Tennessee Game 1


Helluva Engineer
Loosening restrictions would be the key. We had a president in Patrick Crecine who was totally onboard with Tech athletics and (along with Homer Rice) created a favorable climate for winning, at least for a while. Back when Coach Ross was at the helm, Tech ran a nice balance of pro-style run-and-shoot along with the option. Shawn Jones was a Randall-Cunningham type QB with a whole arsenal of talented receivers to throw to; it's hard to remember they ran the option as much as they did. I think they did the same thing later on when Joe Hamilton was at QB. With the right players, I like the idea of mixing the option up with a good pro-style offense.
Takes all kinds but to me the "pro style offense" is as boring as some of those passing spreads we are seeing. The fire and fall back is not very appealing, and I think the option requires better athletes. But to each is own. Short term I'\ won't worry about it.


Helluva Engineer
Does anyone know how and when the last 10k of tickets are going to be released? (MBS holds 75K, GTs allotted 35K + Tennessee's allotted 30K = 10K left)

Also given that GT is sold out of its 35k and promised tickets to all season ticket holders, I guess I should assume GT will request more tickets from the remaining 10k?


Helluva Engineer

That's impressive. We were contractually obligated to buy 30K tix, while UT (with their 100K stadium) was obligated to buy 25K. So we more than met our obligations.

If I'm not mistaken, the Benz has a standard capacity seating of about 70K and can expand to 75K. If they don't expand seating for game, then GT will already have half the stadium filled with our fans with about 2 months before the game kicks off.

Suck on that Tennessee AD.


Helluva Engineer
That's impressive. We were contractually obligated to buy 30K tix, while UT (with their 100K stadium) was obligated to buy 25K. So we more than met our obligations.

If I'm not mistaken, the Benz has a standard capacity seating of about 70K and can expand to 75K. If they don't expand seating for game, then GT will already have half the stadium filled with our fans with about 2 months before the game kicks off.

Suck on that Tennessee AD.

It can hold 75K and expand to 85K


Helluva Engineer
How many season ticket holders does GT have. Including this game in that package has to go a long way toward this number.

GT must have reached 35K season ticket holders. Thats the only way they are giving out these tickets. I believe season ticket #s for the past few years have been between 30K-34K, so this game has probably upped the sales for this year by a couple thousand.


Helluva Engineer
A portion of the remaining 10k will be made available to people who have tickets to the Chick-fil-a Bowl

If it only holds 71K as clarified, then there are very few tickets left to be distributed. 35K allotted for GT and 30K allotted for Tennessee means 6K are left for either GT to request more or CFA Bowl people