Based on what objective criteria? You (and the folks at ESPN) are basing your judgement on subjective criteria (i.e. discussion about missing players and the "potential" impact in play). If you are calling it a playoff, the "Best" should be only defined by objective criteria linked to performance during the season. Pick your actual measured performance metrics for the year and apply them evenly across the board. If those actual performance based metrics exclude FSU, then fine. But nobody is making an argument to exclude FSU based on performance metrics over the course of the season.
You have stated repeatedly that this is not a true playoff and that teams are not chosen based on in-season results. They are chosen on some undefined, subjective, squishy stuff. Based on that, the "Best" teams (based on objective criteria) are omitted in favor of "probably best" teams chosen based on some squishy subjective criteria like TV ratings and potential viewer ratings.