2015 Warmest Year on Record


Helluva Engineer
Anyone trying to use the last two hurricanes as measures of climate change is......disingenuous (to be nice about it).

Hurricane have their own cycles. End of story.

Just remember that global climate is always changing...just not very fast. The atolls in the Pacific are the result of coral reefs that died when sea levels dropped, leaving them exposed and above sea level. Ice used to be 1 mile thick on Manhattan, which is the main reason they can build such huge skyscrapers there now. Whether man likes it or not, the climate WILL change.

We can and should study it. We can and should try to keep our air and water clean. But at some point, the primary issue remains, when will humanity do something about the primary polluters of the planet....excess number of humans? Spending tons of money on stop gap measures (and that's all they are) doesn't strike me as all that useful an exercise.

Deleted member 2897

Anyone trying to use the last two hurricanes as measures of climate change is......disingenuous (to be nice about it).

Hurricane have their own cycles. End of story.

Just remember that global climate is always changing...just not very fast. The atolls in the Pacific are the result of coral reefs that died when sea levels dropped, leaving them exposed and above sea level. Ice used to be 1 mile thick on Manhattan, which is the main reason they can build such huge skyscrapers there now. Whether man likes it or not, the climate WILL change.

We can and should study it. We can and should try to keep our air and water clean. But at some point, the primary issue remains, when will humanity do something about the primary polluters of the planet....excess number of humans? Spending tons of money on stop gap measures (and that's all they are) doesn't strike me as all that useful an exercise.

If hurricane strength and frequency is based on global warming, then the earth is cooling fast, because we went over 12 years without a Cat 3 or stronger - an all time record going back hundreds of years since records were first kept.

Deleted member 2897


I hope so. We can finally expose these idiots for what they are. There is no such thing as 'climate denial'. I've never met anybody who denies a climate exists. I'm about to take the thread tangentially to make a point, but so be it. If there is ever a debate between the two sides to see who supports science more than the other, I'm all for it. I'll take all the topics from climate disruption to gender to abortion to economics to wherever they want to take it.


They're not liking the illegal immigrants very much, just wait until they they get a taste of the climate changers. Maybe we can dump all of our trash in Canada? Once they all find safe haven in that liberal bastion maybe we'll be left with real scientists that can provide real recommendations on how to improve the environment. I wouldn't mind paying for that.


Jolly Good Fellow

This is based at Princeton.

"It is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity."

http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/15/us/climate-change-hurricanes-harvey-and-irma/index.html Fake news headline: "Yes, climate change made Harvey and Irma worse." Note the above study is actually referenced in the article (that is how I found it) and it is basically ignored since it doesn't fit the narrative. The article itself isn't too far out of balance, just the editorial headline.

Deleted member 2897

If we are affecting hurricane strength, then the earth is cooling down, because we didn't have a Category 3 or stronger hit the US for over 12 years. By far the longest streak ever.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
If we are affecting hurricane strength, then the earth is cooling down, because we didn't have a Category 3 or stronger hit the US for over 12 years. By far the longest streak ever.
The Earth has just been storing that extra energy to screw with us this year!

Deleted member 2897

We had an editorial in our local paper advocating for a carbon tax. In it, they said the purpose would be to artificially increase the price of energy from dirty sources, so that it would incent utilities, companies, and consumers to migrate to clean sources. Then, they said to help people afford the resulting large increase in utility/energy prices, they would return 100% of the revenue raised from the taxes back to the people.

So I emailed the guy to ask what in the world this would accomplish. For example, if my energy prices increase $200/month, I might look at getting solar cells for my house. But if I get a check back for $200/month to offset the increase in energy prices, why would I?

The guy responded, and here is what he said. This is a copy/paste: "I believe that the discussion has moved beyond the question as to whether it is urgent to reduce carbon emissions to slow the rate of climate change. If you accept that premise, I will look forward to discussing approaches to that problem."

So I wrote him back saying I was insulted that the only way he was willing to communicate with me was if my politics agreed with his. This is a silly way to go through life. These people are incapable of critical thinking and being challenged on ideas.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA

98% scientific consensus....the world would be a better place without human impact upon it.
So, If all and I mean all of "progressives" on the GW argument were to start walking every where, stopped using anything that is made from a Petro chemical, don't use anything but sunshine to heat and cool, i.e. act as they want everyone else to, then the problem would be solved. Of course they don't and won't do that.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
So, If all and I mean all of "progressives" on the GW argument were to start walking every where, stopped using anything that is made from a Petro chemical, don't use anything but sunshine to heat and cool, i.e. act as they want everyone else to, then the problem would be solved. Of course they don't and won't do that.

Actually, with every breath they take (and let out), they pollute the atmosphere with dangerous carbon dioxide.

Doing the "right thing" is not so straight forward if you want to avoid the charge of not practicing what you preach.

Deleted member 2897


"Another Global Warming Study Casts Doubt On Media's Climate Change Fairy Tale"

One especially interesting piece of information to me was that in the last 140 years, the total temperature increase over that entire period is 1.1 degree Celsius. I mean, that is such an inconsequential amount. I don't know how you get armageddon level of panic off of 1.1 degrees over 140 years.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
A quick google of Investors.com found this...