CPJ Radio Show tonight


Georgia Tech Fan
One comment that stuck out to me was CPJ calling out the O line saying they need to "step it up" or there are going to be some new faces taking their spot. Sounds like it's put up or shut up week for some guys


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
My favorite part of the show tonight was the question and ensuing commentary surrounding recruiting etc. In my mind, CPJ hit the nail squarely on the head. There is a lot of anguish on this board and others about academics and its effect on recruiting etc etc. I find it refreshing that coach is so matter of fact about it and doesn't whine. We are who we are, and he accepts that and has no interest in changing it. I feel the same way and just try to keep my mouth shut most of the time when those conversations happen. I actually relish the role of underdog a little bit, and I am so proud that we do things the right way. Call me crazy, but I think we can be a national player, despite the obstacles, maybe not as consistently as Special Education Conference teams, but every so often.

We get kids at GT who are serious about their education. That means a lot to me. When we do rise up again, like in 1990, we don't have to worry about players sounding like ignoramuses in front of the mic, kids getting in trouble with the law, or having joke academic cheating scandals to put a cloud over it. We will be able to hold our heads high knowing that we did it twice in the last 3 decades with real students, while UGAg did it zero times.


Lots of family stuff keeping me away from showing up in person. This weekend family stuff keeping me away from the Pitt game. Maybe I can flip the script and actually make the show next week. Hoping I can get to half of the rest of them at minimum.


Helluva Engineer
Loved the show! Never could get the live link to work. Thanks tech^3.
Coach is pretty cool under pressure.

back to the DO YOUR JOB. If u cant scoop, pull, you are going to be replaced. No more duct tape. We will run offense.

Said if certain ol guy doesnt fire of the line he will be standing with coach watching the game. Wonder if guys on swarm who watch film know who is slow off ball?? To me rt is last of line?

Says knows limits of kind of players ( Since we have to recruit from a smaller pool of athletes who can get it at ga tech, dont we need to spend $ to recruit nationally? 2009 recruiter told me we will win recruiting battle in ga. Have now hired good ga recruiter, but sure would like to here something positive lime ga tech has expanded recruiting nationally).

Coach loves coaching the offense.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
back to the DO YOUR JOB. If u cant scoop, pull, you are going to be replaced. No more duct tape. We will run offense.
It does make you wonder why he would have people in that can't run what he wants to run in the first place. I don't think his "duct tape" has ever worked out before.


Jolly Good Fellow
Enjoyed the show with my best friend- my wife, I can tell you one thing about PJ, he turned my sons life around to the better ( in my opinion) he had offers from two sec schools, one of which he committed to- 3 big 12, big 10 or 8 or whatever they are now- 2 PAC who and wherever they are schools.
PJ said one thing to him that stuck home/ "you are making a 40 year decision not a 4 year decision".
One week from the meeting I had to get rid of all the orange I had previously purchased! Trust the guy- we will be back!!!!