CPJ calls out GT's facilities


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
What's even funnier it MBob said that CPJ had not asked for any improvements and the like. I think MBob might be getting on a real short leash and it's about time. I know this is a small thing but Saturday when we went down for Fan Day, someone had to call a person they knew to get the gates opened so we could park at Peters. This was about 2:30 or so. One of the other folks that was waiting behind me said they were charging $10 at O'Keefe. Don't know if that's true but it was ridiculous to not have the gates opened timely.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
It's kind of funny how we boast 1 in 6 graduates is a millionaire, but we have trouble with raising funds. Then again, we just repaved Ferst street a few weeks back for no good reason. There's money floating around somewhere, but it ain't going to athletics.

There has been ZERO efforts at fund raising except to the major donors for major projects or to try and buyout a coach(es). I've NEVER been contacted by the GTAA since MBOB took over as to fund raising.


Helluva Engineer
Bobinski also said that Johnson has not made a “strong indication to us that he would like more (staff).

LOL...Bobinski is either tone deaf, or is outright just ignoring everything CPJ says. I swear I hear CPJ talk about how understaffed we are, and how we are behind other schools in terms of support staff (recruiting and "quality control") at least several times a year. One of Bobinski's talking points when he took the job and renewed CPJ's contract was making a point to give CPJ/the football team what he needed to succeed in recruiting, but getting more staff doesn't factor into the equation?! As a fan who only hears from CPJ when he talks to media, even I understand that CPJ needs more staff to be competitive with other schools, but Bobinski doesn't? OK...

Not gonna lie, the last 3 years of Bobinski's reign as AD has left me wholly unimpressed. Gregory's contract extension terms (thus increasing a buyout of a coach we ALL knew was toast), his stance that CPJ's contract being renewed for recruiting purposes was overblown then using that excuse to renew CBG's contract, the basketball coaching search debacle, and now saying this? Gotta wonder if Bobinski has Peter Principled the GT AD job.


Weight room got a upgrade but still not on par with the big boys. Locker room not updated since the 90s!?!? Inexcusable. This stuff has 1000x more impact on recruiting than who provides our damn unis.

And yeah....this just further reinforced my opinion that MBOB sucks, isn't providing the athletics programs what we need, and will likely cover his own *** with firings rather than provide the labor to build us up.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Probably due to the fact that only 1 in 6 GT graduates actually care about athletics.

Is the corollary that less than 1 in 6 in the administration care about athletics?

For GT as a business, we live and die with GTRI and the federal grants. Used to be something like $600M a year. I don't know what it is now.

We just had some Canadian relatives at the house for a week. The father asks, "How do you get smart people to play football for you?" Having great facilities helps because we already have a big enough problem since you can't come to GT and major in football.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Maybe CPJ could make a big donation for the weight room??? Would be a win-win for him. Tax deductible donation and would help with recruiting!


Helluva Engineer
I'm torn on this issue because I am a big CPJ fan and I like MBob too. We clearly need more upgrades to the locker room and weight room. That being said we just spent tons of $ on the indoor facility, we completely redid the team meeting room and it is now one of the nicest in the country. We are spending big $ upgrading the scoreboard and video board to 4K Ultra HD and we just re-did the entire field at coaches request. I think MBob gets a bad rap because we really are financially tight. My issue is more above MBob with Bud and the admin allowing more $ to go to athletics.


Helluva Engineer
Weight room got a upgrade but still not on par with the big boys. Locker room not updated since the 90s!?!?

how is that possible when we redid the locker room as part of BDS renovation....or is this referring to the weight room locker room?

we have money to make more improvements. The school doesn't help the AA like other places either. That is just simply a philosophy of GT.

Lets take a step back and look at reality in the past 10 years or so:

BDS expansion, locker room redo, players lounge
Indoor practice facility (partially funded by donation)
team meeting room is ridiculously nice, the falcons isn't that nice
minor weight room upgrade
New basketball arena (partial donation)
new track/tennis center
new softball field
baseball field update/renovations
new basketball practice gym

for a place with no money that is surely alot going on? I mean, where I come from when you say you have no money to do anything for the past decade like we have...then nothing gets done. So what gives? Simple. We flat out love to look poor to our fanbase. We love it. We are a whiney ***** school.

I think the issue is "GT has no money for bowling alleys, theaters, waterfall masseuse lounges etc" and that would be true. Because GT doesn't want to cross that line for athletics. And that is pauls point. We will never do that or have the money for that. Talk to the guy in person. Its not the meat and potatoes...he is referring to the ridiculous arms race that is becoming football facilities

GT DOES have the money to hire more program assistants and it should....our budget is 2x what it was just a few years ago. So lets be totally real here, we can do more, and its not all on Bob. Part of this is on the school and the board and freeing up funds to help athletics even more...But to add 300k to the budget to hire 2-3 more admins...we can float that...

Blumpkin Souffle

Bidly Biddington III
how is that possible when we redid the locker room as part of BDS renovation....or is this referring to the weight room locker room?

we have money to make more improvements. The school doesn't help the AA like other places either. That is just simply a philosophy of GT.

Lets take a step back and look at reality in the past 10 years or so:

BDS expansion, locker room redo, players lounge
Indoor practice facility (partially funded by donation)
team meeting room is ridiculously nice, the falcons isn't that nice
minor weight room upgrade
New basketball arena (partial donation)
new track/tennis center
new softball field
baseball field update/renovations
new basketball practice gym

for a place with no money that is surely alot going on? I mean, where I come from when you say you have no money to do anything for the past decade like we have...then nothing gets done. So what gives? Simple. We flat out love to look poor to our fanbase. We love it. We are a whiney ***** school.

I think the issue is "GT has no money for bowling alleys, theaters, waterfall masseuse lounges etc" and that would be true. Because GT doesn't want to cross that line for athletics. And that is pauls point. We will never do that or have the money for that. Talk to the guy in person. Its not the meat and potatoes...he is referring to the ridiculous arms race that is becoming football facilities

GT DOES have the money to hire more program assistants and it should....our budget is 2x what it was just a few years ago. So lets be totally real here, we can do more, and its not all on Bob. Part of this is on the school and the board and freeing up funds to help athletics even more...But to add 300k to the budget to hire 2-3 more admins...we can float that...
Most of those upgrades were financed on credit though.

I know we like to throw around the 1 in 6 graduates are millionaires narrative, but I don't ever recall seeing anything to back this up. Maybe 1:6 will make a million dollars in their lifetime, which isn't actually that much even if you neglect inflation.


Helluva Engineer
CPJ making excuses does not sit well with me. Tells me the end is near for him as our head coach. Leaders don't make excuses.

Go Jackets!
I never will understand what exactly makes one statement a good point and another an "excuse." Seems to me to say more about the point of view of the person commenting on the statement than the actual statement itself.

"Why aren't you an Olympic wrestler?"
"Well, I was only born with one arm."
"Stop making excuses!"