The devil, as always, is in the details. I won't get political, but it's good for all sides to understand the machinations of the political process that goes into funding organizations within the government:
Democrats have criticized President Donald Trump for his administration's response to the new coronavirus, making claims about cuts to public health programs and the silencing of government experts. But they haven’t always gotten their facts right.
Did President Trump try to cut the Centers for Disease Control's budget amid the COVID-19 crisis as Democrats claim? An ABC News analysis.
Therein is the problem. Our politicians need to be honest and upfront with the public. This goes for all sides of the aisle as that article shows. It's not as simple printing a graph claiming one side or the other is at fault, or should get credit. Cato, a notoriously Libertarian slanted organization, even hints at some less than forthcoming dealings within our government.
At the end of the day, we owe it to ourselves to be informed and make the best decisions from there. Unfortunately, we are not currently getting that with the people that represent us...that's all sides of the aisle.