2023-2024 ROSTER???


Helluva Engineer
We talk about using theCeltics Offense but their 5, Horford, could and did hit the 3 a bunch.Our 5s look to have little chance of duplicating that at all.


Helluva Engineer
We talk about using theCeltics Offense but their 5, Horford, could and did hit the 3 a bunch.Our 5s look to have little chance of duplicating that at all.
Agreed on the shooting part but Claude might be good enough to drag bigs away from the hoop to set screens as I expect we are going to run a ton of four out.

My largest concern right now isn’t our big’s shooting, it’s their passing. Our anticipated bigs (Claude, Gapare, ED) had a combined A/TO of 29/104 last season. Ben Lammers they are not. So you can likely forget about a throwback high post Robinson to Duncan look/set/lineup.

I like our depth and I look forward to seeing how CDS is able to put our talented roster in the best position to succeed.


Helluva Engineer
I expect Claude to be fine scoring. He has a knack for getting to the line and shoots at a pretty good clip. (72% on 175 attempts last year)


Jolly Good Fellow
Adding Air Force pick up.

PG - Abram/Sturdivant
SG- Kelly/Terry/Murphy
SF - Reeves/Coleman/Forrest
PF - Gapare/Ndongo
C - Claude/Dowuona

I do think Abram will def start, and likely Reeves; however I think the best bounce back season will come from Coleman. Seems to be storyline of him playing with nagging injuries all year which likely affected his shot, and shot making. He’s definitely better than the year he had last year. I also do see 8 or 9 potential players “starting” pending progress and adjustment to style. Many interchangeable parts, in a very good way. Excited to see potential of many weapons all clicking - they could be explosive!


Mello Yellow-Jacket
Adding Air Force pick up.

PG - Abram/Sturdivant
SG- Kelly/Terry/Murphy
SF - Reeves/Coleman/Forrest
PF - Gapare/Ndongo
C - Claude/Dowuona

I do think Abram will def start, and likely Reeves; however I think the best bounce back season will come from Coleman. Seems to be storyline of him playing with nagging injuries all year which likely affected his shot, and shot making. He’s definitely better than the year he had last year. I also do see 8 or 9 potential players “starting” pending progress and adjustment to style. Many interchangeable parts, in a very good way. Excited to see potential of many weapons all clicking - they could be explosive!


Staff member
For those confused between the Carter Murphy and Jake Murphy posts, the AFA had two Murphy’s last season:

4Carter Murphy31217.
13Jake Murphy903.

Provided by CBB at Sports Reference: View Original Table
Generated 7/11/2023.


Jolly Good Fellow
Wow! Another signing. CDS has turned Tech into potentially one of the most athletic and diverse skill set teams. Crazy how fast this happened!
13 deep! Need to sell tixs to practice!

PG - Abram/Sturdivant
SG- Kelly/Terry/Murphy
SF - Reeves/Coleman/Forrest
PF - Gapare/Ndongo/Sacko
C - Claude/Dowuona

New Old Guy

Jolly Good Fellow
Wow! Another signing. CDS has turned Tech into potentially one of the most athletic and diverse skill set teams. Crazy how fast this happened!
13 deep! Need to sell tixs to practice!

PG - Abram/Sturdivant
SG- Kelly/Terry/Murphy
SF - Reeves/Coleman/Forrest
PF - Gapare/Ndongo/Sacko
C - Claude/Dowuona
And to add another positive, I think the article said that Murphy is non-scholarship. So we have one scholarship left if the right situation arises!


Jolly Good Fellow
I was ecstatic with CDS/staff’s progress … And NOW still adding very interesting skill to the roster in August! Wow. Not enough basketballs for this roster.

PG - Abram/Sturdivant/George
SG- Kelly/Terry/Murphy
SF - Reeves/Coleman/Forrest
PF - Gapare/Ndongo/Sacko
C - Claude/Dowuona


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
I was ecstatic with CDS/staff’s progress … And NOW still adding very interesting skill to the roster in August! Wow. Not enough basketballs for this roster.

PG - Abram/Sturdivant/George
SG- Kelly/Terry/Murphy
SF - Reeves/Coleman/Forrest
PF - Gapare/Ndongo/Sacko
C - Claude/Dowuona
It will be interesting to watch, but this 2/3 deep roster lineup is unlikely to be the norm. I am convinced we will frequently see Abram and Kyle on the floor together. And, expect to see Kelly and Terry playing together a lot.


Mello Yellow-Jacket
Here is my conundrum :
NCAA rules allow 15 on a roster, counting only 2 walk-ons in MBB. Can only dress 13 on game day. When Jalen Forrest joins the team, are we having to cut Daniels or Nichols? Is someone leaving? Good problem to have.
Terry, #0
Sturdivant, #1
Coleman, #3
Murphy, #4
Gapare, #5
Dowuona, #10
Ndongo, #11
Claude, #12
Kelly, #13
Reeves, #14
Sacko, #23
Abram, #24
Daniels, #33
Nichols, #35


Helluva Engineer
Here is my conundrum :
NCAA rules allow 15 on a roster, counting only 2 walk-ons in MBB. Can only dress 13 on game day. When Jalen Forrest joins the team, are we having to cut Daniels or Nichols? Is someone leaving? Good problem to have.
Terry, #0
Sturdivant, #1
Coleman, #3
Murphy, #4
Gapare, #5
Dowuona, #10
Ndongo, #11
Claude, #12
Kelly, #13
Reeves, #14
Sacko, #23
Abram, #24
Daniels, #33
Nichols, #35

GT starting to have "rich person's problems". Gotta like it when you have talent and have to figure out a way to fit even more talent on the roster.

Hope this problem gets worse every year.


Ramblin' Wreck
On the GTAA website, they downloaded some still photos of practice. It looks like the team scrimmaged with a Green team vs a Back team.

In one photo, the Green squad was gathered around Stoudamire and that squad was: Abrams, Terry, Coleman, Claude and Dowuona.

The Black squad definitely had Sturdivant, Kelly, Reeves (sporting a 1970s style wallpaper hairdoo) and Ndonga. In some photos, Murphy was guarding Terry. In other photos, Sacko looked to be on the black team. But that could have been drill work.

I'm sure there was a lot of mixing and matching, but I thought the groupings were interesting. For instance, Claude was not playing the 5 being paired with Dowuona.

Gapare looks to be sporting a cast on his left wrist/thumb.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
On the GTAA website, they downloaded some still photos of practice. It looks like the team scrimmaged with a Green team vs a Back team.

In one photo, the Green squad was gathered around Stoudamire and that squad was: Abrams, Terry, Coleman, Claude and Dowuona.

The Black squad definitely had Sturdivant, Kelly, Reeves (sporting a 1970s style wallpaper hairdoo) and Ndonga. In some photos, Murphy was guarding Terry. In other photos, Sacko looked to be on the black team. But that could have been drill work.

I'm sure there was a lot of mixing and matching, but I thought the groupings were interesting. For instance, Claude was not playing the 5 being paired with Dowuona.

Gapare looks to be sporting a cast on his left wrist/thumb.
Thanks for sharing. I didn't take the time to identify all the new faces,


Jolly Good Fellow
This is getting borderline (and pleasantly) ridiculous. Seems like we have a roster for an A, B and C team. Souare now added.

PG - Abram/Sturdivant/George
SG- Kelly/Terry/Murphy
SF - Reeves/Coleman/Forrest
PF - Gapare/Sacko/Souare
C - Claude/Dowuona/Ndongo