Attrition and Scholarship Limits


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
It is about believing in them as STUDENTS first, athletes second. There are several here that think it should be reversed.......they should cheer for a team down the road IMO.
First I don't like running any player off , but the fact they are athletes and students not one first or one second, I can't recall any time a coach offered a scholarship to a player because he or she was a great student and told them this scholarship was because you are a great student . I have to believe it was because they thought at some point they would help the team. This does not mean I think they should be run off or pulled off their scholarship. To me that would be on the coach . Right now the problem I'm having is that coach is not here now, but I think Tech plans to do the right thing or the AD would not have give the new coach 7 years.


Helluva Engineer
I'm sorry, Bob, is it? You seemed to have developed some sort of infatuation with me, and believe me, that's okay. I can't tell you a player that has had his scholarship "involuntarily revoked?". But in the meantime we're having a discussion about college football processing that is currently taking place and has been for 30 years at GT that I think you may enjoy. Join in on the fun, all are welcome.

Okay, so the answer is, no player has had his scholarship revoked.

It's okay to honestly tell a player he won't get much playing time and if he wants more he should look elsewhere. It isn't okay to jerk his scholarship out from under him. It's that simple.


Milwaukee, WI

Dear Bob,

What you stated above is the processing. You have to remember that Nick Saban, Paul Johnson, Dabo Swinney, Kirby Smart, David Cutcliffe, etc aren't stupid people. They will never go tap a kid on the shoulder and say, "you're out of here because you're not as good as we were hoping". Can you imagine the backlash and recruiting consequences? What they do is sit them down and explain the situation just as you have stated above. If that feels "cleaner" to you and you don't think thats pushing someone out the door then I'm sincerely happy. But in fact it is ugly and it happens and we do it everyday like everyone else. I'm just here to help, fellas.


Helluva Engineer

Dear Bob,

What you stated above is the processing. You have to remember that Nick Saban, Paul Johnson, Dabo Swinney, Kirby Smart, David Cutcliffe, etc aren't stupid people. They will never go tap a kid on the shoulder and say, "you're out of here because you're not as good as we were hoping". Can you imagine the backlash and recruiting consequences? What they do is sit them down and explain the situation just as you have stated above. If that feels "cleaner" to you and you don't think thats pushing someone out the door then I'm sincerely happy. But in fact it is ugly and it happens and we do it everyday like everyone else. I'm just here to help, fellas.

Dear Millie,

No, that isn't pushing him out the door. It's explaining the facts of life and leaving the door ajar, should he want to avail himself of it.


Helluva Engineer
Rome, GA
He can't name anyone nor has anyone else. Being up front with a kid and telling him he likely wony play much, and if that is really what he not processing. Yanking a scholly due to performance,or gray shirting because you signed someone "better" is a completely different story....and apparently what a few ignorant posters here want to do.
So how do you view what we did to Larry Dowdy and Joshua Black?


Milwaukee, WI
Dear Millie,

No, that isn't pushing him out the door. It's explaining the facts of life and leaving the door ajar, should he want to avail himself of it.

I'm okay with that analysis my friend. But just think about this: If you were trying to make room on your team you'd have that "explaining" with as many as necessary until one of them "processes" and you got the extra room you were targeting. And that, my friend, is how D1 athletics work. Cheers mate.

Millie, I like it!


Milwaukee, WI
So how do you view what we did to Larry Dowdy and Joshua Black?

Please don't name names of players that have been processed, it's not necessary. But since you did, let's see if @Animal02 and a couple others will be a man of their word and "no longer be a fan of GT" and essentially get out of here. To be clear, I'm not hoping for that and don't want @Animal02 to leave. But I could see why he would now that he's wise to something that's been happening under his nose for 30yrs.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
So how do you view what we did to Larry Dowdy and Joshua Black?
To my knowledge they were offered a scholarship by the last coaching staff. This part I'm fuzzy on I think everyone was told Tech would honor those offers. I don't know if we talked to them one on one. But when they did not sign in the early period if I was a coach I would take it that you were still looking. Again I have no knowledge if this coaching staff talked to them before or after the early signing period. They didn't sign so I have no problem moving on and looking for someone else.


Milwaukee, WI
To my knowledge they were offered a scholarship by the last coaching staff. This part I'm fuzzy on I think everyone was told Tech would honor those offers. I don't know if we talked to them one on one. But when they did not sign in the early period if I was a coach I would take it that you were still looking. Again I have no knowledge if this coaching staff talked to them before or after the early signing period. They didn't sign so I have no problem moving on and looking for someone else.

You are right. We offered them a scholarship to GT and then we iced them out, and thats okay. Circumstances change daily. We're not gonna go to their door and tell them we're not gonna bring them on the team anymore. We're just gonna conveniently ice them out. That is processing. It's normal, even more so with a regime change like we experienced. It sounds dirty but it's extremely common in division 1 athletics. It's not a new thing.


