CPJ Press Conference #ALCNvsGT


Helluva Engineer
Obviously I just can't let this go. GT is not a 6-6 program historically. Since 2003 we are 113-81. So over the last 15 years we have averaged 7.5 wins a season. Our 113 wins since 2003 is more than schools like Texas A&M, Tennessee, Arkansas, Ole Miss, UCLA & Washington. It is the same amount as South Carolina and that is considered their golden period of football under Spurrier. The 113 wins is 6 wins or fewer behind program like Michigan, Miami, Stanford and Notre Dame. Now imagine Muschamp telling reporters that they shouldn't be expected to beat Clemson beacause if you look at the series history Clemson has always dominated. Or Brian Kelly telling reporters that ND can't compete for championships anymore because it's been 30 years since they've won it and times have changed. Coaches aren't supposed to say things like that and they certainly aren't supposed to give reporters false information on the negative side. Come one guys!!! Why don't we have the same expectations as the programs we have proven to be on level footing with in recent history? Why do we view ourselves on par with the Pudues and Vandy's of the world rather than the programs listed above? I understand resources play a role but they are not the sole determining factor in the success of a program. We have a program that has competed over the last 2 decades just fine with the perceived bigger boys. These are statistics I have to bring up to non GT fans. I don't expect to have to do it here.
So you are happy with the status quo, good, glad to get that straight!


Helluva Engineer
Great post! We all have aspects of our jobs that we don't like. I have never understood why some of these guys fight the requirement. Yes, it might be boring/difficult/etc. But it's not going away so why not own it? Guys like Spurrier, Cremins, Valvano to name a few took a 100% opposite approach with the media. )Apparently Pastner does as well).And in doing so, used the media as a tool. This to me is the better approach to a task that is mundane or unpleasant. Of course, Pepper Rogers was the same way. If you have good rapport with the press AND win, you are entertaining. If you have a good relationship with the press and don't win enough, you are flippant and/or irreverent. But if I were a coach, before I acted like Bellichik or Saban at a presser I would make sure that I had their W/L record as well.
In one of my career iterations I was the dreaded consultant to various kinds of business or industry. The one thread that ran through every one of these stops was an almost complete misunderstanding of "the press" and the resulting fear of or disdain for it ... though they knew nothing about it. It is a learned reflex so to speak, until you learn they have obnoxious teenagers, taxes; the same integrity, honor if you will, just in a more public venue. Leaders who learn this lesson then learn to use this lesson. Johnson's personality doesn't bother me as it does some others, but as you note, a little more effort might help. The line from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid applies: "Ask us to stick around. You don't even have to mean it or anything."

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Obviously I just can't let this go. GT is not a 6-6 program historically. Since 2003 we are 113-81. So over the last 15 years we have averaged 7.5 wins a season. Our 113 wins since 2003 is more than schools like Texas A&M, Tennessee, Arkansas, Ole Miss, UCLA & Washington. It is the same amount as South Carolina and that is considered their golden period of football under Spurrier. The 113 wins is 6 wins or fewer behind program like Michigan, Miami, Stanford and Notre Dame. Now imagine Muschamp telling reporters that they shouldn't be expected to beat Clemson beacause if you look at the series history Clemson has always dominated. Or Brian Kelly telling reporters that ND can't compete for championships anymore because it's been 30 years since they've won it and times have changed. Coaches aren't supposed to say things like that and they certainly aren't supposed to give reporters false information on the negative side. Come one guys!!! Why don't we have the same expectations as the programs we have proven to be on level footing with in recent history? Why do we view ourselves on par with the Pudues and Vandy's of the world rather than the programs listed above? I understand resources play a role but they are not the sole determining factor in the success of a program. We have a program that has competed over the last 2 decades just fine with the perceived bigger boys. These are statistics I have to bring up to non GT fans. I don't expect to have to do it here.

Obviously, I just can't let this go.

Imo, you are misrepresenting the context of CPJ's remarks. He did not refer to the average 6-6 back 50 years as part of saying that fans can't expect GT to beat a particular opponent or to suggest that GT is a worse program than the others that you mentioned.

As much as we might expect different from our coach, we should also expect fairness and honesty from our fans.

Fwiw, we've won 113 games over the last 15 years, including 6 Bowl Games during that time. Our 107 reg season wins is 7.1 wins/season.


Helluva Engineer
If my system and coaching ability was ridiculed by the media, saying it will never work at a Power 5 school, it's a high school offense, only scrubs would want to play in that system, players won't be able to go to the NFL from that system, etc. I'd be pissed and gruff with those morons as well.


Helluva Engineer
This!!! Why can’t our coach be more media friendly and savvy to sell our program to recruits like this guy??? If CPJ was more like this guy we could get Bama level talent too damnit!
Don't even compare CPJ to Nick Saban. Saban has those things called National Championships. He can do whatever the hell he wants.


Helluva Engineer
Oh god give me a break. You aren't serious are you? I'm talking big boy national championships
Fine, I mean how many do you have? And let's see, only Meyer, Saban, Fisher and Sweeny are the only active coaches to win a National Championship. Which can we afford? CPJ has more BCS appearances than uga during his time here. With "lesser players" according to star ratings. What do you want? Do you constantly need sunshine blown up your a$$? Why do you hold his failures above his accomplishments? Remember that the years of "HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED" were a hell of a lot more recent than our last Big Boy Bowl prior to CPJ.


Obviously I just can't let this go. GT is not a 6-6 program historically. Since 2003 we are 113-81. So over the last 15 years we have averaged 7.5 wins a season. Our 113 wins since 2003 is more than schools like Texas A&M, Tennessee, Arkansas, Ole Miss, UCLA & Washington. It is the same amount as South Carolina and that is considered their golden period of football under Spurrier. The 113 wins is 6 wins or fewer behind program like Michigan, Miami, Stanford and Notre Dame. Now imagine Muschamp telling reporters that they shouldn't be expected to beat Clemson beacause if you look at the series history Clemson has always dominated. Or Brian Kelly telling reporters that ND can't compete for championships anymore because it's been 30 years since they've won it and times have changed. Coaches aren't supposed to say things like that and they certainly aren't supposed to give reporters false information on the negative side. Come one guys!!! Why don't we have the same expectations as the programs we have proven to be on level footing with in recent history? Why do we view ourselves on par with the Pudues and Vandy's of the world rather than the programs listed above? I understand resources play a role but they are not the sole determining factor in the success of a program. We have a program that has competed over the last 2 decades just fine with the perceived bigger boys. These are statistics I have to bring up to non GT fans. I don't expect to have to do it here.

When is the last time Perdue or Vandy went to the Orange Bowl or equivalent?

Please cite a single quote from CPJ , ever, where he said we can’t compete for championships or don’t strive to. One single solitary quote. Just one.


Helluva Engineer
Would he be able to get those players? Don’t forget Bill Curry coached at Bama...

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Probably not, but I’d say he would get way better players than at GT because of the support and money at Bama. I don’t think he would need those players to win either, give him a class at around 25 nationally and he could do it imo.


Georgia Tech Fan
Kennesaw, GA
Probably not, but I’d say he would get way better players than at GT because of the support and money at Bama. I don’t think he would need those players to win either, give him a class at around 25 nationally and he could do it imo.

Yeah I agree that the resources would be better for sure. And that would certainly help in recruiting.

Hopefully Stansbury is helping both the university and donors see the ROI of athletics program investments. They could still get the same buildings and whatnot on campus, there’d just have to be a commitment from the University that $x of returns from athletics would go toward funding those projects. Not sure Tech would go for that, though.

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