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  1. Legacy Admissions to GT

    It's rare for students to start their first co-op semester within their freshman year at pretty much any college. Some (large) companies have high school work study programs where you can get hired full time upon graduating high school and then make use of said company's programs for further...
  2. Assessing the Impact of GT Presidents on GT Athletics

    GT is a public higher institute of education and research beholden to the state government of GA and to a lesser extent the federal government of USA. Assessing the impact of GT presidents on GT athletics is fine and all, but maybe rein back on some of the fandom when trying to extrapolate...
  3. Note from Juanyeh Thomas

    Cut the pre-NFL industry clean away from higher education or declare it a public responsibility; then the path forward would be a lot clearer.
  4. CPJ interview - Nov 11

    Surely there is some amount of money that would have improved the W-L records during CPJ's time. Based on [1], GT's football program spent $17.38 million in 2016-2017. According to [2], "the coaching transition from Paul Johnson to Geoff Collins was an unbudgeted expenditure that cost about $6...
  5. Kicker

    Well, based on my understanding of the word "perfect" in @yeti92's post that you replied to, Wells achieved 100% for both XP and FG in his first (freshman?) year, and look at his performance (or lack of performance) this current (past?) season...
  6. Kicker

    Well, the athletes also need to be in "good" academic standing (a rather low bar, but the bar is there) to maintain their athletic scholarships, although there is room for exceptions. There might be something to that seeing how a portion (~10%?) of the athletic department is directly funded by...
  7. Triple Option

    Heh, they asked him the same/similar question in halftime; don't remember exactly what he said but it was something vague along the lines of, you tell me, I don't know, or we'll find out.
  8. Triple Option

    As a casual football observer, I prefer watching rushing offenses for two main reasons: 1) the OL is attacking, 2) the action can more easily fit all within one screen.
  9. Academic Requirements for Recruits

    Minor correction; latest complete 4th, 5th, and 6th is actually 40%, 82%, and 87% based on (incoming) class of 2012. For the class of 2014 (again, incoming not graduating), 46% graduate within 4 years.
  10. Academic Requirements for Recruits

    I see 39% graduate within 4 years, 80% within 5 years, and 85% within 6 years for the latest undergraduate student body stats [1]. [1] ; pg.10
  11. First Year Coaching Grades

    If we're making the analogy to grading in class, pretty much every class I took in GT had a curve that was based on your classmates' results. Seeing how we ended up last in the Coastal division...
  12. CPJ interview - Nov 11

    Neither is there causation without correlation. Do you think "More money buys better coaching, more attractive facilities, better recruiting staff, etc" is false or not a contributing cause to a team making playoffs?
  13. Ok all Tech football fans gather around the nearest computer!!!

    AP credit and rising visible costs combined with greater awareness of the opportunity cost of staying in school are also factors. Take a look at [1] and it's reasonable that some incoming freshman could start with 30+ credit hours. Then say they take on average 12 credits/semester and attend...
  14. Is college football near the end as we know it.

    Out of curiosity, what does undergrad/grad research for money/credits fall under? I vaguely remember signing some employment papers and being barred from working more than 20 (?) hours per week as well as restriction from taking on any other student job (e.g. manning a desk or being an RA), but...
  15. Nate Cottrell...just a question, nothing bad

    Highlighted main disagreement in bold. Also, I'm just assessing the videos; I'm not making a statement on the "main point of this thread".
  16. Nate Cottrell...just a question, nothing bad

    ??? ... it's basic physics that a sharp cut would lose built up momentum for any moving object when changing trajectory. It's only a "decent bit" based off of 20/20 hindsight due to the cut block that brought the pursuing defender down (almost didn't) and as you mentioned, Cottrell made minor...
  17. Nate Cottrell...just a question, nothing bad

    Too much is being inferred from those two videos. @takethepoints made a good point about how the defenders at the next level are forcing outside in one and inside in the other. Another key difference is the initial running angle of the pitch receiver while moving along with the QB that is forced...
  18. This WIN is a sneak peek of what CGC has in mind

    Maybe because the offense had more plays this game to evaluate than previous, but it looked very different, including starting under center and starting QB with 2 RBs from the shotgun. And yes, I also saw a significant increase of cut blocking to great success, i.e. bringing the defender down to...
  19. Question about recruiting

    I know little about recruiting services, but I would assume that they only provide metrics evaluating an individual, which would be a lot more definitive if it was a 1v1 matchup from an even starting point. However, football is a team sport, where proper (or improper) tactics and execution often...
  20. GAME DAAAAY!!!

    I'm not too bothered by the missed holding calls... that seems to happen all the time. But where are those dead ball personal foul calls? Saw two blatant instances where a Miami player did a running knee into the face of a downed GT player. There was an arm/elbow to the neck of a downed GT...