For Those Who Think We Are Far Off


Southeastern Michigan
reasons why:
1. full commitment to opton football which our team and coach are built for.
2. Getting healthy in the secondary in a pass happy league. (Yes we lose Jamea, but we gain I. J., and Golden along with Step Durham)
3. Vad + Sims while talented turned the ball over at prolific rates, which was disastrous
4. O-Line gets healthy and keeps Shaq Mason (loss of Finch hurts)
5. Team starts with 3 winnable games which will be great for breaking in JT and builing confdence/ridding locker room cancers (or do the opposite).

In saying we're closer to 4-5 wins you're saying we are closer to doing something we've never done under CPJ or even Chan Gailey (go below .500 in ACC play) than we are to going 5-3 in the ACC and winning against Wofford, Tulane, and GA Southern.

Now get back to me about being analytical. I'm not saying we're definitely going to be in the inaugural playoff, but don't claim realism and objectivity, when it's just pessimism.

I am with you.......I say bare minimum 7 wins with our schedule - 8-9 should be expected, 10 with lucky bounces, no injuries etc. Even with a great year, we will likely lose a couple close ones.I don't see running the table......few teams ever do, and without running the table there is no likely playoff berth from coming out of the ACC


Helluva Engineer
reasons why:
1. full commitment to opton football which our team and coach are built for.
2. Getting healthy in the secondary in a pass happy league. (Yes we lose Jamea, but we gain I. J., and Golden along with Step Durham)
3. Vad + Sims while talented turned the ball over at prolific rates, which was disastrous
4. O-Line gets healthy and keeps Shaq Mason (loss of Finch hurts)
5. Team starts with 3 winnable games which will be great for breaking in JT and builing confdence/ridding locker room cancers (or do the opposite).

In saying we're closer to 4-5 wins you're saying we are closer to doing something we've never done under CPJ or even Chan Gailey (go below .500 in ACC play) than we are to going 5-3 in the ACC and winning against Wofford, Tulane, and GA Southern.

Now get back to me about being analytical. I'm not saying we're definitely going to be in the inaugural playoff, but don't claim realism and objectivity, when it's just pessimism.

If you think the points I made in my OP about this topic isn't objective but rather pessimistic, then a case can be made that your 5 points (well, point #5 is fairly reasonable) is overly optimistic. Remember this: We went 6-7 in 2010. That season CPJ made a statement that the 2010 was probably his best overall team. Didn't work out for us, though Nesbitt getting hurt had a lot to do with it (don't mention Kansas...)

My point is, we're not getting an influx of Day 1 talent, we lose a bunch of high impact guys on defense, we're depending on basically a first year starter at QB, and our OL is also dependant on guys that were either subpar in 2013 or didn't play at all (due to injury or redshirting). Our current recruiting class may be one of CPJ's better ones (or so people keep saying), but to say they will be huge contributors to the 2014 season is REALLY optimistic.

Saying we're closer to 4-5 wins doesn't mean I'm saying we will win 4-5 games, I'm just saying that scenario is more likely than us winning 9+ games...which is what Auburn and Duke did. More than likely, we'll be in the 6-8 range, with 7 the most likely outcome given the past 4 years.

If you call that pessimism, fine. Like I said, I hope I'm very wrong.


Helluva Engineer
it's obvious that your glass is half empty, i guess the real question is do you actually hope that the wheels fall off so that Johnson will get fired? Do you and your fellow haters actually hate him and his offense so much that you are actively rooting against GT?

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
While I don't claim to be able to identify team-chemistry problems or revolts against the coach by the pace with which guys jog off the field, I feel pretty safe saying that those issues were at the root of our problems in 2010. For example, it was reported by players and mainstream media, and the GTAA initiated a new program for building team chemistry and leadership at the conclusion of the season. (I think the fact that CPJ was still able to get the team to a bowl game even after losing JN that year speaks to his ability as a coach) You had similar reports coming out of Auburn as well as the departure of Malzahn and Roof.

So, I don't think the Allbarn comparison is actually the most apt. I think the Duke comparison speaks well to the benefit of scheduling, but they also had a better team than some posts in this thread suggest.

Robbie got about the same yards/carry as we got from Orwin in 2012. We have a lot of guys who have shown the potential of stepping up. I just don't see our offense falling-off much next year. A lot of people weren't fans of Tevin. I wasn't a fan of Vad. We were still pretty good. If our Defense can improve, we're going to be fine. Assuming we win our first 3 ooc games (Tulane not as tough as BYU), then the question of whether we're closer to winning 1 or 2 conference games plus georgie to winning 6 or more doesn't seem tough to me. I think we're more likely to win 5 (UVA, Pitt, UNC, Duke, & Atl2) than only 3. Our 2nd Atl Div team isn't FSU next year, iirc.


