Coronavirus Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2897
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Helluva Engineer
Things seem to be chilling out down here in Florida despite the media antics. We’ll probably peak 17-19k cases on the Saturday tally & after that Florida will start to taper off. Even South Florida has tipped over & is on the downhill slide. Tampa, Orlando & Jacksonville are all in solid shape. I honestly thought we’d be flailing for another month, but today’s & this week’s numbers were very encouraging.
Florida reported the second highest number of cases they ever have today and the highest number of deaths they have ever had in a day. How is that encouraging? What am I missing?
Augusta, GA


Helluva Engineer
Well that’s because 2 weeks ago Dr. Fauci thought we’d grow to 100,000 cases per day. We’ve only gotten halfway from where we were, so it would make sense to peak here LOL.

This is what Dr. Fauci actually said:

"I would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 [cases] a day if this does not turn around and so I am very concerned."


Helluva Engineer
There is nothing about flu rates for the period of 11/19-7/20. Although 2/20-7/20 would probably be the more interesting number.

agreed, those would be better numbers. But, if these numbers are correct, and I don’t know if they are or not, but if they are, then should we shut down the country, close schools, stop sports, for something that is less dangerous than the flu?


Helluva Engineer
So which opinion by which "dedicated" person are you going to believe this week. You do realize, I hope, that virtually every single one of them is now saying things totally contrary to what they said 6 months ago, and sometimes even last week. And which data is correct, when you look at something like HCQ, that was lambasted by some as totally ineffective and deadly, when that was not the truth at all, as recently borne out by REAL studies, and not biased ones. Redfield is head of the CDC, and yet the CDC has bungled the entire crisis from its start. It sounds to me like you are picking and choosing whom and what you believe. I repeat, based on just about everything else that has happened in the past 6 months, that Redfield is grossly exaggerating the efficacy of face masks.

You assume our experts should have every answer for every disease or pandemic that comes their way. Science isn't perfect, and understanding of new diseases and infections come with time and trial and error. We are all learning about this in real time. A lot of "contrary" stuff some on here seem to bring up isn't exactly what was said, but interpreted to fit certain the "people shouldn't wear masks" narrative some are bringing up with respect to Fauci, which obviously was false.

You also have to understand that the CDC is trying to serve two masters when they should only be worried about one...actual science. Even a blind person can see who the other master they're trying to appease is, and it's taking away from the CDC's mission. The CDC has made mistakes, but their mistakes are being compounded because they are also hamstrung by political machinations. I am good friends with people that work for the CDC and they are some of the most brilliant and objective people I know who are intensely proud of their work and their mission. Unfortunately, they are not being heard nor are they being given the tools they need.

You can believe what you wish, and as I have stated before, I will believe science, experts, and common sense over some random guy on a messageboard.


Helluva Engineer
agreed, those would be better numbers. But, if these numbers are correct, and I don’t know if they are or not, but if they are, then should we shut down the country, close schools, stop sports, for something that is less dangerous than the flu?
It depends on if you are concerned at all about the current surging cases, surging hospitalizations, and surging deaths in the state. Texas wasn't doing bad at all around the beginning of June, even with some of their questionable numbers. Daily cases have gone from around 1000 on average to somewhere around 8-9000 on average. Deaths have gone from mid to high 30's to over 100 in a day. They have requested refrigerated trucks to hold dead bodies because the hospital morgues are full. If numbers had stayed where they were before or improved we likely wouldn't be talking about closing anything. They didn't, they drastically went the other direction.


You assume our experts should have every answer for every disease or pandemic that comes their way. Science isn't perfect, and understanding of new diseases and infections come with time and trial and error. We are all learning about this in real time. A lot of "contrary" stuff some on here seem to bring up isn't exactly what was said, but interpreted to fit certain the "people shouldn't wear masks" narrative some are bringing up with respect to Fauci, which obviously was false.