Helluva Engineer
Rome, GA
To my knowledge they were offered a scholarship by the last coaching staff. This part I'm fuzzy on I think everyone was told Tech would honor those offers. I don't know if we talked to them one on one. But when they did not sign in the early period if I was a coach I would take it that you were still looking. Again I have no knowledge if this coaching staff talked to them before or after the early signing period. They didn't sign so I have no problem moving on and looking for someone else.
You’re exactly right I was just curios as to how he would see what Tech did. Imo, if you’re commited before early Signing Day and you don’t Sign you’re not coming here and I think the coaching staff did the right thing by using their scholarships on other players.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
You are right. We offered them a scholarship to GT and then we iced them out, and thats okay. Circumstances change daily. We're not gonna go to their door and tell them we're not gonna bring them on the team anymore. We're just gonna conveniently ice them out. That is processing. It's normal, even more so with a regime change like we experienced. It sounds dirty but it's extremely common in division 1 athletics. It's not a new thing.
If what you called iced them out I'll have to believe you I only know what I read in the paper ( which is one reason I'm not that smart ) I thought I read that we would honor all the commitments (per the AD) but when they didn't sign in the early period that would change things. Maybe we didn't visit them after the new coaching staff started but do we really know if they ( the players) tried to talk to the new coaches or just start looking around. I do believe we did a better job than Louisville which the new coach told their commitments that they would not honor any of them.


Well I hope we sign 25 every year for a total of 125 over a 5 year period. Other people seem to be ale to do it just fine. GT signs 80 over the same period & gets their *** kicked on the field. Either we stay the good loser & gloat about our impeccable ethics while everyone else thinks we’re idiots or we John the club and play by the same rules so we have a chance to win.

To answer another question, I would not like to be on a team where a coach retained non-hackers and we lost passing over better players in the process. It is a competitive sport after all & it’s not like they’re kicking the kids out of school. They can get loans, use Hope, work part time, etc like a ton of other kids do.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Well I hope we sign 25 every year for a total of 125 over a 5 year period. Other people seem to be ale to do it just fine. GT signs 80 over the same period & gets their *** kicked on the field. Either we stay the good loser & gloat about our impeccable ethics while everyone else thinks we’re idiots or we John the club and play by the same rules so we have a chance to win.

To answer another question, I would not like to be on a team where a coach retained non-hackers and we lost passing over better players in the process. It is a competitive sport after all & it’s not like they’re kicking the kids out of school. They can get loans, use Hope, work part time, etc like a ton of other kids do.
Yes I agree go back and look at any signing class and about 40 %( I really made is number up but bet it is close) is all that will be there all 4 years. Players move on for different reasons you don't have to run them off they will do it for you.


Milwaukee, WI
If what you called iced them out I'll have to believe you I only know what I read in the paper ( which is one reason I'm not that smart ) I thought I read that we would honor all the commitments (per the AD) but when they didn't sign in the early period that would change things. Maybe we didn't visit them after the new coaching staff started but do we really know if they ( the players) tried to talk to the new coaches or just start looking around. I do believe we did a better job than Louisville which the new coach told their commitments that they would not honor any of them.

We would've absolutely let them on the team had they demanded it. We're GT (insert any d1 team name here), afterall. But they didn't exactly get the warm and fuzzies that they were still wanted here. That's how the process works, no pun intended.


Helluva Engineer
He can't name anyone nor has anyone else. Being up front with a kid and telling him he likely wony play much, and if that is really what he not processing. Yanking a scholly due to performance,or gray shirting because you signed someone "better" is a completely different story....and apparently what a few ignorant posters here want to do.
I think you and I were at GT around the same timeframe when Cremins was hired. There was a scathing editorial in the Technique about a kid on the basketball team having his scholarship pulled to make room for better players. I'm sorry I can't remember his name, but it happened. Maybe it didn't go down exactly like that. Maybe his girlfriend wrote the letter.

I recall after CPJ was hired, seeing some former players on senior day that I'd forgotten about - Jamaal Evans was one. Was he still on scholarship? Medical? I think our coaches have honest discussions with players, probably after spring practice, about their future with the team.


Helluva Engineer
what about players that don't seem to be giving their best effort? CPJ alluded to some guys not knowing the difference between being injured and playing through pain. Would he not encourage those same guys in the offseason to find their success elsewhere?

@Animal02 I hope you don't consider me an idiotic poster. I'm hearing a theme from the players that the new staff cares about them. I'm hearing a theme from the staff that this is a great group of guys to coach. I don't see the staff killing all this good will by dropping the axe on the players that are considered below the line. We will see how it plays out, but I think the current players that want to be here and want to get that degree will, and others will choose playing time somewhere else.


Jolly Good Fellow
I think you and I were at GT around the same timeframe when Cremins was hired. There was a scathing editorial in the Technique about a kid on the basketball team having his scholarship pulled to make room for better players. I'm sorry I can't remember his name, but it happened. Maybe it didn't go down exactly like that. Maybe his girlfriend wrote the letter.

I can't remember the name of the kid either, but I think he played some his freshman year for GT and then Cremins pulled his scholarship. He went on to finish his college career at Georgia State. Of course, this was near the end of Cremins career, not the beginning.


Helluva Engineer
@91Wreck maybe so, but the guy I'm thinking about was Cremins first year. I graduated in 83. It doesn't matter the name of the player, I'd just like to provide one name for @Animal02 because it feels like a challenge and I have a really good memory (at least for a few more years)