Transfer Portal: Who's Coming and Going (2022 Roster)


Helluva Engineer
What is his connection to UT? Next closest school to Dalton? It seems like he has a great bond with Choice and we are doing a good job showcasing him for the NFL, which is only one year away for him. If he wants a championship, it seems he would be looking at Bama, UGA, or Ohio State. With a better OC here, he has a shot at the Heisman to go along with an almost complete degree from Tech.

Not sure why UT seems to be the destination, but the “culture of losing” was the reason I was told he was leaving Tech.

This is why I kept saying that another 3-9 season would hurt recruiting. No matter how great of a recruiter you are, there are only so many ways to sell 9-25


Jolly Good Fellow
Good luck to him. Gibbs was the most exciting player we have had since Calvin. He's an incredible back and I look forward to seeing him get drafted in 2023.


Helluva Engineer
Not sure why UT seems to be the destination, but the “culture of losing” was the reason I was told he was leaving Tech.

This is why I kept saying that another 3-9 season would hurt recruiting. No matter how great of a recruiter you are, there are only so many ways to sell 9-25
I don't disagree that losing hurts recruiting. Hopefully we can hang on to Dontae and Griffin, although I've heard whispers about Griffin leaving as well. I wouldn't be shocked if a bunch of our current players move on if they are told they have landing spots at P5 schools.


Helluva Engineer
I don't disagree that losing hurts recruiting. Hopefully we can hang on to Dontae and Griffin, although I've heard whispers about Griffin leaving as well. I wouldn't be shocked if a bunch of our current players move on if they are told they have landing spots at P5 schools.

I don’t have as strong of a source on Griffin as I did on Gibbs, but I think Gibbs leaving clinches Griffin staying. Don’t hold me to that, though.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I don't disagree that losing hurts recruiting. Hopefully we can hang on to Dontae and Griffin, although I've heard whispers about Griffin leaving as well. I wouldn't be shocked if a bunch of our current players move on if they are told they have landing spots at P5 schools.
Gibbs will be the obvious exception but I don't think I have ever heard of another player who left our program making any impact at other p5 programs. Some of them have gotten on the field by dropping down a level or two. I think Dedrick Mills played some at Nebraska after he left Tech but I only knew that by reading things here (no that he was a portal player btw).


I am not remotely shocked about these kids leaving. I said it once, and I wills say it again. Nobody likes playing for losing programs and a losing coach. Some of these kids have dreams of the NFL and they know being on this team isn't going to help them. I wish these kids the best of luck on them chasing their dreams. I apologize that the coaching staff failed to highlight your abilities. Maybe we'll have better coaches that come in, that can do a better job for these young men.


Jolly Good Fellow
adam sandler somebody kill me please GIF


Helluva Engineer
Gibbs will be the obvious exception but I don't think I have ever heard of another player who left our program making any impact at other p5 programs. Some of them have gotten on the field by dropping down a level or two. I think Dedrick Mills played some at Nebraska after he left Tech but I only knew that by reading things here (no that he was a portal player btw).

Yeah Mills is a disappointing story all the way around. He WANTED to be at Tech and was a good fit for us on the field and never materialized at Nebraska, but I mean I get it. The Institute is not easy in the classroom. I don’t think anyone is more disappointed in what turned out than Mills, though.


Jolly Good Fellow
Nobody has to sit out if they haven't already transferred. With the new rules every SA gets one 'free' transfer where they are eligible immediately. It's only if you transfer more than once that you have to sit a year.
I just re-read the NCAA portal rules and there is nothing about a free transfer. There is a waiver process for extenuating circumstances to become eligible to play and not sit out after transferring. I think there was a "free" transfer year for the COVID year. You would think the NCAA site is up to date