would you take richt over cpj?

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Everyone on here can come at me all they want, but when Tech loses like they have this year, what is the common theme to most of the threads. Coaching cost us, not prepared, look like they have not been coached worth a damn, CPJ sucks etc. But now it is an off week, Paul is the best thing since sliced bread. Webster says that is bipolar. Win or lose my feeling about Paul Johnson will not change. I'll be just as happy as everyone else if Tech wins big, but I still fell the same way about Paul Johnson. Where is it written that a Tech supporter has to like the coach?


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
You see what you want to see, I guess. I see him as an empassioned coach who wants to win, cares about his players, and is not afraid to call them out when they screw up, which, unfortunately, they have done a lot this year. Like I said before, why do his players love him so much if he is such an "ahole"? If it bothered them, there would be total disunity every year, but that has been far from the case, win or lose. They know he cares for them, and that he wants them to perform at their best.
I agree he cares about winning and the players. And he does take responsibility .
Maybe they did
You keep telling urself that if it makes you feel better. If they did and he didn't accept the job, he is stupid. ugag is one of the best jobs in the country. Low academic standards, recruiting adv like very few, all the $$$ you want to make the program work.

midga fan

Georgia Tech Fan
You keep telling urself that if it makes you feel better. If they did and he didn't accept the job, he is stupid. ugag is one of the best jobs in the country. Low academic standards, recruiting adv like very few, all the $$$ you want to make the program work.
I said maybe Nebraska did not ugag. Maybe PJ likes you even if you don't like him and he chose to stay at GT.
Augusta, GA
You keep telling urself that if it makes you feel better. If they did and he didn't accept the job, he is stupid. ugag is one of the best jobs in the country. Low academic standards, recruiting adv like very few, all the $$$ you want to make the program work.
Johnson doesn't like "low academic standards." He knew the problems Tech's standards caused in recruiting when he was approached about coming here, and he accepted it anyway. He has also never used those standards as an excuse; in fact, he emphasizes them. The graduation rate has increased considerably under his leadership, and I, for one, appreciate that and respect him for it.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
On the flip side. Think how scary good uga would be if they had cpj and same level of recruiting.
They'd all be suspended for 2 games for the first two games then you would destroy your opponent week 3 then you'd have to resort to a bunch of walk ons for the rest of the year by week 4.
You see what you want to see, I guess. I see him as an empassioned coach who wants to win, cares about his players, and is not afraid to call them out when they screw up, which, unfortunately, they have done a lot this year. Like I said before, why do his players love him so much if he is such an "ahole"? If it bothered them, there would be total disunity every year, but that has been far from the case, win or lose. They know he cares for them, and that he wants them to perform at their best.
Please give me one coach that doesn't want to win. If you find one, I bet he's not employed as a coach. You have ur expectations and I have mine. Having a coach screaming and spitting in the face of his players on the sideline is not necessary. There is more than one way to skin a cat. I'd prefer a calm in control coach that acts like a professional not a irrational ***. Is it OK for the AD to come down to sidelines a yell and scream at Paul when he screws up? No, so why should he do it. As far as former players loving him, I don't know if it that is completely accurate and I don't care. I know one that has stated he flat out lied to him. Vad Lee. Disunity has been a common theme I know it was a problem two years ago. There is ying to every yo. I'm not trying to change your mind, stop trying to discredit my opinion just because you don't like it. Opinions are thoughts, everyone has them. Just agree to disagree.
Augusta, GA
They'd all be suspended for 2 games for the first two games then you would destroy your opponent week 3 then you'd have to resort to a bunch of walk ons for the rest of the year by week 4.
I don't think he would recruit the kind of players who would be suspended for 2 games. Sure, it happens at Tech, but it happens a lot more in Athens. Despite CMR's character, he will recruit and sign just about anyone; I feel pretty sure Johnson wouldn't take that approach.


Helluva Engineer
I don't think he would recruit the kind of players who would be suspended for 2 games. Sure, it happens at Tech, but it happens a lot more in Athens. Despite CMR's character, he will recruit and sign just about anyone; I feel pretty sure Johnson wouldn't take that approach.

He didn't lie to Vad Lee about anything. He tried to tailor the offense more to his strengths and it still didn't work out because Vad was selfish.

* was quoting the post before yours
Augusta, GA
Please give me one coach that doesn't want to win. If you find one, I bet he's not employed as a coach. You have ur expectations and I have mine. Having a coach screaming and spitting in the face of his players on the sideline is not necessary. There is more than one way to skin a cat. I'd prefer a calm in control coach that acts like a professional not a irrational ***. Is it OK for the AD to come down to sidelines a yell and scream at Paul when he screws up? No, so why should he do it. As far as former players loving him, I don't know if it that is completely accurate and I don't care. I know one that has stated he flat out lied to him. Vad Lee. Disunity has been a common theme I know it was a problem two years ago. There is ying to every yo. I'm not trying to change your mind, stop trying to discredit my opinion just because you don't like it. Opinions are thoughts, everyone has them. Just agree to disagree.
Pretty sure Vad never claimed that Johnson lied to him. Vad KNEW what kind of offense Johnson used, and Johnson may have convinced him that he could fit. And, in case you don't remember, Johnson made plenty of changes to the offense in order for Vad to "fit in." But when all was said and done, Vad could NOT fit in, and he just wasn't very good. I'm glad he has succeeded elsewhere, and I'm sorry he went down in his senior year. But NOBODY ever lied to him about anything.


