Coronavirus Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2897
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Deleted member 2897

23 of the 28 Clemson football players who returned for practice have now tested positive. By mid-summer, their entire team will probably be in the free and clear.


23 of the 28 Clemson football players who returned for practice have now tested positive. By mid-summer, their entire team will probably be in the free and clear.
Does that mean they will kick our butts worse than usual? how bad was it last year?


Helluva Engineer

Not that I’m going to watch a 40 minute video with one of those stupid change my mind topics attached to it but it is pretty obvious that cases are being overcounted in some places and undercounted in others. Which you think is more prevalent and is affecting numbers more is almost entirely based on your political preference and not any real evidence.


Helluva Engineer
Some tend to forget that this virus (and all viruses) doesn't give a d@mn who you are, what you do, or what race/sex you are:

If we don't have sports this fall it's because we're a bunch of selfish idiots who can't follow social distancing, wear mask in public, and avoid large close contact gatherings indoors (looking at you bar/club people).


Helluva Engineer
Our country has become the third world country other nations avoid because we can't get our sh!t together:


Deleted member 2897

Our country has become the third world country other nations avoid because we can't get our sh!t together:

You think cruise ships should be operating right now? A month ago? 2 months ago? No way. Consistent CDC guidance dictates that industry should be shut down until further notice. Not sure why the hate towards our country - it feels like you’re confusing things here. 3,000 people indoors crammed into a tiny petri dish makes no sense. It barely does outside of a pandemic LOL.

Deleted member 2897

Some tend to forget that this virus (and all viruses) doesn't give a d@mn who you are, what you do, or what race/sex you are:

If we don't have sports this fall it's because we're a bunch of selfish idiots who can't follow social distancing, wear mask in public, and avoid large close contact gatherings indoors (looking at you bar/club people).

I’m not necessarily advocating this myself, but you could make a defensible argument that the best path towards having sports this fall is to have the athletes all get the disease and then therefore now have immunity. That demographic (young fit people) has basically a zero risk of death compared to many other random risks.

Deleted member 2897

If we don't have sports this fall it's because we're a bunch of selfish idiots who can't follow social distancing, wear mask in public, and avoid large close contact gatherings indoors (looking at you bar/club people).

I should have also replied to this point in more detail. I mean, you are so right with the overarching point - it takes so little to wear a mask and not be on top of people. It’s just really sad. I remember being flabbergasted at how nationwide we were seeing 30,000 new cases per day even when we were all shut down. Those numbers apparently didn’t sink in to people with just how contagious this virus is. Our cases here in S.C. are over 1,000/day right now and we were at 200/day 3 weeks ago. Based on what I’m seeing and reading in the numbers, the only way we avoid overfilling hospitals in a couple weeks is if 90% of the new cases are 20 and 30 year olds. I guess we will see. It just amazes me how many people act carelessly. MUSC is the big teaching hospital here and in 10 days they went from 7 COVID-19 patients to 23 currently. They are 1 of 5 main hospitals in the area.


Helluva Engineer
You think cruise ships should be operating right now? A month ago? 2 months ago? No way. Consistent CDC guidance dictates that industry should be shut down until further notice. Not sure why the hate towards our country - it feels like you’re confusing things here. 3,000 people indoors crammed into a tiny petri dish makes no sense. It barely does outside of a pandemic LOL.

Serious question: Do you actually read the stuff you write? When you reference something, do you actually read it before you reference it?

Highest Risk: On-site dining with both indoor and outdoor seating. Seating capacity not reduced and tables not spaced at least 6 feet apart.

Restaurants and bars that allow dine in and no social distancing are considered the highest risk categories. If we were going by the "CDC guidelines" you're holding up to defend cruise ships avoiding the US like the plague, restaurant and bars shouldn't be operating at full capacity. But here we are, the country full of idiots packing bars and restaurants like nothing is happening. Idiot governors fully opening these places and immediately they're becoming centers of for super spreaders.

CDC ban of cruise ship:

The extended Order is in effect until one of the following occurs:
  • The Secretary of Health and Human Services’ declares that COVID-19 no longer constitutes a public health emergency, or
  • The CDC Director rescinds or modifies the order based on specific public health or other considerations, or
  • 100 days have passed from April 15, the date the extended order was published in the Federal Registerexternal icon and went into effect. 100 days from April 15 is July 24.
Basically, the earliest one of the above occurs is when Cruise line are allowed to operate in the US. That the Cruise industry self banned themselves for TWO additional months out from the earliest date the CDC allows operations tells you how much of a joke our handling of this virus has become. It's not like the United States is a small country with small population that barely contributes to the Cruise line industry...the United States is the golden goose. What does it tell you when an industry VOLUNTEERS to cut off their golden goose?