Ramblin' Wreck
In your first post you said we were close to 4-5 than 8+. Now you're saying 6-8 is most likely, which to me seems to think someone with a sense of statistics and likelihood (as you're the one who brought up going to GT and analyzing) would see a normalized band centered on 7 wins. I would agree with that statement, making 5 wins AS likely as 9 and 4 wins AS likely as 10...approximately. Just saying, don't say stupid stuff and call it objective, analyzed, and backed by your education at The Institute.

to answer AE's question our second ATL opponent is a road date at NC State.


Helluva Engineer
In your first post you said we were close to 4-5 than 8+. Now you're saying 6-8 is most likely, which to me seems to think someone with a sense of statistics and likelihood (as you're the one who brought up going to GT and analyzing) would see a normalized band centered on 7 wins. I would agree with that statement, making 5 wins AS likely as 9 and 4 wins AS likely as 10...approximately. Just saying, don't say stupid stuff and call it objective, analyzed, and backed by your education at The Institute.

to answer AE's question our second ATL opponent is a road date at NC State. you're making it personal.

As Tim Tebow would say, "God bless you."


Ramblin' Wreck
I thought everyone on here was supposed to be reasoned in their responses. So far, it seems like if people aren't a part of the "crowd thinking" on this topic, then the person who has a different view is attacked. It's fine if you disagree with me, but please give me a reasoned response that would hold up to logic.

If you think I take pleasure in GT's demise, then that's your problem not mine. Just because I'm objective about the current situation doesn't mean I'm not a big supporter. In fact, it's my opinion that people who are not realistic about the situation and are always putting a positive spin on everything do more harm than good. GT teaches us to be objective and analytical about a situation, but so far we're getting the opposite with this discussion.

that's right I'm the one who made it personal.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
To me, most of it hinges on the the QB - BB play next year. If we get a MAJOR boost, we can make some noise. Consider this, we will have a guy who was actually recruited for the BB position playing there for the first time in quite a while AND he was one of our top targets. I think this bodes well. Sims was a converted QB, Laskey a converted safety, Lyons was a serviceable transfer, and we basically swung and missed with Perkins (whether injury related or not). Only time will tell if Custis revitalizes the position, but I think it is far from a stretch to anticipate it. Each of the previously mentioned BBs had limitations despite being decent to good players.

We played the majority of the 2013 season with a QB who had made up his mind to transfer. He is a high character kid, and while I would like to think that it wouldn't affect his play and preparation, it pretty much had to. Let's be real here. Having talented kids in the pipeline, who have their heart in it, bodes well for the offense IMHO. This could go either way, but my gut tells me we will see a jump here too. I would like to have more experience, but I feel good about it none the less.


Helluva Engineer
I don't think you can say we played UGA even with Auburn. We played them without Aaron Murray.
Very convenient to forget we played them with a 2nd string guy instead of a All-conference(pro like ) QB


Helluva Engineer
it's obvious that your glass is half empty, i guess the real question is do you actually hope that the wheels fall off so that Johnson will get fired? Do you and your fellow haters actually hate him and his offense so much that you are actively rooting against GT?

I actually like CPJ. He graduates players, prepares them for life outside football (see his history with internships and lining up companies to come in participate in career fares), he doesn't let our SA's get away with crap like a certain school up north, and I actually like his offense. As far as CPJ the coach, I don't need to defend him or puff him up. What he does on the field should speak for itself. The guy can obviously coach if he has the players (see 2008 and 2009).

Let's get this straight. Someone can point out the shortcomings and weaknesses of a program. That doesn't make that person a "hater" or someone that's against a coach or his regime. Some people need to get over the mentality that you have to support a coach 100% or it means you're against him 100%. People have different views and levels of support that fall up and down the spectrum. There is no one right way to be a fan.

At the end of the day, my loyalty falls to GT...not to the coach, not to a star QB, or not to whatever the majority opinion is at the moment. Those things come and go. GT has gone through numerous coaches, numerous players, and numerous changing sentiments. If I didn't care for GT I wouldn't be on here voicing my opinions. I'm sure it's the same with most everyone on here.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
fwiw, Laskey was recruited as an athlete/b-back. He started out at b-back then switched to safety to get on the field while he was returning kicks as a true freshman. Then he switched back to b-back.

I'm excited to see what Custis can do.


