Your Favorite Underrated GT player?


Helluva Engineer
Tony Hollings, the best that never was
Matt Uremovich-nasty LB with a mean streak
Clarence Moore- one of my favs from the team that made the Natty Champ game run, $ on bombing 3's

Glad somebody mentioned Uremovich. He went flat out all the time, a guy who never gave up on a play.


Ramblin' Wreck
Taylor Bennett

He was the QB for my OFFICIAL "first game I watched as a GT fan" which was the 2006 Gator Bowl, and the first GT game I ever attended (2007 vs UNC). As I recall it he had a great game filling in for Reggie Ball in the Gator Bowl - although it would've been hard not to with Calvin Johnson as your primary receiver. I know we blew a big lead but I was instantly a fan and was sad when he transferred after the 2007 season (although I totally understood why). He is the reason for the 13 in my username.

Underrated because he was a 2 star QB but managed to win in South Bend, at Miami, and even beat 13 Clemson.

Another underrated Jacket: Wesley Wells. Unbelievable performance last year in the UVA game, and throughout the season in general, as a walk on


Jolly Good Fellow
This thread is for your favorite Jackets, but not the necessarily the GREATest Jackets. I'm going with "The Little Engine that Could", Robbie Godhigh. Loved the little guy with the big ticker and fast wheels. Another player that had a similar journey to him, Isiah Willis, was a guy who I really liked as a player. On defense, I loved Jamal Golden and Julian Burnett. Burnett is one of the better "what could have been"s in recent memory. Who are your favorite GT players that we overlook?

Sean Bedford. "If you want my championship ring come take it off my finger".


Ramblin' Wreck
My criteria:

Didnt get more than a cup of coffee in the NFL
3* or below when recruited

KaMichael Hall (uncanny knack on blitzes)
Adamm Oliver
Tyler Melton
Rod Sweeting (borderline eligible, was on quite a few practice squads)

Deleted member 2897

Haven't read the thread, and this is going to come off like Grumpy Old Man Monday complaining, but most of our players are always underrated, even after they're here. We finished 4th in the ACC last year and on the 4 All-ACC teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd, honorable mention) across offense, defense, and special teams there were something like 120 folks who got awards. We got 2.

We're 1/14 of the conference (7%). So if we were average, we should have gotten 8 awards. Being above average, you'd think we would have gotten maybe 10-12. So we got about 1/5th the awards we should have gotten. And its like that every year.


Ramblin' Wreck
Tevin Washington

Quite possibly one of the most underrated and underappreciated SAs in any sport at GT. Probably ran CPJ's offense better than any of the QBs during the decade of the spread option. If he would have had a defense, he probably would have been remembered differently.

Or if we were better in the last two minutes of games during Tevin years. Feel like we always had a shot, and never got the chance to cap it off on O. Games against VT, Miami, UGA, FSU all come to mind, ending in turnovers in the final seconds or OT


Helluva Engineer
Or if we were better in the last two minutes of games during Tevin years. Feel like we always had a shot, and never got the chance to cap it off on O. Games against VT, Miami, UGA, FSU all come to mind, ending in turnovers in the final seconds or OT

In 2011, his first year as a full time starter, our offense had an OFEI of 16. In 2012, GT had an OFEI of 11 (he split some snaps with Vad Lee that year). Those are elite to very close to elite production from an offense. The VT game for example, Tevin led us down the field, made some MONEY throws, and gave us the lead with like a minute left in the game. The defense let VT march down the field to tie the game and take us into overtime.

Like I said, if we had a half decent defense during those years, 2011 and 2012 could have been special years and Tevin would have been remembered differently.


Helluva Engineer
Surprised nobody’s said @Ibeeballin

Someone did (but used his real name). I’m big on the Godhigh train. For starters, his name is just flat out awesome, but he was an absolute beast for us especially his senior year. That 2013 Clemson game stands out as he was about the only guy on our team to do much, but they rarely stopped him (reminds me of KirVonte’s game against Clemson in 2017...another favorite underrated player of mine).


Jolly Good Fellow
Someone did (but used his real name). I’m big on the Godhigh train. For starters, his name is just flat out awesome, but he was an absolute beast for us especially his senior year. That 2013 Clemson game stands out as he was about the only guy on our team to do much, but they rarely stopped him (reminds me of KirVonte’s game against Clemson in 2017...another favorite underrated player of mine).
Ah ok I must have missed it