Your choice for Head Coach

Who is your choice for Tech's next Head Coach?

  • Jamey Chadwell, Coastal Carolina

    Votes: 188 36.5%
  • Tyson Helton, WKU

    Votes: 5 1.0%
  • Mike Houston, ECU

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Charles Huff, Marshall

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Brent Key, Georgia Tech (IHC)

    Votes: 182 35.3%
  • Sean Lewis, Kent State

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Bill O’Brien, Alabama (OC)

    Votes: 21 4.1%
  • Deion Sanders, Jackson State

    Votes: 64 12.4%
  • Kane Wommack, South Alabama

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 50 9.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Helluva Engineer
Yeah but that's what we used to say about the a-back position.

"Oh man, being 1v1 all the time? Speed guys can really show off their skills in that scheme; it's a recruiting plus."

Never really came to fruition. I'm no longer a believer in 'if you build it (scheme) they (recruits) will come'.
That position in Chadwell’s acheme translates to a Slot WR though instead of a mini-rb like A-back in CPJ’s scheme, in other word its scalable to the NFL and easier to recruit for


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Fact is it doesn't really matter who the next Head Coach is at Tech. But what does matter is who he will hire as his offensive and defensive coordinators. But I don't want a head coach that runs the offense or defense cause he is not looking after the whole team.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Fact is it doesn't really matter who the next Head Coach is at Tech. But what does matter is who he will hire as his offensive and defensive coordinators. But I don't want a head coach that runs the offense or defense cause he is not looking after the whole team.

It's possible to do both, but I would prefer a HC that delegates to capable OC/DC.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, GA
Our fans may disagree on things but you know what will get them behind somebody… winning. Everyone enjoys winning. Whoever takes the job next could be despised by the fans when introduced. But if you win, everybody’s happy. Similar to when CPJ arrived. I’m too young to really remember it all, so I didn’t have an opinion on him. But my parents say that while they didn’t mind him when he was hired, a lot of GT fans were upset and skeptical that the option could word on the P5 level. Well by the end of 2009, he could probably have run for governor. Winning makes everything better.
Nah. There were fans who hated CPJ when he was hired. They still hated him after the 2008 season when we beat ugag. They still hated CPJ even after winning the ACC on 2009 because we lost to ugag and Iowa. Then they complained when we regressed after Nesbitt's injury in 2010. They complained in 2015 when the team was decimated. They complained that he could not win without Chan's recruits. They complained that CPJ could neither recruit nor beat Clemson or ugag with his HS offense. They complained so much he finally gave up and retired.

Deleted member 6494

We still have people voting for Key. That says a lot about our fan base. I pity who comes next. They are doomed to fail or be run out by stupid fans.
It is hard to understand. We have an interim coach who is 3-3, always been an OL coach, and past three years the offensive line has not performed well. Yes, it is hard to believe anyone would choose him as our next head coach.

If the 3-4 million dollars a year would be coming out of your pocket, would a person risk their money on that little of a record of success?


Nah. There were fans who hated CPJ when he was hired. They still hated him after the 2008 season when we beat ugag. They still hated CPJ even after winning the ACC on 2009 because we lost to ugag and Iowa. Then they complained when we regressed after Nesbitt's injury in 2010. They complained in 2015 when the team was decimated. They complained that he could not win without Chan's recruits. They complained that CPJ could neither recruit nor beat Clemson or ugag with his HS offense. They complained so much he finally gave up and retired.
people definitely complained about 2015 as would literally any fanbase of any serious football team when we followed up our best season in decades with our worst season in decades.

saying people complained about paul johnson in 2008 and 2009 is a major stretch to me. if anything that was the peak of the paul johnson love until 2014 when he got it back

i’m younger than most of y’all though so maybe i was just hanging out with kids and y’all were with the grumpy old farts that complain about everything anyway 😂


Helluva Engineer
You are correct; there was a religious/political group of insiders and certain team members that did not want Gailey as the coach. They tried to have him dismissed before he ever coached a down at Tech. They had already talked with a previous head coach at Tech and wanted him back as the head coach to replace Gailey if they could have Gailey run off before he could coach.

I was told the previous head coach agreed to come back if they did get rid of Gailey, but he would have no part in that effort. A Catholic insider called me and sat up a meeting with me; he thought I owned Stingtalk and they would pay me to let them use the board to gather more people to join their cause of getting rid of Gailey.