Helluva Engineer
How well has Paul handled it at Tech? Tech has had academic casualties, suspensions, players dismissed or just quit like ugag has. I'd bet just like 99% of the other college head coaches have. Tech's DL is a perfect example of that right now.

Wow my point could not have flown over your head any farther. I'm not disputing that those things happen to every program. Though I would wager academic casualties happen here more than most other schools. My point was that Tech is not as well equipped to handle those type of events as other schools who don't have the academic and recruiting hurdles we do. If you don't agree that's fine I just think you're living in some kind of fantasy land the rest of us aren't. We will NEVER have the depth of a program like FSU, UGA, OSU, etc. I feel like a coach such as Richt, who's spent his entire career at schools like that, wouldn't know how to cope with those challenges.

And to answer your question I think he has handled it fairly well. Like I said, I think most coaches would have us worse off. I believe that most of our issues stem from the school itself rather than the coach. It doesn't mean I think he's a god or infallible like I'm sure you'll willfully misinterpret.


Jolly Good Fellow
Whiskey already forgot about last week. I would take Richt in a heart beat over the grumpy, can't take responsibility, cursing and yelling at players and looking like a tool on the sidelines, will not adjust no matter what Paul Johnson. If you like where the program is then I guess you're happy being a loser. Richt isn't perfect, but he is a much better man than Paul Johnson is. Go hear Mark Richt speak one time and it might change your mind. I for one hope ugag does fire Richt. We might have a chance to win more that 2 times in 10 years. There is a reason only two teams in all of div 1 football run the wing t.
Mark Richt is no where near the coach PJ is. Can you name one coach that consistently under achieves more than Richt given the talent he has. If Richt and Johnson swapped rosters the week before the Tech/ dwag game PJ would NEVER lose to Richt. The one area PJ could learn a thing or two from Richt in is how to handle the media.


Helluva Engineer
I'm not trying to change your mind, stop trying to discredit my opinion just because you don't like it. Opinions are thoughts, everyone has them. Just agree to disagree.

Sure everyone has opinions but not all opinions are created equal. Opinions without some kind of evidence to support them are worthless. And what you're doing to support yours is making stuff up (doesn't take responsibility; lied to Vad Lee), besmirching the guy's character (because he does things most coaches at the high school level and above do), putting words in people's mouths and attacking people who disagree with you (happy being a loser; definition of bipolar). Don't confuse attacking your support for attacking your opinion. You're more than welcome to it and honestly I think you're doing a pretty good job of discrediting it on your own without any help.

Also I get you clearly don't like the guy on a personal level for whatever reason (have you actually met the guy?) but you seem to be conflating supporting him as a coach with loving him as a person or something. It's not the same thing. I don't think anyone's doing that.
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Helluva Engineer

Funny you bring him up. How many other coaches save a scholarship an entire year for a kid who becomes academically ineligible giving him a chance to earn his way back on to the team? And letting him play on the scout team while doing it? How many coaches give away the scholarship to a recruit and kick him to the curb the second he's ineligible?

Man, what a terrible person. Give me a break.
Augusta, GA
Like I said, it DOES happen at Tech, but not nearly as often as at the football factories. And why are you singling out one player like that? He has screwed up twice and come back on his own from one screwup. What this second one is nobody knows for sure, in spite of any credible hypotheses. Singling out individual players like that just in order to support your agenda is beyond reproach.
Wow my point could not have flown over your head any farther. I'm not disputing that those things happen to every program. Though I would wager academic casualties happen here more than most other schools. My point was that Tech is not as well equipped to handle those type of events as other schools who don't have the academic and recruiting hurdles we do. If you don't agree that's fine I just think you're living in some kind of fantasy land the rest of us aren't. We will NEVER have the depth of a program like FSU, UGA, OSU, etc. I feel like a coach such as Richt, who's spent his entire career at schools like that, wouldn't know how to cope with those challenges.

And to answer your question I think he has handled it fairly well. Like I said, I think most coaches would have us worse off. I believe that most of our issues stem from the school itself rather than the coach. It doesn't mean I think he's a god or infallible like I'm sure you'll willfully misinterpret.
Your point hasn't gone over my head. Your saying because CMR has been at factories for the majority of his career that he can't cope anywhere else. I am not sure that is fair to CMR or any other coach. Flip how would Paul handle the thugs in Athens, Gainesville, Knoxville, Louisville etc. For the most part Paul runs a clean program and should be commended for it, but it doesn't change the way I feel about him. I'm sorry you think so little of my interpreting abilities, but I promise you aren't that hard to understand. You and the rest of the sheep on this board are simply haters of any opinion that differs with yours and that is sad. Best of luck to you!!
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