Fall Camp Thread

First son was ga at ou when V left - more $ and he and stoopes didn't wrk together. Venables is a legend at Kansas State and IMO will be head coach when the head coach retires this year.
Other son was at Baylor when Steele was head coach. They never won game in b12. At baylor he had a small weak ast coach staff..
The auburn head coach is a guy who Wants and Demands the ball back so his offense has control. He has given Steele the staff and guides him to be aggressive.

Give roof a bigger staff and he will look it.
When we play clemson count the guys assisting on sidelines. He'll they have a guy to keep the head coach from running on the field.
We are funded as mid tier so be very grateful.
Our staff busts a**
Last year during season at on of the games the db coach's wife said they just got back late last night (friday) from a long drive to Niceville recruiting). Check out the latest db recruit - major offers but coming to gt

Now back to cheering on the players and coaches till next year off season
You think Venables would go to Kansas State instead of Ole Miss?


Georgia Tech Fan
No one with any sense is touching Ole Miss gig without a 7 yr contract north of 3mil a yr. Why put your self in that position (difficulty recruiting in a difficult division in a so so recruiting state). Kansas State would be a much better gig (low academics, look at the number of Jucos) lower expectations in a conference that can be won as the table stands now (new coach at your two toughest rivals)


Helluva Engineer
They look like they swapped weights. Still both look like they would be better on the edge, but Kelton looks like he has the frame to put a lot of good weight on.
Yea I think with some added weight down low on kelton he will have the opportunity to be a tweener type guy. Maybe 280 ish


This is purely speculation and not necessarily how I feel on the topic, but he might be dialing up the teaching in the fall camp because he thinks that some of the new faces on defense have a chance to contribute immediately and he wants them to be fully up to speed by the first game since he is finally getting the skilled players he needs. This is just one way to spin it to prove the pro-Roof people correct who say it is personnel related.

You could also spin it the other way for the anti-Roof crowd and say that after all these years here he has not figured out how to teach his players the scheme and that he keeps over-complicating things and that keeps his players from playing to their potential.

Am I doing this right?

No, you are supposed to pick a side, pretend to have all the answers, then ridicule the opposition. You may now carry on.:p


Helluva Engineer
You think Venables would go to Kansas State instead of Ole Miss?
Synder s wish is for his son to move up from ast co head coach . Others like getting alum and former Ski ast coach who went out on own to win championship as dc at clemson. Coach Saunders son was a punter.
I dont know if he wouldn't go to ole miss. He could be tired of waiting. Sunder has a great coaching tree.


Helluva Engineer
So, I think there is some wisdom to the argument that says "the eye test doesn't really count as much as it used to, because the game really has changed, and so NO defenses not named Alabama really dominate anymore, it's just a matter of holding teams down".

I think there's also wisdom to the argument that says "ok, fine, but we're still way behind average in efficiency numbers, so even if all defenses are down, Roofs is down even more".

I sort of come down somewhere in the middle. Roof isn't some X's and O's wizard. He's not going to do anything paradigm shifting, and he won't innovate. He's not going to scheme his way to a fantastic defense. That said, it seems pretty clear to me, both by the eyeball test, and by the "services" that Roof has improved the teams recruiting profile, particularly on defense. The improved recruiting on defense is starting to show in the 2 deep. Dudes like Alexander, and Gray, and Saint-Amour, and Adams are dudes that maybe GT doesn't get before Roof arrives. The dude CLEARLY loves GT, knows GT, can sell GT, and can close with GT. (there's also a positive feedback loop, where as better players choose GT, it becomes a reasonable choice for even better players)

I think it's entirely possible...frankly if you FORCED me to bet on it, I'd say probable, and lay my money down...that Roof recruits his way to a decent defense. I don't ever see you guys being a powerhouse defense, but a defense stocked with pretty good recruits, that have 3 or 4 or 5 years in the system under the same DC, with the same calls, and the same reads, you could have an above average D. Frankly, this year, I expect you to have at least an average D, and perhaps even better. I don't really see a huge dropoff in the following years, as the cupboard is relatively full.

Is it exciting? No.

Is it interesting...not particularly.

Is sound? Yeah.

Recruit good players, teach them a sound (if not particularly aggressive) scheme, give them a bajillion reps in it over their careers, and you'll put together a defense that won't embarrass you.

If you've got Johnson's offense, a defense that won't embarrass you will win a lot of games.
There you go with the "you guys" stuff again. ;)