Clinton & Trump are criminals and should be in jail. /sarcasm

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2897
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Helluva Engineer
So, because i'm just too lazy to read through 8 thousand opinion pieces, what is this board's general assessment of the russian thing.

a) Russia and Trump and Trumps campaign actively worked together to get Trump elected?
b) Russia actively worked with Trumps campaign to get Trump elected, but Trump didn't know about it?
c) Russia worked to get Trump elected, and Trumps campaign knew about it, but didn't actively help them?
d) Russia worked to get Trump elected, but Trumps campaign knew nothing about it?
e) Russia wanted Trump to win, but didn't really do anything about it?
f) Russia didn't care one way or the other, and aside from maybe like random russian citizens acting independently, russia didn't do anything at all?

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
So, because i'm just too lazy to read through 8 thousand opinion pieces, what is this board's general assessment of the russian thing.

a) Russia and Trump and Trumps campaign actively worked together to get Trump elected?
b) Russia actively worked with Trumps campaign to get Trump elected, but Trump didn't know about it?
c) Russia worked to get Trump elected, and Trumps campaign knew about it, but didn't actively help them?
d) Russia worked to get Trump elected, but Trumps campaign knew nothing about it?
e) Russia wanted Trump to win, but didn't really do anything about it?
f) Russia didn't care one way or the other, and aside from maybe like random russian citizens acting independently, russia didn't do anything at all?

FWIW, I don't think that the board has a single "general assessment." My two cents: if you're interested in polling the forum, poll the forum in a new thread.


So, because i'm just too lazy to read through 8 thousand opinion pieces, what is this board's general assessment of the russian thing.

a) Russia and Trump and Trumps campaign actively worked together to get Trump elected?
b) Russia actively worked with Trumps campaign to get Trump elected, but Trump didn't know about it?
c) Russia worked to get Trump elected, and Trumps campaign knew about it, but didn't actively help them?
d) Russia worked to get Trump elected, but Trumps campaign knew nothing about it?
e) Russia wanted Trump to win, but didn't really do anything about it?
f) Russia didn't care one way or the other, and aside from maybe like random russian citizens acting independently, russia didn't do anything at all?
It’s really not that hard to figure out. Clintons had their hand in the cookie jar & EVERYBODY just assumed Hillary would be anointed President. The Russian, much like every major power in the world, try to influence politics to their own benefit. The Russians want a weak US & they have 2 plays:

A. They have Hillary in their back pocket. They paid the money & they have the dirt. The Russians own her.
B. They hedge their bets when it looks like the tweeter in chief has a chance. They run ads to try to delegitimizate the election. Either way it goes it’s not wasted money, but it’s particularly good money if Trump wins. In either case, people talk for years about stolen elections & it weakens the US.

Now the other side of the coin is the Obama administration needs Hillary to win badly because they are complicit in the cover up & they fear the tweeter in chief “outing” them. The rest of the rats in DC are falling in line because the status quo has to be protected at all costs.

As a side bar, the Russians want more control of the world’s strategic uranium assets. They basically take candy from a baby because the people they’re dealing with are all either too inexperienced to negotiate well or are compromised due to the shady dealing they have with the Russians. Obama blocks because he’s secure in his legacy as Hillary is next up & she’ll whitewash the record. Oops, didn’t work out like that & now the tweeter in chief is able to look under the hood.

This is not a matter of whether the tweeter in chief did something everyone else wasn’t doing. It’s a matter of how much was he doing that everyone else was already doing- a small amount, medium or the same. It’s extremely unlikely he’s as dirty as the Clinton clan. Say what you want about those people but they absolutely excel at the worst part of politics. They’re as good as the Kennedy’s and a completely different league than the Bushies.

It’s really kind of astonishing just how politically illiterate this country has become.



Deleted member 2897

OK, add me to the politically naive pile. I am absolutely astounded that the FBI, the White House, a major political party and a presidential nominee conspired at these levels. To think they almost completely pulled it off is equally astonishing.

Well just when you think the tweeter in chief is down for the count he’s rescued by the slime balls on the other side.

I am about to start a new thread on this topic in particular. This to me is way worse than Watergate and by far the worst political scandal in the last several decades.


Hillary would have been the most experienced President going in we ever would have had. Too bad the Russians chose our president for us. We are going to be paying a long time.

Anyone who find fault with this statement is, my opinion, as unhinged as Trump.

Sits back and waits for the crazies to involuntarily spasm.
Well, it appears your assessment was a wee bit off!


Im very suspicious of Paul Manafort and won't be surprised if he is found to be dirty. If so lock him up. Ditto anyone else who has committed any government fraud or been involved in government corruption.

But that philosophy doesn't hold true to liberal ideals. Liberals only want to hold the opposition, conservatives currently, accountable.

No doubt in my mind this pos Dem representative from Cali is dirty himself. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Liberals do not believe in equal protection under the law. They believe in manipulating government and the laws to empower their own political agendas.

The scary thing is these POS's want to limit opposition free speech and rip the 2nd amendment out of the constitution and make gun ownership illegal. (Don't argue they don't because past legislation and speeches by anti gun politicians obviously indicate their goal is to incrementally outlaw firearms like Europe and Australia have done)

The really frightening thing is what will happen if the left manages to regain control of the executive and legislative branches. That will of course lead to them to appoint more justices who disregard the Constitution in favor of their own political ideologies. Thereby nullifying the Constitution and our government as it has been designed historically.

A decade ago I would have labeled anyone who suggested a 2nd American Civil War could occur, during my lifetime, as a damn lunatic. It does not seem nearly so far fetched to me today.

Our government is far more prone to corruption than I naively grew up believing.

Deleted member 2897

Im very suspicious of Paul Manafort and won't be surprised if he is found to be dirty. If so lock him up. Ditto anyone else who has committed any government fraud or been involved in government corruption.

But that philosophy doesn't hold true to liberal ideals. Liberals only want to hold the opposition, conservatives currently, accountable.

No doubt in my mind this pos Dem representative from Cali is dirty himself. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Liberals do not believe in equal protection under the law. They believe in manipulating government and the laws to empower their own political agendas.

The scary thing is these POS's want to limit opposition free speech and rip the 2nd amendment out of the constitution and make gun ownership illegal. (Don't argue they don't because past legislation and speeches by anti gun politicians obviously indicate their goal is to incrementally outlaw firearms like Europe and Australia have done)

The really frightening thing is what will happen if the left manages to regain control of the executive and legislative branches. That will of course lead to them to appoint more justices who disregard the Constitution in favor of their own political ideologies. Thereby nullifying the Constitution and our government as it has been designed historically.

A decade ago I would have labeled anyone who suggested a 2nd American Civil War could occur, during my lifetime, as a damn lunatic. It does not seem nearly so far fetched to me today.

Our government is far more prone to corruption than I naively grew up believing.

When you think about what Manafort did and what the Clinton Foundation did, its amazing which one is under so much scrutiny.


Helluva Engineer
So, where we stand on the Trump dossier is: was commissioned by Republicans, then Democrats, then some English company?

Regardless, it seems like nothing really important has come out of it other than a bunch of finger pointing on both sides.

Until something of importance in it is confirmed, I vote we call it a bunch of malarkey and move on.