The link that you referenced states the opposite of your assertion by the way.
Guess you really can't read with comprehension.
- If you are found to be infected with a common coronavirus (229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1), that does not mean you are infected with the 2019 novel coronavirus.
- There are different tests to determine if you are infected with 2019 novel coronavirus. Your healthcare provider can determine if you should be tested.
But with covid-19 testing, you can only have a common cold, and render a positive covid-19 test.
Additional COVID-19 Questions - Penn Medicine
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, doctors and researchers are learning more about the COVID-19 and getting additional questions from patients.
"Since COVID-19 tests are new, knowing the accuracy is challenging. The accuracy and predictive values of SARS-CoV-2 testing have not been evaluated, and the accuracy of testing depends on which test is used, the type of specimen tested, how it was collected and the duration of illness."
My reason behind the statement is the possibility. The CDC and Penn Medicine statements do not counter that at all.
And just look at the numbers and charts again. Every metric in Georgia is trending down.
COVID-19 Status Report
These data represent confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported to the Georgia Department of Public Health.