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
Yes, I too don't understand why a respectful, but negative, opinion of the current program's state makes so many on here mad. None of us who are currently "seeing the glass half empty" want our team to actually perform poorly (well, there is always an exception to this rule, but that person has an agenda that is bigger than GT in their mind). In fact, almost everyone one of us would LOVE to be proven wrong about next year or the upcoming years. I am a GT fan, but a realistic fan. I have been a huge CPJ supporter, and it has taken me a long time to come around to the epiphany that his offensive system (as it is currently constituted) is adding to the negaive recruiting stigma that GT already has to fight. This added dimension, in my opinion, has become almost monumental to overcome, but I am rooting for the team and PJ to prove me wrong. Yes, I want to be proven wrong, because I love GT and GT football.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Very convenient to forget we played them with a 2nd string guy instead of a All-conference(pro like ) QB

Statistically, our offense played u[sic]ga comparably to Allbarn's offense. Our defense gave up a 20pt lead over most of 3 qtrs while their defense did that in single qtr against Aaron.


Helluva Engineer
I think you are correct, IF there is no improvement. I guess looking at both FSU and AU, it was first year QBs that turned them around. That is what I am trying to say though. It could be that ONE position that makes a difference for us like that. What are the chances? Well, your guess is as good as mine.
AU was a turnaround but FSU was a case of taking the next step. The guy Winston replaced is playing on Sundays, but QB play at FSU was the difference for them this year. I think we can take a step up next year with improved QB play. I'm not looking for a miracle but I don't think it's silly to look for improvement from our offense next year. Boomer, I really enjoy your posts btw.


Helluva Engineer
I know people are trying to keep it positive on this thread and see the bright side, but IMHO, we're closer to 4-5 wins than bumping up to 8+ wins.

Just way more questions than answers heading into 2014. I keep seeing JT will be an improvement and is a better fit for our base stuff than Vad, but I didn't see anything from his extensive play against the upper tier teams on our schedule (namely Miami and BYU) to lead me to think he'll get us over the hump versus those teams. His quickness and speed, which is his advantage, was negated against the faster teams who had players with the same speed. Vad took a season's worth of snaps, getting use to adjustment and reading defenses, and option reads away from JT.

We lose our best pass rusher since Derrick Morgan, who helped the entire D-line become better because he took an extra blocker away. Our DLs had problems getting to the QB with the benefit of Attachou taking up double teams, how is the DL going to get pressure without him? That's one of the things people didn't realize about having Attachou...the domino affect of how the offense had to give up blockers to handle him benefitted the rest of the DL and LBs. Guys like Gotsis became a better player because of Attachou.

We also lose the two most versatile defenders on the team, Watts and Jemea who could flex out to different positions. On top of that, they were just two VERY good pieces on our defense. Our safety spot is dependent on a player who will have missed an entire season due to injury (I Johnson) and another one who was also injured but was still unsettled at safety when healthy (Jamal Golden).

The most important pieces of our offense, OL, will depend on guys who didn't exactly shine when the veterans were injured. That means guys like Devine, and Griffin, though supremely talented, will have to step up. Our projected center, the most pivotal piece of the OL, missed an entire year of development due to injury.

Surprisingly, the most experienced position group on offense will be WRs and ABs. Think about that. Kinda scary...and let's hope our QB can get the ball into their hands.

While it's easy to say we're close like Auburn, the reality is, Auburn had a LOT of talent already on the roster, and added one of the top dual threat QBs in nation to go with an explosive offense.

I hope I"m wrong about all of it, but looking at our situation objectively, it's really hard to see us improve from 7 wins to the next tier.

WOW,Techster, could not have said it better myself.
If you examine things with the head instead of heart-the best chance for immediate improvement in record is Tulane instead of byu. BUT-Pitt,unc are AWAY and are sure to be as good as last yr dook will come in here with a real offense(incl the best WR in conf)-those are 3 good chances for losses instead of wins.vt is maybe weak but again Away.New QBs don't do good away normally.

Lots of hope out there that somehow new guys are going to be better than veterans that left.Possible in some cases but VERY unlikely in cases of JAtt,Jemea, and Godhigh.
I would be more confident on the idea of this teams' general development /improvement except for the OL experience of '13 which was supposed to be DEVELOPED and experienced and yet was erratic and weak vs good teams..(even having injuries we were supposed to have talent to step in which proved WRONG).

Having recruiting classes ranked in the 40s-50s shows up somewhere.It will show up here this year --- unless PJ pulls a bunch of rabbits out of the hat like Smelter.
I would LOVE for JT to be great,that Custis explodes on scene,that Griffin and Devine revitalize the OL,that Henry/Freeman surprises as rush-end,that IJ comes back well and a tiger, Davis or JHD becomes a cornerstone tackler-----all those would have to happen to get beyond 7 wins.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
WOW,Techster, could not have said it better myself.
If you examine things with the head instead of heart-the best chance for immediate improvement in record is Tulane instead of byu. BUT-Pitt,unc are AWAY and are sure to be as good as last yr dook will come in here with a real offense(incl the best WR in conf)-those are 3 good chances for losses instead of wins.vt is maybe weak but again Away.New QBs don't do good away normally.