You also have to understand that the CDC is trying to serve two masters when they should only be worried about one...actual science. Even a blind person can see who the other master they're trying to appease is, and it's taking away from the CDC's mission. The CDC has made mistakes, but their mistakes are being compounded because they are also hamstrung by political machinations. I am good friends with people that work for the CDC and they are some of the most brilliant and objective people I know who are intensely proud of their work and their mission. Unfortunately, they are not being heard nor are they being given the tools they need.

You can believe what you wish, and as I have stated before, I will believe science, experts, and common sense over some random guy on a messageboard.
You are correct about Fauci’s comments in February & March of this year. He clearly stated the N95 masks needed to be conserved for medical professionals and discouraged people from hoarding leaving the hospitals empty & vulnerable. He was right then & he’s right now about the masks.

Below is CDC funding. It got cut from 2012-2016, The actual budget got increased starting in 2017 and has been rising. This year may be an anomaly & the data chucked out, but eliminating duplicative high level government positions and consolidating them so resources go less to the C suite & more to the people doing the work is the right move. If CDC does not have resources it’s because incompetent CDC management squandered the hard earned dollars we all gave them aided and abetted by incompetent political fools that are adored on here.

Vote for some more of the fools that got us into this mess in November. It’s just what we need. We’ll raise taxes, hire double the amount of career imbeciles to sit in a cube and produce meaningless charts and reports, then never execute any of what they produced despite getting billions.



Helluva Engineer
Fredericksburg, Virginia
You assume our experts should have every answer for every disease or pandemic that comes their way. Science isn't perfect, and understanding of new diseases and infections come with time and trial and error. We are all learning about this in real time. A lot of "contrary" stuff some on here seem to bring up isn't exactly what was said, but interpreted to fit certain the "people shouldn't wear masks" narrative some are bringing up with respect to Fauci, which obviously was false.

You also have to understand that the CDC is trying to serve two masters when they should only be worried about one...actual science. Even a blind person can see who the other master they're trying to appease is, and it's taking away from the CDC's mission. The CDC has made mistakes, but their mistakes are being compounded because they are also hamstrung by political machinations. I am good friends with people that work for the CDC and they are some of the most brilliant and objective people I know who are intensely proud of their work and their mission. Unfortunately, they are not being heard nor are they being given the tools they need.

You can believe what you wish, and as I have stated before, I will believe science, experts, and common sense over some random guy on a messageboard.
I'll admit I was guilty of this yesterday...& I should have been more precise...but certainly not to fit any narrative. I feel compelled to push back specifically there. I was wrong to "name" Fauci when talking about the initial Feb/Mar government recommendation to not wear masks. His name came up and I repeated it to make my point about the government's initial recommendations. You're right on with the contrary stuff that comes out & I agree it is the nature of 'learning'. The problem is "keeping up"... when things change AND they are a bit ambiguous/contradictory. I wear a mask... have for several months now. I think I explained how my interpretation of the don't wear a mask thing didn't feel right in Feb/Mar because logically a mask would help prevent spread (I thought). The end result (for me) was a delay in getting onboard because the authorities said no need (initially). In hindsight, I should have interpreted it as "not yet" instead of "no need".

Deleted member 2897

I'll admit I was guilty of this yesterday...& I should have been more precise...but certainly not to fit any narrative. I feel compelled to push back specifically there. I was wrong to "name" Fauci when talking about the initial Feb/Mar government recommendation to not wear masks. His name came up and I repeated it to make my point about the government's initial recommendations. You're right on with the contrary stuff that comes out & I agree it is the nature of 'learning'. The problem is "keeping up"... when things change AND they are a bit ambiguous/contradictory. I wear a mask... have for several months now. I think I explained how my interpretation of the don't wear a mask thing didn't feel right in Feb/Mar because logically a mask would help prevent spread (I thought). The end result (for me) was a delay in getting onboard because the authorities said no need (initially). In hindsight, I should have interpreted it as "not yet" instead of "no need".

Back then the Surgeon General pleaded with people not to wear masks. He said they didn’t do anything. They said we shouldn’t stop international travel or shut down. We could keep going on.