He was shocked when he found out I was only a posting member of Stingtalk. I let it be known on Stingtalk that this group was trying to get rid of Gailey. I also let it be known that they were upset because Gailey brought his own Baptist Chaplain with him; the Catholic chaplain from the on campus Catholic church would not have an active part with the football program but would still be the chaplain for the other sports.

There was another person temporarily on the board who was on the inside and knew all that was going on. Since this person saw I was condemning the underhanded ones, this person called me on my home phone and told me that all I was posting on Stingtalk was true.

I refused to be a part of the insider's plans. I told both that I would not reveal either of them. It was an accident that I learned all this. It was also ironic that I found out in talking with him that I knew his mother when we were young, and his sister was in the same school class as my daughter.

Bill O'Brien was the OC at that time; I think Key was an offensive lineman at that time.

If you want to know why it's a good thing Batt and Cabrera are keeping the coaching search circle very small to a limited number of trusted people, this is a good example of why. There are a LOT of GT people and donors that have preferences, and they have ZERO issues tanking the in personally trying to reach out to candidates they want, releasing information to the press to ruin a candidate's chances, etc. Believe it or not, this happens a LOT in coaching searches and not just at GT.

We saw some of this with our AD search. Can you blame Cabrera for putting someone outside of GTAA in charge of finding an AD now? I don't think we end up with Batt if he didn't do that.

Deleted member 6494

If you want to know why it's a good thing Batt and Cabrera are keeping the coaching search circle very small to a limited number of trusted people, this is a good example of why. There are a LOT of GT people and donors that have preferences, and they have ZERO issues tanking the in personally trying to reach out to candidates they want, releasing information to the press to ruin a candidate's chances, etc. Believe it or not, this happens a LOT in coaching searches and not just at GT.

We saw some of this with our AD search. Can you blame Cabrera for putting someone outside of GTAA in charge of finding an AD now? I don't think we end up with Batt if he didn't do that.
Yes, I can see the wisdom of keeping the information under hat while making a decision. However, there were some very underhanded people at GT that were responsible for the backlash against Gailey after he was hired.

One of those involved was the person who contacted me by accident, and the events actually happened. Yes, there are those who would interfere when they do not like the candidate. However, I saw the ugly side of that situation surrounding and during Gailey's tenure and offered little hints of what could happen and wanted others to be aware of a possible situation.

By the way, it made me realize that some of the administration reads the remarks on the forums to get a feel for undercurrents.


Ramblin' Wreck
I dunno. Maybe.

Seems to me that a well-run route and a well-delivered ball will beat the DB more times than not regardless of his stars. The receiver knows where he's going and the defense is playing catch-up from the moment the ball is snapped.

Isn't that why coaches blitz from time to time? To catch the offense off-guard from time to time?
How much separation do you see our wrs get against Clem and ug ? McCullom is the single exception I've seen. When it's 3rd and 4, when is the last time you saw a powerful back at GT drag 3 or 4 players the last 3 yards ? The players I saw on the CC clip wouldn't have gotten separation or the 1st down against Clem & ug. Hence my statement that Chadwell's system better have a lot of 4* running it, plus a QB like he has now. Is it doable....maybe.
Last edited:


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, GA
people definitely complained about 2015 as would literally any fanbase of any serious football team when we followed up our best season in decades with our worst season in decades.

saying people complained about paul johnson in 2008 and 2009 is a major stretch to me. if anything that was the peak of the paul johnson love until 2014 when he got it back

i’m younger than most of y’all though so maybe i was just hanging out with kids and y’all were with the grumpy old farts that complain about everything anyway 😂
They were definitely people complaining from the very beginning. They did not get loud until 2010. They were loud for a few years and then shut up in 2014. Then, they started complaining again in 2015 and did not shut up until he left.


Jolly Good Fellow
Fact is it doesn't really matter who the next Head Coach is at Tech. But what does matter is who he will hire as his offensive and defensive coordinators. But I don't want a head coach that runs the offense or defense cause he is not looking after the whole team.
"....a head coach that runs the offense or defense cause he is not looking after the whole team...."
Miami was the annual "reunion" game for a core group of Tech guys who have remaine close friends from mid-70's teams. We had drinks and dinner last Fri night and, as beer flowed, we told each other the same stories we've heard for 40 years. As always, many of them revolved around Pepper.
The defensive guys once again laughingly reminded us that Pepper NEVER spent one minute at practice with defense. In fact, Pepper never left the QB/RB drills until we gathered for team scrimmage each day for last 30-45 mins.
In '75 at Superdome vs Tulane, we had a couple DBs get dinged up and we had to put in a freshman....who immediately made a great play on third down forcing a punt. As he ran off the field Pepper ran over and said, "Good play, what-ever-your-name-is."

