moved to upper deck and i watched the db and s. Up high you could easily see the whole field and could focus
I made note of where the dbs were relative to wr at 3, 5 , 7 seconds.
For us on offense the db were close to our wr at 3 & 5 seconds but lost coverage on some at 7 seconds.

For us on defense we often had guys covered at 3 seconds but just as often they were wide open. After 3 seconds they were some times covered but mostly wide open w db closing on wr. After 5 there we several wide open.
It was like they fooled us with their route .
When they were on defense it was like they had a real good idea of first move and second move.

This year they seemed a little better in early converge but our deep coverage was totally busted. The safety would set up 25 and be backing up. The qb had a giant window and wr had ball several steps before the s was closing. Its like the safety did not understand when to break on the receiver.

I think w had a failure to communicate that collins allowed to go on too long.

Hope our db s can be near the reciever sooner next year.
Just this 1 thing is probably 7-10 pts per game.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Should have been three times, he intercepted a pass that should have ended the game, but there was a "penalty" fifteen yards behind the ball
I remember well. It sustained the drive and Georgia won in closing seconds and instantly inshrined that game as “The Drive.” Horrible call in my book, especially since he intercepted the ball a split second before the contact happened further up the field.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
So much context to consider. The MSU defensive backfield was hit with transfers and injuries, but were the transfers because they didn't like their coach(es)? How much talent did they have back there? Tillman was only one of two coaches for the defensive backfield. How much of their woes were on him, if any? More passes were thrown against MSU than any other team. I would assume, since they were 10-2, that part of the reason was that they had a stellar run defense, so opponents naturally attacked their weakness. And on and on. Judging a coach by his stats is somewhat like judging a can of soup by the contents on the label.
I also remember when we annihilated Mississippi State they set an Orange Bowl record for passing yards because they were so far behind and trying to close a 3 touchdown lead.

Passing yards can mean a lot of different things.