Ahmaud Arbery murder case


Milwaukee, WI
Reading all the comments above I’ll add a couple of points from a dude that’s configured more like a pound puppy than most of you:

1955 Rosa Parks decided she wanted a different seat on a bus. We were drinking in different water fountains, sleeping in different hotels, etc back then. If you are 75, maybe you remember those days.

A. We did not pass Civil Rights legislation until 1964. If you’re older than 60, you probably remember it.
B. Watts riots were in 1965, Chicago in ‘66, there was the long hot summer of ‘67 (Boston, Buffalo, Milwaukee, Newark, Cincinnati, etc)
C. Dr Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. Maybe you remember if you were 55? DC, Chicago, Baltimore, etc were very violent again.
D. 1972 there was a riot on the Kitty Hawk. Maybe you were there if you are 66?
E. 1992 was the Rodney King beating. Hell, you barely have to be over 30 to remember this.
F. Next decade we’re in 20o5 and a bunch of neo Nazi started a riot in Toledo.
G. 2014 was Ferguson.

Sorry left out the 80’s, 1980 the KKK started a riot by a drive by shooting in Chattanooga.

I have a 70 yo black woman working for me that grew up as a sharecropper’s daughter. Dirt floor poor.

We had a powerful member of the US Senate in office until 2010 that was a Klan member. That was only 10 years ago. Nobody ran him off, in fact people voted for him even though he hated them. 65 years ago a man who was probably in the Klan became President.

Some of this stuff is not too long ago. Think about that when you’re telling people not to think the way they’re thinking.

This is very “woke” of you...

But overall I agree with the intended premise.


This is very “woke” of you...

But overall I agree with the intended premise.
I don’t speak millennial but historically we’ve not managed the transition to racial equality well at all. Some thought about what we were trying to do, ie have a level playing field, and defending our Constitution should have been primary elements of a successful strategy. For democracy and freedom to flourish we need to be eternally vigilant against freedom’s enemies even in our own ranks & those complicit in their attacks. We need to prevent the abridgment of freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of fascists undermining our most precious God-given liberties. The path is clear: foster & promote the conditions under which opportunities abound & resist the efforts of the demagogues destroying the core of our democracy with their insidious policies and programs designed to weaken the weakest of us all.


Jolly Good Fellow

An explanation for the Ahmaud Arbery killing became shakier on Friday.

The two Georgia men who were caught on video shooting the unarmed jogger to death in February claim they were chasing a suspect behind a series of burglaries in the area. But a local police official said the last break-in the neighborhood was reported nearly two months before the shooting.

The last known burglary in the neighborhood happened on Jan. 1, more than seven weeks before the Feb. 23 incident that ended Arbery’s life at the age of 25, Glynn County Police Lt. Cheri Bashlor told CNN on Friday.


Helluva Engineer
South Forsyth
This whole things is disgusting what they did to that kid. Then to read how corrupt the DA is. They need to clean house down there and start over.

I hope those three go away forever. Jail will not be good for them, if they even last very long after what they did.


Milwaukee, WI

These are the headlines that are misleading and causing people to sound like idiots. So what that it’s been 7 weeks since the last break in? That’s still a problem. So if it happened yesterday their story and their reasoning for killing a man should hold up? It also refers to the man again as just a “jogger”, and that’s bs. There were other 911 calls (not from the 2 guys doing the shooting) that said the guy was going through a house under construction. Most of the evidence is showing the victim was burglarizing property so the idiotic takes from some people, including Lebron, about how a black man can’t even go for a jog are insanely idiotic.
How about this: one man is in the wrong for attempting to steal and 2 men are in the wrong for being murderers. Both can be true. But this jogger sh*t is just people trying to either play victim and/or create headlines. This is just my opinion based on the current evidence, I could definitely change my opinion once we learn more.


This whole things is disgusting what they did to that kid. Then to read how corrupt the DA is. They need to clean house down there and start over.

I hope those three go away forever. Jail will not be good for them, if they even last very long after what they did.
This article is incredible. @Milwaukee The people that claim “government conduct of FBI and Michael Flynn” and “China cover ups” are conspiracy theories are forming up on the other side on this one. How many examples do we have to have of government corruption before people realize this crap happens and it happens everywhere? The Glynn County police department is just as rotten/corrupt as the DOJ/FBI/IRS, just as corrupt/dishonest as WHO/Chinese leadership, etc. Many people just refuse to face the facts.

When you arm a person with the full power of government the potential for abuse and corruption is immense, but for some irrational reason people will still clamor for even bigger, more corrupt and more abusive government then be surprised when facts like we’ve seen recently come to light.



Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
These are the headlines that are misleading and causing people to sound like idiots. So what that it’s been 7 weeks since the last break in? That’s still a problem. So if it happened yesterday their story and their reasoning for killing a man should hold up? It also refers to the man again as just a “jogger”, and that’s bs. There were other 911 calls (not from the 2 guys doing the shooting) that said the guy was going through a house under construction. Most of the evidence is showing the victim was burglarizing property so the idiotic takes from some people, including Lebron, about how a black man can’t even go for a jog are insanely idiotic.
How about this: one man is in the wrong for attempting to steal and 2 men are in the wrong for being murderers. Both can be true. But this jogger sh*t is just people trying to either play victim and/or create headlines. This is just my opinion based on the current evidence, I could definitely change my opinion once we learn more.

Wait, what "evidence" is there he was burglarizing homes?

I'm not saying he was or wasn't. But the overwhelming evidence(sic) we have is just what these guys said. They also said there was a rash of burglaries, which the article explains was not the case.

Deleted member 2897

Wait, what "evidence" is there he was burglarizing homes?

I'm not saying he was or wasn't. But the overwhelming evidence(sic) we have is just what these guys said. They also said there was a rash of burglaries, which the article explains was not the case.

Not that it matters, but as a runner I can tell you his long slow steady form was that of a runner, not a guy running from something. If you’re a runner, you know what I mean. If you’re not, that statement probably makes no sense. But again, not that it matters.


Wait, what "evidence" is there he was burglarizing homes?

I'm not saying he was or wasn't. But the overwhelming evidence(sic) we have is just what these guys said. They also said there was a rash of burglaries, which the article explains was not the case.
Other articles suggest that there is a second video which is in police custody and hasn't yet been released to the public.
It supposedly shows Arbery trespassing on private property to case out a home that was under construction possibly looking for tools and materials.
in his recusal letter, DA Barnhill says that the video is in evidence, "video of Arbery burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation."


Milwaukee, WI
Wait, what "evidence" is there he was burglarizing homes?

I'm not saying he was or wasn't. But the overwhelming evidence(sic) we have is just what these guys said. They also said there was a rash of burglaries, which the article explains was not the case.

Other 911 calls about the man.

As far as this article I’m not sure what is considered a rash of burglaries. If your neighbors home was broken into 7 weeks ago I think you’d still have your head on a swivel wouldn’t you? This article is obviously biased, as others are biased to the other side. Both are dumb.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I hear you both. I still think it's wrong to toss out the idea as if it's been proven the dude was burglarizing homes.

People justifying killing the man are using that as the basis for their stance.

At this point, we don't know. People walk around construction sites all the time out of curiosity. It's a gigantic leap to suggest, because he was there (if indeed he was there), that's "evidence" of burglary.


Helluva Engineer
Other articles suggest that there is a second video which is in police custody and hasn't yet been released to the public.
It supposedly shows Arbery trespassing on private property to case out a home that was under construction possibly looking for tools and materials.
in his recusal letter, DA Barnhill says that the video is in evidence, "video of Arbery burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation."

That letter from Barnhill describes the father as a "witness", ignoring the fact that he was involved in the chase and was holding a gun over both parties during the shooting. He describes a local activist trying to get information about the case from his office as a "rabble rouser", who thinks "I must be biased". The reason for the bias is that Barnhill's son worked in the other district attorney's office with the shooters father and worked on a case involving the deceased. He claims he isn't biased, but there is a complete paragraph that basically describes the deceased's family as trash. I am not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in his interpretation and description of "video of Arbery burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.".

It is possible that he has a professional legal view that this shooting was justified. (Difficult for me to understand, but possible) However, if that were the case and there is no bias or intent to influence the next DA, then his entire letter would have been paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 7. and 8. There is no need to include deriding remarks about local parties interested in the case or about the deceased's family.

I included the letter below with the paragraphs I referred to marked:
"Dear Ms Crittendon and McGowan:

(1)Thank you again for emailing back. This is a case without any law enforcement warrants. I agreed to take the file from Jackie Johnson, the District Attorney in Glynn County, for review to see if it justified and arrest and/or presentation to a Glynn County Grand Jury.

(2)Greg McMichael, a party/ witness in the matter, retired from law enforcement then worked at her office as an investigator for several years up until re-retiring about 10 months ago. His son, whom I have never met and do not know, is the shooter in this case. Ahmaud Arbery was shot and died in this confrontation.

Upon taking the case, my office began gathering the array of materials one normally gathers. My Chief Victim Assistant, Tammy Horlock, talked several times with Mr Arbery's family; I spoke to the mother once; Senior ADA Michelle McIntire was monitoring the collection of information through Capt. Tom Jump GPD. We had told the family it would take a month to 6 weeks to get the autopsy report. They apparently did not believe us. Note: Ms McIntire in my office received the autopsy April 2nd. I know they called the Attorney General Office sometime during this time.

(4)My son works as an Assistant District Attorney for Jackie Johnson. Unknown to Jackie and me until about 3-4 weeks ago, he had handled a previous felony probation revocation and pleading Ahmaud Arbery to a felony in her Glynn County Office.

