2018 Off Season Thread


Ramblin' Wreck
Some kids may actually want to have a college degree and are enjoying the college experience. Maybe he likes to bowl and play minature golf.
Practice using that communication or Rec Mgr degree ;) He is a good guy and a good student according to the people I know who know him. Hopefully for him it works out and he stays healthy. He already has his degree.


Helluva Engineer
If Griffin comes in at 275lbs and causes havoc the way CNW wants, he’ll play. He may start. I read the Austin kid shoots the GAO pretty well too and at 6’3 295 maybe better suited for ACC Play. For all the talk of light and quick dline, the most effective dline during the scrimmage was Owens, Brandon, & Glanton the bigger unit.


Helluva Engineer
If Griffin comes in at 275lbs and causes havoc the way CNW wants, he’ll play. He may start. I read the Austin kid shoots the GAO pretty well too and at 6’3 295 maybe better suited for ACC Play. For all the talk of light and quick dline, the most effective dline during the scrimmage was Owens, Brandon, & Glanton the bigger unit.
I think the Austin kid could move to OG and be really good. TK should have a good chance at NT as well.