Fake defensive injuries


Ramblin' Wreck
Instead of potentially punishing legitimate injuries by forcing a player to sit out the rest of the series, why not address the underlying issue, which is that the offense controls the tempo and there is nothing the defense can do about it? I haven't thought this all the way through, just brainstorming a little, but what if you gave a team 2 timeouts/half on offense and 2 timeouts/half on defense. If a team is caught faking an injury, even if by the replay crew, that is a 15 yard penalty for unsportsmanlike and a 5 yard penalty for delay of game, so 20 yards in total. Another idea, how about allowing the defense to substitute even if the offense doesn't once every 2 or 3 plays (not sure the best number). Just a couple ideas. I'm sure smart people can come up with better ones.


Helluva Engineer
Maybe we should get chains that break as soon as the visiting team has a big play and has momentum. Then when we can't put it back together, we could have a backup set of chains that has the same feature. I don't know if anyone has ever thought of that. (Or maybe I saw that happen three times in one game last year in Oxford, MS. And all three times were after a large GT gain. Never happened once when Miss had the ball.)


Helluva Engineer
Maybe we should get chains that break as soon as the visiting team has a big play and has momentum. Then when we can't put it back together, we could have a backup set of chains that has the same feature. I don't know if anyone has ever thought of that. (Or maybe I saw that happen three times in one game last year in Oxford, MS. And all three times were after a large GT gain. Never happened once when Miss had the ball.)
Where were you in 1971 when the chain broke?


Helluva Engineer
First of all, hell of a finish to an amazing game to get to a 5-2 start.

However, I am so embarrassed to see Tech defensive players coordinating which one of them should fake an injury in this UNC game, on UNC's last scoring drive.

They did it multiple times. I am appalled. This is not "whatever it takes to win," it is cowardly, unsportsmanlike, and max cringe.

If the other team did it, I'd be up in arms, and I'm even more upset that we would do it.

As a proud double jacket alum and multi decade fan, I cannot endorse this brand of football. If I see them do this crap again, I will be incredibly disappointed.
I haven’t read the rest of the thread responses, but I agree 100%. I would just add that it isn’t a GT issue, it’s a college football issue. It’s a punk move, but they all do it and all the time. There needs to be a rule change implemented asap to punish this behaviorx


Helluva Engineer
This is rampant in professional soccer and no one thinks twice about it. It is considered gamesmanship. When I first started watching soccer when my son started playing I was appalled, then i came to view it as ridiculous and comical, now I just accept it as a part of the game, although I still think it is stupid. Major league soccer in the U.S. added a rule this year to punish fake injuries. College football needs to do something about it.


Ramblin' Wreck
Ole Miss hangs their hat on it, and they're a top 10 team.... in any case it doesn't hurt their perception. If it gets our defense more rest and/or opportunities to stop the other guy, then as long as it's not against the rules go for it.

All of that said, I think there should be more rules to prevent this. But as long as there aren't, go for it.
I disagree about hurting their perception. Maybe not as far as ranking but a LOT of people think they are a sleazy team and look down on the program for doing all the blatant fake injuries and other cheap stuff they do.


Jolly Good Fellow
Here’s a theory: I’ve not seen our players obviously feigning injury since Brent Key took over his head coach. There have been opportunities where faking might’ve been advantageous to the team, even this season, and I didn’t notice it. However, when Collins was the head coach, the team would often drop like flies on defense which suggests that he coached them to do so. It makes me wonder if the players decided to do that on their own today as a way to troll Collins (and also potentially gain a tactical advantage).


Helluva Engineer
We should have done it several times against Duke when they were sprinting their offense down the field. GT should keep doing it. It helps to win games which is why every team including UNC does it. No one remembers it an hour after the game. But the W lasts forever.


Ramblin' Wreck
I think folks have a problem with the poor acting and lack of organization on who would be hurt. I don't understand the idea that we should "be above it"...but damn, we gotta be more prepared on who's gonna be "hurt"!


Helluva Engineer
I understand thinking that fake injuries are bad for the sport. However, I do not understand the thought that GT shouldn't do it when it isn't against the rules and all the teams we are playing do it to us. The rules have been skewed heavily towards the offense in the last few decades. Not taking advantage of this would put GT's defense at a disadvantage over every team we play. We should play within the rules, which currently allow this. Change the rule so that everyone has to follow the same rules, and I am fine with it. I am not fine with giving every single team we play an advantage.