Clemson Postgame

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
I am holding out hope that our guys will make something of this season, because if they don't, and it goes off the rails, it WOULD impact any recruiting momentum the staff has going. We must get some DT's and inside LB's (and yes, some edge rushers also). I knew we would not have a pass rush. When we blitzed the last few years, we almost never got there. When we did not blitz, we for sure never got there. We don't have DT's that can force double teams opening holes for LB's or others to get at the QB.

My biggest fear is that we have a season that "goes off the rails" resulting in a total collapse of recruiting momentum. It is plausible, but still unlikely. Going off the rails is a pretty high bar to meet mind you, winning 4 or 5 games is not a season going off the rails it would have to be an unmitigated disaster like winning less than 3. I don't see that happening but if we lose to South Florida well, as Al Ciraldo used to say "Hold onto your hat brother and sister".


Georgia Tech Fan
I absolutely loved what I saw from the defense. Sure, they can improve. But tackling is way better than last year already. DBs made some great plays. Number of points given up doesn't bother me too much because our offense wasn't doing anything. Hard to not give up points if you keep giving the other team the ball back via turnovers or 3 and outs.

I think the offense will get better. I hoped to see more passing but I'm not gonna throw p node under the bus after one game.


Helluva Engineer
Fernandina Beach, Florida
I'm disappointed but not in meltdown mode. When I saw #8 coming onto the field on our first offensive field I was pretty shocked.
Clemson figured out fast that we weren't going to be slinging it and crowded the LOS, at this point I thought we could go to a short passing game without having to throw the ball downfield ??
I only remember us doing this once, on the swing pass that led to the first TD.


Jolly Good Fellow
Animal is correct.... & the ref did key his mic & explained it as such.
I was there and watched the replay. The refs weren't stopping the ball from being snapped. I don't see how they could whistle that dead especially coming out of a timeout. I hope CGC mentioned this in his post game interview. You call a timeout to come up with the best play for that down. The refs stand back and basically let you run it.


Helluva Engineer
Guys, no need to over-analyze.

Our team simply got whipped in the trenches on both sides.

On both sides of the lines, offensive and defensive, it was like the grizzly bears versus the black bears.

Long way to go for CGC and his staff to start recruiting — and most importantly, successfully signing — many grizzlies.

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
Tobias was one missed tackle away from breaking several big plays to keep drives alive, especially behind the LOS, where the Clemson super human rushers are so good. I think we would have seen a much different O outcome against normal teams. His passing however does have to drastically improve.


That was ugly. Trying to sugarcoat that makes things seem worse. No reason to not be disappointed in both team and coaches performance. It was one game against the Nat champ. Time to move on and win the next three warmup games. Plenty of time to make changes and have a decent season.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
I kinda liked what I saw when, as you suggest, you adjust for mistakes and the clear talent/depth discrepancy. This team molly-whopped Bama a couple months ago. We could've won the game but so many things would've had to go our way that it became too long a shot to truthfully expect.

It is what it was. And I used 'molly-whopped' in a sentence so there's that.

@LawTalkin Jacket is right imho. I thought all night that they were throwing Oliver to the wolves. No sense destroying anyone else's confidence by having their first career start be against that squad.

On the flip side though, maybe it could've been a good learning opportunity for them?

Not sure why folks are so high on Graham, by the way. He looks like he would've been an excellent 3-O QB which is the most complimentary way to say what I'm thinking.

I am high on Graham because he WANTS the ball. You wait and see, he is a ball player.


Helluva Engineer
The downfall of every good HC is their unwillingness to fire bad Coordinators / Assistant Coaches. If CGC is to succeed, he needs competent offensive game planning.

Never mind whether we accomplished what we set out to do - there was just a lack of strategy / game plan: running right end to 8 guys in the box in 3-4 wide sets. That’s stupid football.

I had my suspicions about CDP before the game, and they were largely confirmed. I hope I’m wrong, and we turn things around.
Calling for the firing of coaches after 1 game. This poster has NO class. Probably a cat guy, too.


Helluva Engineer
My roommate is a Clemson fan and said that he thinks Tech did everything they could without a QB. He thinks the GT defense will be very good in a few years and the offense is tough to judge until they get some of their guys in especially at QB. Clemson fans seem to have been somewhat impressed with Tech's defense. Not to mention Clemson has 2 lock future top 10 picks in their front 7.


Helluva Engineer
I didn't want to be in this situation again but here we are. Again, consistency of staff is our best chance to be successful IMO. I said that with Gailey, Johnson and now Collins.

I'm not a fan of doing the same thing on offense as everyone else in the country scheme wise but at this point we've made our beds. We need to let these coaches coach and recruit.

The Wishbone gave us a chance with inferior players. The NCAA offense does not. Therefore, we must recruit better than we ever have in order to reach consistency. Is that possible? We'll see.
We have no choice at this point but to give it a chance!

Apparently alot of money people wanted change so here we are. You better put that money into recruiting and changing the curriculum if you want to compete with Clemson and Georgia. I would love to see us competitive but our best chance is consistency of staff and a scheme on offense that is unique. Defense and special teams are about athletes.

If we hadn't muffed the punt and could have punched it in on the goal line, we would be looking at the same score as last year. No offensive scheme would have given us a chance last night.


Helluva Engineer
It appears this team does not have the mojo required to be a really good team. I still love them but unless something changes, we are in for a long season.

Go Jackets!

We don't have the horses to stay with Clemson, but few teams do. Next week will tell us more. No, not a "really" good team, but improvement throughout the season should be the goal. For a 38-point loss I thought we had more bright spots than usual. We'll see what happens next week.


Ramblin' Wreck
Calling for the firing of coaches after 1 game. This poster has NO class. Probably a cat guy, too.
Read what I said. I never advocated firing CDP after one game. Skepticism of CDP and stating that coaches should be mindful of ACs and willing to fire low performers is not the same thing as saying “fire CDP”.


Helluva Engineer
I’m pretty optimistic. One angle I take is that we can now honestly tell every recruit that playing time is available. We are so slow at certain positions that it got to the point of embarrassing. We allowed many runs of 10 plus yards where the Clemson 3rd string RB wasn’t even touched. That is easily fixed by recruiting which we finally have in Collins. That #11 for Clemson is an all world talent. I still am shaking my head that Patenaude didn’t make a concerted effort to get our WR’s involved. I feel bad for Camp. But with Graham now the obvious starter and worse competition I think we can shift the momentum.

Josh H

Jolly Good Fellow
He really is. He is very fleet of foot for a big guy, and he is also hard to tackle behind the line of scrimmage because of his size/strength. Maybe a replacement for Ryan and the Falcons one day?

He's going #1 overall next season. Don't see the Falcons tanking that badly as long as Julio is upright.


Ramblin' Wreck
If we hadn't muffed the punt and could have punched it in on the goal line, we would be looking at the same score as last year. No offensive scheme would have given us a chance last night.

Well that's a poor comparison with all due respect. I hope we're successful with the NCAA offense but I believe we'll have to recruit better. I believe in getting behind our coach and let him do his job including the staff we have now. Personally I believe if you're short personnel doing something nobody else does gives you a better chance.