Randy Carson

Helluva Engineer
Apex, NC
I did sometimes wonder when it seemed like CPJ would run it into the line on three consecutive plays for little or no yardage. My guess is that he was watching something in the Defense that I wasn't seeing, and that little something told him what he wanted to know for the next series. I was focused on what WE were doing...he was focused on what THEY were doing in response.

That or he was going to make the guys run the play until they got it right...even in the middle of a real game! ;)

Still, I could understand some fans in the stands getting frustrated by the "deliberate" three and outs if they didn't understand the reason for them.


Ramblin' Wreck
Bonaire GA
I did sometimes wonder when it seemed like CPJ would run it into the line on three consecutive plays for little or no yardage. My guess is that he was watching something in the Defense that I wasn't seeing, and that little something told him what he wanted to know for the next series. I was focused on what WE were doing...he was focused on what THEY were doing in response.

That or he was going to make the guys run the play until they got it right...even in the middle of a real game! ;)

Still, I could understand some fans in the stands getting frustrated by the "deliberate" three and outs if they didn't understand the reason for them.
Pretty sure he actually did that in a game and it was pretty dang obvious. Don’t remember which one or if he did it more than once.


Helluva Engineer
If you want to know why it's a good thing Batt and Cabrera are keeping the coaching search circle very small to a limited number of trusted people, this is a good example of why. There are a LOT of GT people and donors that have preferences, and they have ZERO issues tanking the in personally trying to reach out to candidates they want, releasing information to the press to ruin a candidate's chances, etc. Believe it or not, this happens a LOT in coaching searches and not just at GT.

We saw some of this with our AD search. Can you blame Cabrera for putting someone outside of GTAA in charge of finding an AD now? I don't think we end up with Batt if he didn't do that.
What you are saying is spot on. I think that’s how we got our last two disasters as AD and HC.


Helluva Engineer
Pretty sure he actually did that in a game and it was pretty dang obvious. Don’t remember which one or if he did it more than once.
He would do something similar where he would have the A-backs motion to a position behind the qb, extend the count so it appeared he was trying to draw the defense offsides, then would call time out. The fans were always complaining that it never worked. I always felt like he was doing it to see how the defense reacted, setting up a play 2 or 3 series later. I had the sense I was watching a chess grandmaster.

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
Pretty sure he actually did that in a game and it was pretty dang obvious. Don’t remember which one or if he did it more than once.
Play calling especially early in the game can be for the coaches and not the fans. I once had a very good assistant line coach who wanted to call the first few plays in the game so he could assess how the other team's DL was coached, how they lined up, and where their strengths and weaknesses were. Like CPJ he was watching the blocking and not following the ball or skilled players. From that he would then sub and instruct his OL line players who and how to block and would tell me what plays would work in possession situations. This was a very successful strategy for winning and I am sure the fans had no clue about the "why" of the early play calling.

Deleted member 6494

Play calling especially early in the game can be for the coaches and not the fans. I once had a very good assistant line coach who wanted to call the first few plays in the game so he could assess how the other team's DL was coached, how they lined up, and where their strengths and weaknesses were. Like CPJ he was watching the blocking and not following the ball or skilled players. From that he would then sub and instruct his OL line players who and how to block and would tell me what plays would work in possession situations. This was a very successful strategy for winning and I am sure the fans had no clue about the "why" of the early play calling.
I liked Paul Johnson; he was a good coach with a good analytical mind but had one fault in his play calling from my perspective; he was too reluctant to use the short and intermediate passes when the defense pulled up close to the line.

There is one thing he was great at changing. If his offensive plan was not working in the first half, he would change parts of it in the second half and catch the opposing defenders off guard. He would often note the defensive weakness in the first half and attack it in the second half.


Jolly Good Fellow
He would do something similar where he would have the A-backs motion to a position behind the qb, extend the count so it appeared he was trying to draw the defense offsides, then would call time out. The fans were always complaining that it never worked. I always felt like he was doing it to see how the defense reacted, setting up a play 2 or 3 series later. I had the sense I was watching a chess grandmaster.
But it DID work sometimes, in two ways. I've seen the defense jump, but the best ones were when the A-backs took their positions, no one jumped on defense, and the defense let up thinking the timeout was coming and they snapped the ball and got the first down!

Coach Johnson was a master at thinking several plays ahead and set them up with his calls, and also at making adjustments on the fly when he saw what the defensive gameplan was trying to do.