Coronavirus Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2897
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Augusta, GA
You assume our experts should have every answer for every disease or pandemic that comes their way. Science isn't perfect, and understanding of new diseases and infections come with time and trial and error. We are all learning about this in real time. A lot of "contrary" stuff some on here seem to bring up isn't exactly what was said, but interpreted to fit certain the "people shouldn't wear masks" narrative some are bringing up with respect to Fauci, which obviously was false.

You also have to understand that the CDC is trying to serve two masters when they should only be worried about one...actual science. Even a blind person can see who the other master they're trying to appease is, and it's taking away from the CDC's mission. The CDC has made mistakes, but their mistakes are being compounded because they are also hamstrung by political machinations. I am good friends with people that work for the CDC and they are some of the most brilliant and objective people I know who are intensely proud of their work and their mission. Unfortunately, they are not being heard nor are they being given the tools they need.

You can believe what you wish, and as I have stated before, I will believe science, experts, and common sense over some random guy on a messageboard.
I can't disagree with your first paragraph, but the second one is pure BS. They have been proven to be a mostly inept bureaucratic organization that doesn't appear to know crap. Just like with any organization of any kind, there are good people working for them and terrible managers who thwart their good efforts. The FBI is a great example of that, as is Congress.

Deleted member 2897

Dr. Fauci is at it again. Dr. Gloom and Doom stated a couple days ago that COVID-19 could reach the Spanish Flu level of pandemic. On a population adjusted basis, that would be like 2.1 million Americans dying of COVID-19. We've been averaging about 28,000 deaths per month so far. At that rate the virus would have continue at the current mortality level for 6 more years. This guy is a real piece of work.


Helluva Engineer
Dr. Fauci is at it again. Dr. Gloom and Doom stated a couple days ago that COVID-19 could reach the Spanish Flu level of pandemic. On a population adjusted basis, that would be like 2.1 million Americans dying of COVID-19. We've been averaging about 28,000 deaths per month so far. At that rate the virus would have continue at the current mortality level for 6 more years. This guy is a real piece of work.

Here is the actual quote:

"If you look at the magnitude of the 1918 pandemic where anywhere from 50 to 75 to 100 million people globally died, that was the mother of all pandemics and truly historic. I hope we don't even approach that with [COVID-19] but it does have the makings of, the possibility of approaching that in seriousness."

Deleted member 2897

Here is the actual quote:

"If you look at the magnitude of the 1918 pandemic where anywhere from 50 to 75 to 100 million people globally died, that was the mother of all pandemics and truly historic. I hope we don't even approach that with [COVID-19] but it does have the makings of, the possibility of approaching that in seriousness."

I know what his quote was, I just read it. Thats why I just posted my most recent comment, LOLOL He said he can’t deny the fact that COVID-19 could reach that level.

I mean sure, it’s possible. But I’d put the odds at well under 1%. Even if our death rate doubles and we get no vaccine and no immunity and no advancement in medicines, it would still take 3 years to reach that level.
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Helluva Engineer
Death rate in Georgia is down to 2.3%. Yesterday was 2.4%.
Hospitalization rate down to 10.9% Yesterday was 11.6%.

But ya know...agenda

The hospitalization rate is down, but as of Wednesday excepting emergencies they're turning away people from the two hospitals in Athens. No more beds.


Helluva Engineer
Death rate in Georgia is down to 2.3%. Yesterday was 2.4%.
Hospitalization rate down to 10.9% Yesterday was 11.6%.

But ya know...agenda

Calculating the death rate by dividing the total number of reported deaths in Georgia divided by the total number of confirmed cases in Georgia is highly likely to have day to day changes based on when cases are reported and when deaths are reported. I wouldn't take the day to day changes as anything of significance.

The hospitalization rate that you list is based of of hospitalizations that the info box states are not accurate.
This number includes the confirmed COVID-19 cases that were hospitalized at the time the case was reported to DPH or when the case was interviewed. This number does not capture hospitalizations that occur after a confirmed case was reported and, as such, is likely an underestimation of actual hospitalizations. It does not represent the number of COVID-19 cases currently hospitalized.

The state website lists cases and deaths on the day that symptoms first occur or the day the death occurs. That gives a more accurate picture of what happened, but doesn't give an accurate picture of what is happening now. The AJC dashboard shows the data both on the day of symptoms/death and on day of reporting. Listing by day of report can give an insight into current trends, but it also isn't accurate because it can have spikes and valleys that can be alarmist.

