Since then the Wall Street Journal has gone more to the left. I used to like it pretty good but now....meh. CNN is a joke. Sad how they have fallen from the early 90s.
Mainstream media is now 100% politicized & the roots start in my mind way back in the infancy of the Vietnam War. US & South Vietnam in order to thwart the Viet Cong insurgency embarked on a strategy to win the hearts and minds of the rural population. CORDS (Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support) was the program & although it was initiated too late to influence the ultimate outcome (along with other events obviously) led to a heightened prominence in military psychological operations when planning military theater strategy.
Both Democrats and Republicans as they have become more educated in the effectiveness of such tactics have over time infiltrated all factions of the media and there’s a daily battle to “get the message out” in order to steer our public’s perceptions. There is very little trustworthy & unbiased analysis out there & the internet has energized the rate & stop at which it can be delivered.
This has migrated into nearly every other facet of life. My company engages in managing the message and so does every one else- local governments, charities, Georgia Tech, etc. We carefully embellish accomplishments in order to project an aura of strength, mitigate bad news by getting out ahead and dampening the public’s reactions in order to do what’s best for us.
Whether it’s abortion- one hand it’s killing babies & on the other side it’s portrayed as marginalizing women by taking away their right to choose; Fiscal austerity- budget restraint is pushing granny off the cliff, tax increases is supporting families, elderly & the disadvantaged; Immigration reform is either racial hatred, breaking up families, etc or promoting diversity; Tax reform- fattening the wallets of the rich or punishing the little guy but tax increases are signs of a progressive nation giving back to the people. Education reform- either trying to keep the poor in their place or providing educational opportunities for those tha don’t have it.
If I’ve said it once I’ll say it again. We have a Constitution and we need to read it & follow it. No where does it guarantee outcomes. It is to ensure Justice, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty. We have lost our way & we either find our way back or we will perish as a nation.