Also, by CDC standards, Disney is a high risk business...but guess who's opening for business?

Deleted member 2897

Serious question: Do you actually read the stuff you write? When you reference something, do you actually read it before you reference it?

Highest Risk: On-site dining with both indoor and outdoor seating. Seating capacity not reduced and tables not spaced at least 6 feet apart.

Restaurants and bars that allow dine in and no social distancing are considered the highest risk categories. If we were going by the "CDC guidelines" you're holding up to defend cruise ships avoiding the US like the plague, restaurant and bars shouldn't be operating at full capacity. But here we are, the country full of idiots packing bars and restaurants like nothing is happening. Idiot governors fully opening these places and immediately they're becoming centers of for super spreaders.

CDC ban of cruise ship:

The extended Order is in effect until one of the following occurs:
  • The Secretary of Health and Human Services’ declares that COVID-19 no longer constitutes a public health emergency, or
  • The CDC Director rescinds or modifies the order based on specific public health or other considerations, or
  • 100 days have passed from April 15, the date the extended order was published in the Federal Registerexternal icon and went into effect. 100 days from April 15 is July 24.
Basically, the earliest one of the above occurs is when Cruise line are allowed to operate in the US. That the Cruise industry self banned themselves for TWO additional months out from the earliest date the CDC allows operations tells you how much of a joke our handling of this virus has become. It's not like the United States is a small country with small population that barely contributes to the Cruise line industry...the United States is the golden goose. What does it tell you when an industry VOLUNTEERS to cut off their golden goose?

Also, by CDC standards, Disney is a high risk business...but guess who's opening for business?

Speaking of not reading, that was exactly my point. I’m not sure how you missed it. But that’s exactly what I said - cruise ships are like bars and restaurants on steroids. And yes, bars and restaurants are not supposed to be operating at full capacity, if they can’t properly distance their patrons.

Thanks for your usual misplaced condescension.


Helluva Engineer
Speaking of not reading, that was exactly my point. I’m not sure how you missed it. But that’s exactly what I said - cruise ships are like bars and restaurants on steroids. And yes, bars and restaurants are not supposed to be operating at full capacity, if they can’t properly distance their patrons.

Thanks for your usual misplaced condescension.

LOL, sure...
Augusta, GA
Serious question: Do you actually read the stuff you write? When you reference something, do you actually read it before you reference it?

Highest Risk: On-site dining with both indoor and outdoor seating. Seating capacity not reduced and tables not spaced at least 6 feet apart.

Restaurants and bars that allow dine in and no social distancing are considered the highest risk categories. If we were going by the "CDC guidelines" you're holding up to defend cruise ships avoiding the US like the plague, restaurant and bars shouldn't be operating at full capacity. But here we are, the country full of idiots packing bars and restaurants like nothing is happening. Idiot governors fully opening these places and immediately they're becoming centers of for super spreaders.

CDC ban of cruise ship:

The extended Order is in effect until one of the following occurs:
  • The Secretary of Health and Human Services’ declares that COVID-19 no longer constitutes a public health emergency, or
  • The CDC Director rescinds or modifies the order based on specific public health or other considerations, or
  • 100 days have passed from April 15, the date the extended order was published in the Federal Registerexternal icon and went into effect. 100 days from April 15 is July 24.
Basically, the earliest one of the above occurs is when Cruise line are allowed to operate in the US. That the Cruise industry self banned themselves for TWO additional months out from the earliest date the CDC allows operations tells you how much of a joke our handling of this virus has become. It's not like the United States is a small country with small population that barely contributes to the Cruise line industry...the United States is the golden goose. What does it tell you when an industry VOLUNTEERS to cut off their golden goose?

Also, by CDC standards, Disney is a high risk business...but guess who's opening for business?
What did you just write that differs from what @bwelbo said?


Helluva Engineer
So if cruise ships can't operate, why are planes still in the air??? And yes I know masks are required, but have you noticed how poorly masks fit people and they dont care?


Helluva Engineer
I’m glad you’re capable of deciding what everyone else should do.

In the mean time us morons down here in Florida are going to keep doing what we’re doing:

A. Nursing homes are on lockdown
B. Frail & sick people are quarantining as well as the very old who are most at risk
C. If you’re otherwise healthy & feel sick, you stay home until you feel better
D. We wash our hands, wear face masks when in tight company of others
E. The folks in Miami are not opening back up like the rest of the state
F. We’re discouraging Yankees from invading our Great State

We’ve Almost completely wiped out the flu, we managed to take a significant cut out of hospital deaths from stuff like heart attacks somehow (draw your own conclusion), etc. We have basically the same rate of hospitalization and deaths since March when our semi-nutless Governor folded like a cheap tent and closed down the state as when we opened up for full business over a month ago.

