2024 Football Portal


Jolly Good Fellow
If Sims is truly back at Tech trying to finish his GT degree, I doubt he wants to waste time playing football as a walk-on(as there is no way in hell that Key wastes a scholarship on him). His twitter account has no posts since he posted about graduating from neb at end of last year. I doubt this is even true, but if it is, let the kid do the right thing, finish his tech degree and move on. He hopefully saved whatever NIL money Neb gave him so he can pay his own way now. Good luck Jeff.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
I wonder if this is code for we cut them.....

Talked to Colson's Grandfather yesterday and it wasn't being cut. Lots of reserves leave every year when they realize they won't see playing time. Colson was a PWO that was hoping to work his way into a backup spot but Pyron and the freshman Philo have that locked up so he will try and find a place somewhere where he has a chance to see the field.


Ramblin' Wreck
Talked to Colson's Grandfather yesterday and it wasn't being cut. Lots of reserves leave every year when they realize they won't see playing time. Colson was a PWO that was hoping to work his way into a backup spot but Pyron and the freshman Philo have that locked up so he will try and find a place somewhere where he has a chance to see the field.
I figured that was the case for four of these young men - they were never going to see the field in an actual game. The only exception is the DL guy from FSU who most certainly would have been in the rotation as a backup.


Ramblin' Wreck
I figured that was the case for four of these young men - they were never going to see the field in an actual game. The only exception is the DL guy from FSU who most certainly would have been in the rotation as a backup.
The dude looked like a monster on the sidelines of the Spring Game. But I guess that's kinda the point...he was on the sidelines. I'm not sure if he even played in the spring game.


Helluva Engineer
I’m kind of thinking that the classroom component was a bit much for him. Did he transfer before or after Santucci was hired? If after, I’d say that’s almost surely the case.


Ramblin' Wreck
Okay so Eddie Kelly is out, and so is Jack Barton.

DE becoming a huge position of need.

Barton was running with the 2s for the spring game. So he’s leaving I’m assuming because he wants to start his last year and he thought he could win the job here.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Okay so Eddie Kelly is out, and so is Jack Barton.

DE becoming a huge position of need.

Barton was running with the 2s for the spring game. So he’s leaving I’m assuming because he wants to start his last year and he thought he could win the job here.

Wait, when'd this happen?


Helluva Engineer
Losing Kelly hurts for depth. Can't miss what we never had in Ayo and Barton. Hopefully we can grab some depth from the portal.


Helluva Engineer
Okay so Eddie Kelly is out, and so is Jack Barton.

DE becoming a huge position of need.

Barton was running with the 2s for the spring game. So he’s leaving I’m assuming because he wants to start his last year and he thought he could win the job here.
Yea this is quite concerning, we are going to very thin there. How many total DL/DE have we had hit the portal since the end of last season?