Lots of hope out there that somehow new guys are going to be better than veterans that left.Possible in some cases but VERY unlikely in cases of JAtt,Jemea, and Godhigh.
I would be more confident on the idea of this teams' general development /improvement except for the OL experience of '13 which was supposed to be DEVELOPED and experienced and yet was erratic and weak vs good teams..(even having injuries we were supposed to have talent to step in which proved WRONG).

Having recruiting classes ranked in the 40s-50s shows up somewhere.It will show up here this year --- unless PJ pulls a bunch of rabbits out of the hat like Smelter.
I would LOVE for JT to be great,that Custis explodes on scene,that Griffin and Devine revitalize the OL,that Henry/Freeman surprises as rush-end,that IJ comes back well and a tiger, Davis or JHD becomes a cornerstone tackler-----all those would have to happen to get beyond 7 wins.

Did you by any chance predict that Robbie would surpass Orwin's numbers? Or did you find that unlikely?


Southeastern Michigan
WOW,Techster, could not have said it better myself.
If you examine things with the head instead of heart-the best chance for immediate improvement in record is Tulane instead of byu. BUT-Pitt,unc are AWAY and are sure to be as good as last yr dook will come in here with a real offense(incl the best WR in conf)-those are 3 good chances for losses instead of wins.vt is maybe weak but again Away.New QBs don't do good away normally.

Lots of hope out there that somehow new guys are going to be better than veterans that left.Possible in some cases but VERY unlikely in cases of JAtt,Jemea, and Godhigh.
I would be more confident on the idea of this teams' general development /improvement except for the OL experience of '13 which was supposed to be DEVELOPED and experienced and yet was erratic and weak vs good teams..(even having injuries we were supposed to have talent to step in which proved WRONG).

Having recruiting classes ranked in the 40s-50s shows up somewhere.It will show up here this year --- unless PJ pulls a bunch of rabbits out of the hat like Smelter.
I would LOVE for JT to be great,that Custis explodes on scene,that Griffin and Devine revitalize the OL,that Henry/Freeman surprises as rush-end,that IJ comes back well and a tiger, Davis or JHD becomes a cornerstone tackler-----all those would have to happen to get beyond 7 wins.

I don't think Pitt and UNC as away games are that big of a factor......Pitt averages less people (41,494 -2012) than Tech(43,955) per game in a stadium that holds 10k more than BDS. UNC averages just slightly more (50,286) stadium capacity of 63k. Hasn't UNC had much higher recruiting classes and yet we seem to have their number,


Helluva Engineer
Yes, I too don't understand why a respectful, but negative, opinion of the current program's state makes so many on here mad.
I think my thread on tone says it all, it's not what you say, but how you say it. Techster said, and I quote:

"I thought everyone on here was supposed to be reasoned in their responses. So far, it seems like if people aren't a part of the "crowd thinking" on this topic, then the person who has a different view is attacked. It's fine if you disagree with me, but please give me a reasoned response that would hold up to logic.

If you think I take pleasure in GT's demise, then that's your problem not mine. Just because I'm objective about the current situation doesn't mean I'm not a big supporter. In fact, it's my opinion that people who are not realistic about the situation and are always putting a positive spin on everything do more harm than good. GT teaches us to be objective and analytical about a situation, but so far we're getting the opposite with this discussion."

Calling other peoples opinions un-reasoned, un-realistic, un-objective and un-analytical is not exactly respectful in my book. For me, I've taken another tack to this situation. If I see something inflammatory at all, I just stop reading the post. Then I sort of gloss over that posters comments from then on without giving them much credence. If you want credibility from me, you better have manners when you post.


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
I think my thread on tone says it all, it's not what you say, but how you say it. Techster said, and I quote:

Calling other peoples opinions unreasoned and unrealistic is not exactly respectful in my book. For me, I've taken another tack to this situation. If I see something inflammatory at all, I just stop reading the post. Then I sort of gloss over that posters comments from then on without giving them much credence. If you want credibility from me, you better have manners when you post.

That is reasonable and realistic, DCS. :)


Helluva Engineer
it just gets very old that the same people are constantly bringing down every single thread with the same old negative stuff.....we all know your opinion and even agree with some of your points but also don't need to be hammered in the head with it everywhere we go