My Mother-in-law has been self-quarantined now for 3 months and there’s no sign of her coming our of lockdown. We run groceries for her, pick up prescriptions, face time & she has a small cadre of friends who hang out that all are similarly self-isolating. It’s really not that hard & it’s called personal choice. I’ve got workers still quarantined at home because it’s not safe enough for them to come to work. We’re managing around it until they can safely return. All 1k+ Team Members don’t need to stay at home because I have 12 high risk Team Members. We don’t need some government lackey to mandate actions, we’re monitoring events as they unfold & acting accordingly. So should everyone else.
The most important line of this is the last one. I’m not worried about opening the economy and do what I feel comfortable doing and avoid situations where I don’t. But what screws up that approach are idiots.

Deleted member 2897

So if cruise ships can't operate, why are planes still in the air??? And yes I know masks are required, but have you noticed how poorly masks fit people and they dont care?

I don’t think government should shut things down. People should just avoid it. Airline travel is down 95%, which makes sense.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
......... We won’t likely ever know how many deaths we’re over counting and how many we’re missing. They might cancel each other out. They might be grossly imbalanced one way or the other. But we’re certainly not counting things accurately according to our best ability to be accurate about it.

Agree, which is why I do the excess death look every two weeks. First "facts" and then opinion. Previous background at

The total number of COVID deaths reported as of 6/19 and through the week of 6/13 is 105,215. And looking at the weekly "excess" deaths over average, it appears that COVID is only part of the excess deaths. Could be under reporting of COVID or could be something else.
Good news is the % of COVID deaths to total deaths reported to date is going down (through 6/6).

Notice that the % of total deaths from COVID peaked at 16% in a week and is declining. So when we were quarantining, we only got 16% more than usual deaths. Mostly old and otherwise health compromised people. (tic as black lives and all lives matter)


Now here is my projection once all the death certificates are in. The excess deaths will increase to about 185K through the week ending 6/6. Good news again is the weekly excess deaths through 6/6 were trending down too.

Now for the opinion. I think we are going to see an increase in the coming months. I'll post every other week with updates (probably). I wish that people would respect one another by wearing masks and social distancing as practical. It isn't happening where I live in this southern Virginia area I live in all areas. Where I work (with the Navy) it is fabulous, but go to the local hardware store or lower end grocery store and many people don't have masks. Go to the upper end grocery stores (Whole Foods, Harris Teeter) and most people have masks.

Empires fall from within and the American empire is on it's death bed. The US is so fractured and broke that we can't even agree on common decency, in masks or other areas. It's not China's fault or anyone else's but our own.

Deleted member 2897

Agree, which is why I do the excess death look every two weeks. First "facts" and then opinion. Previous background at

The total number of COVID deaths reported as of 6/19 and through the week of 6/13 is 105,215. And looking at the weekly "excess" deaths over average, it appears that COVID is only part of the excess deaths. Could be under reporting of COVID or could be something else.
Good news is the % of COVID deaths to total deaths reported to date is going down (through 6/6).

Notice that the % of total deaths from COVID peaked at 16% in a week and is declining. So when we were quarantining, we only got 16% more than usual deaths. Mostly old and otherwise health compromised people. (tic as black lives and all lives matter)

View attachment 8446

Now here is my projection once all the death certificates are in. The excess deaths will increase to about 185K through the week ending 6/6. Good news again is the weekly excess deaths through 6/6 were trending down too.
View attachment 8447

Now for the opinion. I think we are going to see an increase in the coming months. I'll post every other week with updates (probably). I wish that people would respect one another by wearing masks and social distancing as practical. It isn't happening where I live in this southern Virginia area I live in all areas. Where I work (with the Navy) it is fabulous, but go to the local hardware store or lower end grocery store and many people don't have masks. Go to the upper end grocery stores (Whole Foods, Harris Teeter) and most people have masks.

Empires fall from within and the American empire is on it's death bed. The US is so fractured and broke that we can't even agree on common decency, in masks or other areas. It's not China's fault or anyone else's but our own.

yep, we continue to have a massive difference between excess deaths and Covid deaths. Our average deaths that we are using is either extremely extremely low, or we have almost 100,000 people in excess of normal dying of something unidentified as of yet.

Deleted member 2897

Confirmed who is driving new cases in South Carolina. Now if the vulnerable can steer clear, then we can avoid a run on hospitals and we’ll be much closer to her immunity soon.

DHEC said there has been a 413.9% increase in newly reported COVID-19 cases among residents ages 21 to 30 since April 4, according to data from the agency. There has also been a 966.1% increase of new COVID-19 cases among residents ages 11 to 20.
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