Maybe the football crowd. The baseball crowd is largely parents, ex-parents and former baseball players who get together in the parking lot in RVs and set up tents. I've gone up twice for baseball games and they offered me free food and drink. They appreciate good baseball and aren't all tribal/nationalistic about it.
Just say VT sucks (true statement) and they are your friends.
No Zima. But a fully stocked bar, wine and beer (free). Plus shine. Last time drank shots of shine and gave them some of my Irish Whiskey. Proceeded to the game toasted and three of us GT grads proceeded to heckle the 3rd baseman and LF mercilessly. Wiley will remember since it was a quiet stadium other than us. We won
Needless to say I was planning to go back last year till COVID happened. Will go back next year, Lord willing and the Cree don't rise. This weekend, I'll be in the mountains near Charlottesville and likely miss at least the Thursday game.