Fall Camp Thread


Helluva Engineer
Reminds me of 2015, when he kept telling everybody our offense wasn't looking good. I know it's early but this ain't the start I was hoping for
Somewhat agree but his biggest concern in 15 was the oline. Plus the injuries were too much to overcome. Oline isn't the issue right now from what I hear.


Helluva Engineer
That's interesting. When I heard there was miss reads I thought he was talking about the QBs. I guess it would not have to be them he was talking about.
I think it was because he also mentioned fumbles. I think he was just going through a list without really staying on one side of the ball.


He's usually a little surly early in camp, a little dismissive of how well things are going. I'm not worried at this point or even if it continues the rest of the week. I'll be a bit concerned if the tone isn't more positive after week #2.

Note to starters tho. Practice poorly and you risk opening your spot up to the next guy. ;)


Staff member
AJC: Parker Braun finds 'whole lot of room to improve’
In the spring, his technique was changed to a three-point stance. At left guard, his left hand is on the ground and his right hand points forward, tucked under his body.

“You have trouble pulling if you’ve got both hands on the ground, so they coached me up and they got me right and I feel more comfortable in a 3-point (stance) than I did,” Braun said.


Helluva Engineer
This is purely speculation and not necessarily how I feel on the topic, but he might be dialing up the teaching in the fall camp because he thinks that some of the new faces on defense have a chance to contribute immediately and he wants them to be fully up to speed by the first game since he is finally getting the skilled players he needs. This is just one way to spin it to prove the pro-Roof people correct who say it is personnel related.

You could also spin it the other way for the anti-Roof crowd and say that after all these years here he has not figured out how to teach his players the scheme and that he keeps over-complicating things and that keeps his players from playing to their potential.

Am I doing this right?
Maybe, but there is no way of knowing until "Toe meets Leather" and even then it will be a while.