What’s the worst weather at a Tech game you can remember?


Helluva Engineer
1990 VPI at BDS. Cold, windy, and rainy earlier in the day, but still very damp and raw. IIRC, GT won that 6-3. Miserable day on the Flats.


Ramblin' Wreck
“Can remember” disqualifies many of the games I’ve been to - especially losses.

I do recall thinking I was going to die of hypothermia - IN MIAMI, FL - at the 2010 Orange Bowl v Iowa.

Edit to add, this may not count as a memory either since according to the fair and unbiased NCAA, this game never happened due to $300 worth of clothes.
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Tech Lawyer

Jolly Good Fellow
A tropical depression hit Clemson' Memorial Stadium in the second game of the 2002 season vs. Tech. I have never seen harder rain and was standing in a foot of water. I was also at the opener in Blacksburg during Mike Vick's senior year when large thunder storms rolled in causing the cancellation of the game. The teams had lined up for the kickoff when nearby lightning strikes sent everyone scurrying for cover. Whoever was in charge that night was extremely fortunate that lightning didn't hit the stadium, (but Lee Corso's car was hit and blew up in the parking lot.) The stadium officials waited far too long before telling the fans to take shelter. It took more than 20 minutes to get everyone out of the stands and it really could have been a disaster. I am confident that dangerous scenario will never repeat itself.


Ramblin' Wreck
Seattle, WA
If we’re talking any Tech game, I’d say 2017 Clemson. Heavy driving rain in Death Valley from the moment the band got off the bus to the moment we got back on it soaked from head to toe. What a miserable trip back to Atlanta!

If it has to be in Bobby Dodd, then 2013 UNC. Torrential downpours all game. Winning made it more bearable.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Two Peach Bowls at Atlanta Stadium. One against Ole Miss in the rain and mud and the other on a very cold Christmas Day vs Purdue. We lost both games too.
Those were my two picks with the Mississippi game being the worst. I had been to every Peach Bowl and almost all of them were miserable weather. FSU vs LSU, UNC vs Arizona State, and a few others. I quit going after the last Tech loss.


Jolly Good Fellow
Houston, TX
“Can remember” disqualifies many of the games I’ve been to - especially losses.

I do recall thinking I was going to die of hypothermia - IN MIAMI, FL - at the 2010 Orange Bowl v Iowa.

Edit to add, this may not count as a memory either since according to the fair and unbiased NCAA, this game never happened due to $300 worth of clothes.

20 year old me drove straight from Dallas, TX to Miami the day/night before the game just to sit through that. Miserable weather and game, but I wasn't going to miss GT's first BCS bowl game (in my lifetime) for anything.


Helluva Engineer
I dont remember the game, but it was a noon game, high humidity and mid 90's and beating down sun. The concession area was literally a triage area with all the medical people tyring to help all the people who were having heat strokes, passing out in the stands.
Sounds like 2010 NCSU game. Russell Wilson ran wild. It was about 110 degrees in the stadium.


Helluva Engineer
Those were my two picks with the Mississippi game being the worst. I had been to every Peach Bowl and almost all of them were miserable weather. FSU vs LSU, UNC vs Arizona State, and a few others. I quit going after the last Tech loss.
UNC vs. ASU was a stinking blizzard. I was there. Fun game but cold as a witch’s _____.


Helluva Engineer
If we’re talking any Tech game, I’d say 2017 Clemson. Heavy driving rain in Death Valley from the moment the band got off the bus to the moment we got back on it soaked from head to toe. What a miserable trip back to Atlanta!

If it has to be in Bobby Dodd, then 2013 UNC. Torrential downpours all game. Winning made it more bearable.
Second this. Wife and I brought ponchos - they helped a little but it was an unrelenting tropical monsoon for most of the game.