Fake defensive injuries


Jolly Good Fellow
Stone Mountain
Man y’all need to get over yourselves. It’s legal and it helped us win the game. Tech has been irrelevant in the college football landscape for the better part of the last 30 years. Now we start doing some LEGAL things that helps us win games and putting the program back in the minds of college football fans, and then here come the “holier than thou” Tech folks talking about “That’s not indicative of a “Tech Man”. Well, wake up folks. Those young men wear that white and gold 10-12 times a year, so guess what…they are Tech Men. Pull your heads out the sand and catch up with the times. To Hell With Georgia, and I hope they do the same thing next week and whip ND’s ***.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I can still hear you say “you must never break the chain “.

Excited Wake Up GIF by Originals


Helluva Engineer
If you attend the games, this was the worst when TFP would rush over to the lame faker and talk to him. Generally, this occured when gt was being trucked and TFP could think of anything better to do.

Southern psu fan

Jolly Good Fellow
Temple ga
First of all, hell of a finish to an amazing game to get to a 5-2 start.

However, I am so embarrassed to see Tech defensive players coordinating which one of them should fake an injury in this UNC game, on UNC's last scoring drive.

They did it multiple times. I am appalled. This is not "whatever it takes to win," it is cowardly, unsportsmanlike, and max cringe.

If the other team did it, I'd be up in arms, and I'm even more upset that we would do it.

As a proud double jacket alum and multi decade fan, I cannot endorse this brand of football. If I see them do this crap again, I will be incredibly disappointed.
All teams do it that’s why I’m for making teams use a timeout or it’s a 10 yard penalty if anything holds up the game with less than 2 minutes remaining. All teams go into the game knowing the rules.


Helluva Engineer
Why not do it on every play? Always keep our defense fresh. If its towards the end of the game, have multiple players fall down but space it out so that when the first one gets off the field the second one realizes he is injured and then falls down. Let's even make it look bad by having the player carted off the field. Maybe have a prayer session for him. That takes a while. He could run back out shortly after that. We could eliminate the concept of a tired defense completely.
Sarcasm’s a wonderful thing!😁


Helluva Engineer
It's the old George Halas story. The Bears were on the verge of scoring, but George had a play he wanted to send in. Problem = no timeouts left. He grabbed a DB by the jersey and said, "Go in there and get hurt!"

It' been around for ages.


Jolly Good Fellow
It's reasonable to expect Tech to display more than the minimum level of class on the field. We maintain expectations above the minimum level of academics and character. If you consider those just a means to an end there's a university 70 miles away whose football program may better fit your priorities.


Helluva Engineer
It's reasonable to expect Tech to display more than the minimum level of class on the field. We maintain expectations above the minimum level of academics and character. If you consider those just a means to an end there's a university 70 miles away whose football program may better fit your priorities.
I am in general a rules and order type of guy. I think that rules/laws should be written specifically to do specifically what they are intended to do. That way everybody can understand, and everybody can follow the rules/laws.

I have tried to think of an analogy, but I can't think of one that is spot on. The closest I can come up with is taxes. A person or company could just list their income and pay whatever the tax rate is to be moral and pay "their fair share". However, there are a lot of loopholes, exemptions, and credits in the tax code. If a person buys a certain type of car, they can get thousands in tax credits. If a company does business a certain way, they can get certain deductions and credits. If a large corporation has income in certain countries, and moves that income to a different country, then a different, much of the corporation's revenue falls off of any country's legal ability to tax it. I don't agree with much, if any, of the credits/loopholes/exemptions that are in tax code. However, I will take advantage of any that affect me as long as they are in there.

Don't get mad at people/corporations for using the actual rules to their benefit. Get mad at the tax code and get it changed. Likewise, don't get mad at GT football for using the rules, as written, to their benefit. Get upset with the way the rules are written and push for change so that everyone plays under the same rules.


Jolly Good Fellow
Don't get mad at people/corporations for using the actual rules to their benefit. Get mad at the tax code and get it changed. Likewise, don't get mad at GT football for using the rules, as written, to their benefit. Get upset with the way the rules are written and push for change so that everyone plays under the same rules.
If you claim an exemption as written, for its intended purpose, then it's not cheating, it's following the law.
If you knowingly and willingly claim an exemption or advantage that you're not entitled to, or if you conceal a tax liability then it's not just your issue, it affects everyone else. And if you do it publicly in plain view under the name of an institution that many others have an interest in, then they have every right to be angry.
Faking injuries isn't the same as running a deceptive play or even trying to get away with a bit of extra contact. Athlete safety is a serious issue. Exploiting people's concern for it is callous and offensive.


Helluva Engineer
If you claim an exemption as written, for its intended purpose, then it's not cheating, it's following the law.
If you knowingly and willingly claim an exemption or advantage that you're not entitled to, or if you conceal a tax liability then it's not just your issue, it affects everyone else. And if you do it publicly in plain view under the name of an institution that many others have an interest in, then they have every right to be angry.
Faking injuries isn't the same as running a deceptive play or even trying to get away with a bit of extra contact. Athlete safety is a serious issue. Exploiting people's concern for it is callous and offensive.
I said it isn't a perfect analogy. There was a lot of moral outrage about corporations operating in such a way as to exactly follow the tax law as written to avoid paying a large percentage of taxes. The public was not upset about the way the laws were written, they were upset that large corporations were using the law as written to their advantage.

Have you ever driven 75 mph in a 70 mph speed limit freeway? By golly, you were publicly flouting and violating the law that is written for public safety.

This rule is treated in college football similar to the speed limit laws. Every team does this. UNC did this a few times while GT was on offense yesterday. The way the rule is written, and the consequences are the issue. If GT refuses to do this, they will be at a disadvantage in every game this year. I do not like it any more than the people who are complaining in this thread. However, I believe the solution is to modify the rules. The solution is not to unilaterally hold yourself to a different set of rules. In fact, I would very much like it if some team did this on every single defensive snap for an entire season. That would ensure that some change was made to the rule. (I would not want GT to be that team)