The lower level CDC employers are like teachers and most other professions - they are not the problem. It’s the administration and management level. Of all the times in the last few generations, now was the time for the CDC and FDA to shine. And we got crickets. They were sure masks did nothing. Their testing requirements and regulations put us months behind. And so on.


Helluva Engineer
You are correct about Fauci’s comments in February & March of this year. He clearly stated the N95 masks needed to be conserved for medical professionals and discouraged people from hoarding leaving the hospitals empty & vulnerable. He was right then & he’s right now about the masks.

Below is CDC funding. It got cut from 2012-2016, The actual budget got increased starting in 2017 and has been rising. This year may be an anomaly & the data chucked out, but eliminating duplicative high level government positions and consolidating them so resources go less to the C suite & more to the people doing the work is the right move. If CDC does not have resources it’s because incompetent CDC management squandered the hard earned dollars we all gave them aided and abetted by incompetent political fools that are adored on here.

Vote for some more of the fools that got us into this mess in November. It’s just what we need. We’ll raise taxes, hire double the amount of career imbeciles to sit in a cube and produce meaningless charts and reports, then never execute any of what they produced despite getting billions.

The devil, as always, is in the details. I won't get political, but it's good for all sides to understand the machinations of the political process that goes into funding organizations within the government:

Therein is the problem. Our politicians need to be honest and upfront with the public. This goes for all sides of the aisle as that article shows. It's not as simple printing a graph claiming one side or the other is at fault, or should get credit. Cato, a notoriously Libertarian slanted organization, even hints at some less than forthcoming dealings within our government.

At the end of the day, we owe it to ourselves to be informed and make the best decisions from there. Unfortunately, we are not currently getting that with the people that represent us...that's all sides of the aisle.

Deleted member 2897

The devil, as always, is in the details. I won't get political, but it's good for all sides to understand the machinations of the political process that goes into funding organizations within the government:

Therein is the problem. Our politicians need to be honest and upfront with the public. This goes for all sides of the aisle as that article shows. It's not as simple printing a graph claiming one side or the other is at fault, or should get credit. Cato, a notoriously Libertarian slanted organization, even hints at some less than forthcoming dealings within our government.

At the end of the day, we owe it to ourselves to be informed and make the best decisions from there. Unfortunately, we are not currently getting that with the people that represent us...that's all sides of the aisle.

My big beef is that when organizations like the CDC and the FDA have $10B - $30B budgets, the executive leadership should be competent enough to ensure a couple percent of that each year is spent on emergency stockpiles. They should be competent enough to have a plan for when a pandemic breaks out how do you ramp testing and PPE. During the swine flu the CDC shut testing completely off. Their stockpile has never been managed well. So we know their incompetence crosses administrations. We’ve got to figure out how to get competent leaders in there who will actually do their job and fulfill their charter.


Helluva Engineer
At the end of the day, we owe it to ourselves to be informed and make the best decisions from there. Unfortunately, we are not currently getting that with the people that represent us...that's all sides of the aisle.
On this we are in violent agreement!


The devil, as always, is in the details. I won't get political, but it's good for all sides to understand the machinations of the political process that goes into funding organizations within the government:

Therein is the problem. Our politicians need to be honest and upfront with the public. This goes for all sides of the aisle as that article shows. It's not as simple printing a graph claiming one side or the other is at fault, or should get credit. Cato, a notoriously Libertarian slanted organization, even hints at some less than forthcoming dealings within our government.

At the end of the day, we owe it to ourselves to be informed and make the best decisions from there. Unfortunately, we are not currently getting that with the people that represent us...that's all sides of the aisle.
Completely agree. You really have to care to spend the time to get to the truth because we got so many people lying it’s hard to determine if there’s a single honest person in the entire bunch. It became fashionable in the 90’s, they honed their skills at the turn of the century and became masters of political mumblespeak in the last decade. People seem to like these bastards smiling to us, being dismissive of legitimate questions, etc while they deny, delay, etc what we damn we’ll know they’re doing just can’t ever get enough ammo to put them in jail. The whole of DC is rotten and the faster we disembowel them the better.
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