A local 'rabble rouser' has taken up this cause and begun publishing wild and factually incorrect and legally wrong accusations on Facebook and other social media formats calling for marches and physical affronts be made against the McMichaels at their homes, and my son's home in Brunswick etc.. . To date I have seen no direct connection between the 'rouser' and the family other than their increased calls for my office to be removed, that I must be biased.

This family are not strangers to the local criminal justice system. From best we can tell, Ahmauds older brother has gone to prison in the past and is currently in the Glynn jail, without bond, awaiting new felony prosecution. It also appears a cousin has been prosecuted by DA Johnson's office. Ahmaud, the deceased, had a juvenile and adult felony record.

(7)In that regard, given the connection between myself and my son, and my son having worked with Greg McMichael for several years, and now known that he and Greg McMichael both helped with the previous prosecution of Arbery; I believe it is in the best interest of justice to recuse both myself and my office from this particular investigation.

(8)In doing so I request another District Attorney be appointed to review the file and give advice to the Glynn County Police Department and determine whether there is anything justifying a presentation to a Glynn County Grand Jury.

I believe we have the majority of the information at our office. There is a decent cell phone video of the entire shooting incident, also video of Arbery burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation. We have a witness list and have done research we would include with the file to be available for the new prosecutor's use if desired.

Thank you for your help in this matter

George E Barnhill

District Attorney

Waycross Judicial Circuit"


So what if he was a burgler? Let’s say we could rewind the clock and put you in the car with a weapon & he’s running down the street. The desired endstate is the dude lying dead in the street? For what purpose?

Why not take a picture of him with a camera? Follow him at a distance and see where he goes? There’s all kinds of better options than dead. What is anyone arguing about? The shooting was a bad outcome. Period.


Helluva Engineer
So what if he was a burgler? Let’s say we could rewind the clock and put you in the car with a weapon & he’s running down the street. The desired endstate is the dude lying dead in the street? For what purpose?

Why not take a picture of him with a camera? Follow him at a distance and see where he goes? There’s all kinds of better options than dead. What is anyone arguing about? The shooting was a bad outcome. Period.

Not only that, but apparently, the father had investigated him before knew who he was. Why not take a picture, call the police, and tell them who he is and where he lives.


Milwaukee, WI
So what if he was a burgler? Let’s say we could rewind the clock and put you in the car with a weapon & he’s running down the street. The desired endstate is the dude lying dead in the street? For what purpose?

Why not take a picture of him with a camera? Follow him at a distance and see where he goes? There’s all kinds of better options than dead. What is anyone arguing about? The shooting was a bad outcome. Period.

Everyone has already said this, not sure if maybe you haven’t read the responses here. These 2 guys need to be killed as their punishment.


Milwaukee, WI
I hear you both. I still think it's wrong to toss out the idea as if it's been proven the dude was burglarizing homes.

People justifying killing the man are using that as the basis for their stance.

At this point, we don't know. People walk around construction sites all the time out of curiosity. It's a gigantic leap to suggest, because he was there (if indeed he was there), that's "evidence" of burglary.

Yea I’m eager to see all the evidence of what happened leading up. People are trying to make us believe that 2 men were sitting on the porch and saw a black man exercising, jumped in their truck, hunted him down, and killed him. I think most people that have the ability to think critically don’t believe that’s how it went down. The video itself is enough evidence for both men to get the death penalty imo.


Helluva Engineer
I hear you both. I still think it's wrong to toss out the idea as if it's been proven the dude was burglarizing homes.

People justifying killing the man are using that as the basis for their stance.

At this point, we don't know. People walk around construction sites all the time out of curiosity. It's a gigantic leap to suggest, because he was there (if indeed he was there), that's "evidence" of burglary.
And frankly, even if he was a known prior criminal with a terrible record, I don't like private citizens confronting hm with guns and shooting him when he does not comply. Try imagining yourself in a situation where you were in a poor black neighborhood and some black guys who looked kinda rough confronted you and ordered you to stop. You might be fearful and not want to stop. Next thing you know...you're shot! (It happened VERY quickly in the video I saw).

Let the police handle these things....and if you think he is a burglar, then video him and turn *that* over to the cops!


Everyone has already said this, not sure if maybe you haven’t read the responses here. These 2 guys need to be killed as their punishment.
The “alleged burgler” got his sentence. What’s needed now is justice & reform of a corrupt county. We don’t need the standard clowns to emerge from the woodwork and scream at each other from different sides of the street, yammer endlessly on tv, then nothing positive occur in the aftermath of this horrible event.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Yea I’m eager to see all the evidence of what happened leading up. People are trying to make us believe that 2 men were sitting on the porch and saw a black man exercising, jumped in their truck, hunted him down, and killed him. I think most people that have the ability to think critically don’t believe that’s how it went down. The video itself is enough evidence for both men to get the death penalty imo.

I don't think anyone is trying to make anyone believe this.