Custis, Hunt-Days not eligible for ’14 football season


Ramblin' Wreck
Gosh this is ridiculous! In custis' case, if it is still an NCAA clearinghouse issue, would that not make him ineligible to transfer to any school after GMC, including some SEC team? This has not been a fun offseason thus far, I feel like GT cant catch a break. I had high hopes of JHD, not sure what the problem is for him...


Jolly Good Fellow
Greenville, SC
Wow.... This is unbelievable, and is the most depressing GT sports news I've heard in a long time. Can someone re-cap what the issue from last year was with Custis and the NCAA?
Augusta, GA
I was the biggest Paul Johnson supporter when he first came to the Flats. I was saying his name two years before he even got here. I've remained loyal even through the mediocre seasons and bad losses. This is the last straw for me. I don't know why this is bothering me so bad compared to the other stuff but it does. Win now or go elsewhere. I'm done waiting and I'm done hoping next season is our year.

Not trying to defend Johnson overall, but how does this fall at his feet. After all, he got us top 10 APR, so he's definitely not encouraging failure in the classroom, nor does he tolerate it.


Jolly Good Fellow
I think JHD will be back...not so sure about Custis. I read where he's enrolling at Georgia Military in the fall. I believe this will allow him to transfer to any school after that. I'd be surprised if he would come back to GT if in fact he failed remedial classes


Ramblin' Wreck
Gosh this is ridiculous! In custis' case, if it is still an NCAA clearinghouse issue, would that not make him ineligible to transfer to any school after GMC, including some SEC team? This has not been a fun offseason thus far, I feel like GT cant catch a break. I had high hopes of JHD, not sure what the problem is for him...

GMC is a junior college. It isn't in the NCAA so clearinghouse doesn't affect them.


Helluva Engineer
That's something that Tech needs to expose and fight. The player is getting screwed in this situation. This has to be corrected without Custis being forced to transfer. I don't care about the football in this case this young man is getting screwed out his education which is far more valuable.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Georgia Tech might have something going with Georgia Military College. We're getting K. Whitehead from there this year, and I think Cory Heyward from there on the Basketball team a couple of years ago. We might have some set courses from there which we'll accept without hurting APR. That he's going there may be good news for GT, but that it had to happen this way has got to be a blow for the kid and the family.


Ramblin' Wreck
That's something that Tech needs to expose and fight. The player is getting screwed in this situation. This has to be corrected without Custis being forced to transfer. I don't care about the football in this case this young man is getting screwed out his education which is far more valuable.
What exactly is the issue?
I've heard people speak before of GT initiating an official relationship with a junior college that offers a stringent but passable math program. I think the time to begin that relationship with GMC is now...


Ramblin' Wreck
I thought the prevailing thought with Gailey was that he didn't do his due diligence with the academic people. CPJ has one of the highest APR's in program history...

Gailey put too much trust in the academic people doing their job with not enough oversight.

I have no insider info here but it certainly seems to be at the very least an oversight issue as well as the player's responsibility.


Ramblin' Wreck
Eric, if you can, will you ask if Custis plans of coming back to Tech next season or not? May be impossible but if you could, that would be great!

From what I'm hearing, the Custis family may not be telling Eric the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Either that, or since he was taking all remedial classes, he may have needed to make a certain GPA (maybe a 3.0?) or something to get eligible.
Disclaimer: the 2nd line is pure speculation. The only thing I heard from my buddy was "he didn't pass his remedial classes. He's done."


Retired Co-Founder
I can pretty much guarantee he won't be back at GT...would look for him in the SEC.