You also find out that citizens (and even the governments) of other countries have very low opinions of the US Government right now. There was an article out of Australia last week talking about how all the Five Eyes intelligence agencies believe the US is pushing a false theory in terms of the origins of the virus. That the governments in Australia and Great Britian flat out don't believe the US. A poll released today in Australia asking about how they feel about various governments and how they handled the crisis so far gave very high marks to Australia (which they should, without a doubt one of the best) with 93% saying their Government did a very or fairly good job. The US came in last in the survey with 10% saying the US Government has done very (2%) or fairly (8%) well in its fight against the virus.
Just to point out a couple of things that some might consider added context which might call into question the facts that you mention, there are two things I would point out...:
- The Five Eyes report you reference is being reported in many different ways by different media, to wit:
My take on it is that it mirrors official lines BUT that it also raises substantial questions about China's handling of this matter initially and certainly questions the wet-market theory. As is sometimes the case when you mention these matters...there is more to the story. I would also disagree with your assessment that the UK don't believe the US opinion that the virus originated in the lab in Wuhan.
i would agree that the UK media and the BBC don't agree with Trump (on just about anything), but to state it as you did is, imho, incomplete
- the poll you mentioned just *might* be a bit skewed. It was taken with a sample size of fewer than 4,000 people, and of those, about 75% favor Biden in the upcoming US election. It is not a stretch to suggest those folks have a different skew in their view of matters than many in this country have.
To be complete, I should mention that the organization that conducted the polling is not considered to be left wing...if anything some consider it to be skewed slightly right. But, it shouldn't surprise anyone that if so many people are Biden supporters (or Trump haters, take your pick) that the poll's results about covid would look that way.
On a related topic, Australia has conducted perhaps the most extensive study on covid in elementary schools here:
This would call into question all those who claim that US schools should not re-open until we have a vaccine or cure for covid-19. This would seem to be corroborated by a French study:
My primary objection to anyone who uses CNN as a news source is the fact that ...a once reliable and proud news group...has now seemed to slip into opinion journalism. Here is their recent story on covers and schools, which fails to even mention the Australian and French studies:
It is this lack of context and full reporting of news, even news that might disagree with the stand they wish to push, which is what has earned them the moniker of Fake News in recent years. Sad to see, really...