Could. Not. Possibly. Be. Worse.
The covidc year we moved to upper deck and i watched the db and s. Up high you could easily see the whole field and could focus
I made note of where the dbs were relative to wr at 3, 5 , 7 seconds.
For us on offense the db were close to our wr at 3 & 5 seconds but lost coverage on some at 7 seconds.
For us on defense we often had guys covered at 3 seconds but just as often they were wide open. After 3 seconds they were some times covered but mostly wide open w db closing on wr. After 5 there we several wide open.
It was like they fooled us with their route .
When they were on defense it was like they had a real good idea of first move and second move.
This year they seemed a little better in early converge but our deep coverage was totally busted. The safety would set up 25 and be backing up. The qb had a giant window and wr had ball several steps before the s was closing. Its like the safety did not understand when to break on the receiver.
I think w had a failure to communicate that collins allowed to go on too long.
Hope our db s can be near the reciever sooner next year.