TLDR: There is no data that is accurate enough to provide a day-to-day analysis of how things are trending. You either have to look at data two weeks ago to see what actually happened then, or look at rough data that doesn't correlate to the time frame it is reported.


Helluva Engineer
Death rate in Georgia is down to 2.3%. Yesterday was 2.4%.
Hospitalization rate down to 10.9% Yesterday was 11.6%.

But ya know...agenda
The 7 day moving average for cases in Georgia is the highest it has ever been. The number of current hospitalizations for Covid in Georgia is the highest it has ever been. 84% of ICU beds are currently occupied in Georgia. You think we should ignore all of that because the overall death rate since the start of the pandemic went down .1%?


Helluva Engineer
White House Task force report says 18 states in coronavirus 'red zone' should roll back reopening

From the article:
The following 18 states are in the red zone for cases: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.

The report says the following 11 states are in the red zone for test positivity: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Texas, Washington. The 11 states in the red zone for test positivity are also in the red zone for cases, with the exception of Washington state.


Helluva Engineer
I know what his quote was, I just read it. Thats why I just posted my most recent comment, LOLOL He said he can’t deny the fact that COVID-19 could reach that level.

I mean sure, it’s possible. But I’d put the odds at well under 1%. Even if our death rate doubles and we get no vaccine and no immunity and no advancement in medicines, it would still take 3 years to reach that level.
So what you’re saying is you know he didn’t say it so you said it for him? And people complain about the media?

Deleted member 2897

So what you’re saying is you know he didn’t say it so you said it for him? And people complain about the media?

Didn’t say what? I’m laughing at his published comments. I’m not laughing about something he didn’t say.
Augusta, GA
The mayor of Atlanta took Governor Kemp to task for not consulting the staff at Emory University and instead consulting the staff at Augusta University. Granted Emory is prestigious world-wide, but Augusta University happens to be the home of the Medical College of Georgia (founded in 1828), and the staff there are no slouches either. Once again Mayor Bottoms displays her total ignorance.


Helluva Engineer
White House Task force report says 18 states in coronavirus 'red zone' should roll back reopening

From the article:
The following 18 states are in the red zone for cases: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.

The report says the following 11 states are in the red zone for test positivity: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Texas, Washington. The 11 states in the red zone for test positivity are also in the red zone for cases, with the exception of Washington state.

I don't like the way that article is worded. "roll back reopening" sounds a lot like shutting down again. The recommendations in the document for Georgia are to close bars and gyms, requires separation in restaurants, and limit gatherings to 10 people. But it only recommends that in counties with a greater than 10% positive test rate for seven continuous days. That would be about 60% of the counties in Georgia. It would be the majority of the population because all of the metro-Atlanta counties are on the list.

I have stated before that I don't like the term "reopening" because it makes the situation more political. Discussing adding/removing restrictions/limitations doesn't carry the political connotations that "shutting down" and "reopening" do. I would contend that we never actually "shut down", and that we never actually "reopened". "Shut Down" makes it sound like we all sheltered in bunkers, and the power, water, and food supply was turned off. "Reopened" makes it sound like people went back to exactly the way things were before the "shut down". None of that is accurate.

I also don't know how the Center for Public Integrity, which is a mostly liberal organization, got the document. They don't explain on their website how they got it (confidential source, FOIA, etc.), so the validity and/or accuracy of the document is difficult to assess.

Deleted member 2897

White House Task force report says 18 states in coronavirus 'red zone' should roll back reopening

From the article:
The following 18 states are in the red zone for cases: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.

The report says the following 11 states are in the red zone for test positivity: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Texas, Washington. The 11 states in the red zone for test positivity are also in the red zone for cases, with the exception of Washington state.

Time to disband the task force. It’s not something being open that is the problem - it is people’s behavior.


Helluva Engineer
Sounds to me like rolling it back.

What "reopening" exactly is suggested to be "rolled back".

My point is that MSN wrote the article with terminology the excites liberals and infuriates conservatives. I don't describe myself as either. I just see this as a liberal news organization pandering to it's audience. Does MSN want to provide information to an informed public to assist society, or do they want to incite arguments between "their side" and the "other side"? I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that question, I just think it is pitiful that both "sides" would rather incite and complain about the other "side" rather than have constructive discussions.
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