The “Money Men”


Jolly Good Fellow
There are many references to individual big donors who have much influence on Stansbury especially in regard to the hiring and support of Geoff Collins. There a number of astute posters on this board who seem to be close to the football program and the Athletic Department. Who are these people..,.sure not me!
Well, Clown Show has managed to divide the "Boosters" as badly as the rank and file fanbase.

A faction of the Boosters facillitated the hiring of Clown Show. Now, another faction is stepping up to get rid of him.

Stansbury went All-In with Clown Show, so they will either survive or leave together.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
GT has a lot of "money men" that are very private. See @LibertyTurns link and you'll find that there are "anonymous" donors at each level. They love GT and are willing to help Ma Tech any way they long as GT doesn't release their names. You might find them in box suites on game days, but you wouldn't know them if you bumped into them.

GT has a LOT of very generous donors at every level. We should be thankful for having them because whenever there's a big need for money, quite a few of them step up.

Let's not make "money men" a derogatory term.
Oh OK I thought there was a lot of people named Anonymos

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
Don't you know Tech is broke. We have no money and no one cares enough to help a poor man out. Stansbury's last quote was, "got a nickel chief?". All the big money boys are over in Athens, paying the players.

Go Jackets!


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Don't you know Tech is broke. We have no money and no one cares enough to help a poor man out. Stansbury's last quote was, "got a nickel chief?". All the big money boys are over in Athens, paying the players.

Go Jackets!

We need to decide, once and for all, if we all want to be millionaires or do we want to have a good football team? In biblical terms, we are neither hot nor cold but stuck in that dreaded lukewarm area that we have been warned against. Nowadays, that concept has been repackaged as "go big or go home" or it's southern variation, "if you can't run with the big dogs you best stay on the porch."


Helluva Engineer
Kelly quinlan was asked on the rivals website in there mailbag questions what was the reaction of having 90 percent bulldogs fans on Saturday and he said that they big money people and also the president is pissed and embarrassed of that. It got a lot of the higher ups attention.

They should be pissed. We have hit rock bottom.


Jolly Good Fellow
As a result of the good awful product that's been fielded the past 3 years.

To be fair, UGAg was always going to have a large showing, seeing as they are basically in the playoffs.
Agreed - I can't buy into blaming any of the current team performance on the lack of GT fan support. Consistently poor performance from any team in any sport causes the fans to go away until performance improves. As a longtime season ticket holder, I'm done investing my time and money in a consistently poor performing team. There are simply better places to invest that time and money in this short life. I'll return when team performance improves...but not until then.

On a positive note, our basketball and baseball programs are performing well now so I can invest more time and money there now...


Helluva Engineer
Look, I agree it would be nice to have better attendance even during down years like other programs have, but I can’t blame fans for being apathetic after three years of garbage led by a man who wouldn’t own up to his own mistakes until a 100-0 two game streak made it impossible not to admit defeat.


Jolly Good Fellow
Augusta, GA
Whoever they are, tell them to let our coach do his job without their interference. You can't tell Collins who he can and can't hire while also holding him accountable for our team's performance.

"I'm going to make all of your decisions for you and then blame you when things don't work out."
Jerry Jones has been doing that for years 🤣🤣🤣


Ramblin' Wreck
Kelly quinlan was asked on the rivals website in there mailbag questions what was the reaction of having 90 percent bulldogs fans on Saturday and he said that they big money people and also the president is pissed and embarrassed of that. It got a lot of the higher ups attention.
I think it's a good thing the president is pissed and embarrassed. As silly as this sounds, I think he can have an immediate and significant impact on current students attending games in much bigger numbers. It could be something as simple as advising profs to encourage their students to attend games and be creative in rewarding them for attending games. I had a prof who awarded extra credit (couple points on a test) for attending a tennis match back in the 80s. I don't remember if the extra credit had any impact, but i remember going to the tennis match. Imagine if all of the profs did something like this.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
GT fans sold their tickets, not the coaches, players or administration.
Three win seasons with history making losses thrown in will do that. I can't say that I blame them. People will only endure so much and then walk away. It happens. I know of two long time Florida season ticket holders that swore they would never again attend a Gator game as long as Mullen was coach and he actually had good football teams by our standards.