Tech making the playoff? Easy as 1-2-3 (plus 4-5-6)

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Why the committee will keep us out:

GT- Bama game starts with a large GT lead, but ugly game with 12 injuries to the Jackets sees Bama tie the game in the last 4 seconds of regulation. After a tie in the 6th round of overtime ends with JT in a coma and 4 Bama defenders ejected for targeting, CPJ challenges Saban to single combat to the death. CPJ breaks one end of the first down markers from the chain and uses it like a flail, while Saban grabs the down marker and rips off the top, leaving a rent metal spear. After a long battle, CPJ appears on the brink of victory after he destroys Saban's knees. Just as CPJ is about to deliver the death blow, the ghost of Bear Bryant, having been promoted to a greater demon by Satan, rises from the ground and rips Saban's heart from his chest. As Bryant feasts on the heart, the Bama players' eyes explode and their flesh melts, running along the ground and turning Bryant into a 40 foot tall monster. Their dark ritual opens a pit to hell, and all manner of demons and the damned rush out.

Just as all seems lost, Bobby Dodd descends from heaven at the head of a host of scientists, engineers, and businessmen all wearing leather cap football helmets. Having foreseen this day on his retirement, Dodd left instructions for Georgia Tech to build a giant robot because Bryant's oversigning, scholarship yanking ways could only lead to one place: a giant world ending flesh demon. Dodd and his host blind the monster just long enough for CPJ to get into the Georgia Tech robot. A 12 min fight sequence later, CPJ realizes that the monster is just too strong. He tackles the monster's legs out from under it and detonates the thermonuclear weapon hidden in the robot's chest.

Humanity survives, but nearly 4 million people die that day.

The playoff committee simply cannot allow that to come to pass.

And THAT'S why the committee needs an air force general and former secretary of state.

I'd almost buy this if you were @Minawreck

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
If the article is supposed to be a joke in making fun of the retarded criteria used by committee then I get it. If it’s being serious then I go back to my original statement.

No matter what happens this weekend I don’t see us jumping Kansas State if they win. They’ll be co-champions with TCU or outright champions if TCU loses. The committee won’t put a 2 loss team with losses to Duke and UNC over a 2 loss team with losses to Auburn and TCU. They’ve shown already how much stock they put into the quality loss department over quality wins. Just look at Michigan State being above us now as well as Oregon being above FSU. Alabama is the only interesting one because they won’t have an explanation to put a 2 loss Bama team over a 2 loss Missouri team that just beat them. BIG12 is at a huge advantage not having a championship game because they can swing out the co-champion card no matter what happens.

Did you see TCU jumping FSU?

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
Not at all. That’s why I believe they value “quality losses” over “quality wins”.
So wait, are you trying to follow and apply the committee's crazy "logic" or attacking it?

I think you are now oscillating both directions over the course of this thread and so have lost me.


Helluva Engineer
I'd almost buy this if you were @Minawreck
So you think Baylor and TCU should be in the playoff if they both win Saturday?
So flag football big 12 ( r there really 12) has three teams likely to go to playoffs. Big 12 powers Texas, ou, osu are way down. If one of these teams was near normal - add a loss across the board. Been to baylor game - clemson would throttle them!

These guys need at most one team anywhere near the playoff. They should be punished. Tech has gotten better while baylor has gone down. Big win by gt puts us over top!


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
So wait, are you trying to follow and apply the committee's crazy "logic" or attacking it?

I think you are now oscillating both directions over the course of this thread and so have lost me.
Well I’m stating my personal opinion on what should be happening and also stating my opinion on what I think the committee will do hence why they are opposite.


Georgia Tech Fan
Cumming, GA
Why the committee will keep us out:

GT- Bama game starts with a large GT lead, but ugly game with 12 injuries to the Jackets sees Bama tie the game in the last 4 seconds of regulation. After a tie in the 6th round of overtime ends with JT in a coma and 4 Bama defenders ejected for targeting, CPJ challenges Saban to single combat to the death. CPJ breaks one end of the first down markers from the chain and uses it like a flail, while Saban grabs the down marker and rips off the top, leaving a rent metal spear. After a long battle, CPJ appears on the brink of victory after he destroys Saban's knees. Just as CPJ is about to deliver the death blow, the ghost of Bear Bryant, having been promoted to a greater demon by Satan, rises from the ground and rips Saban's heart from his chest. As Bryant feasts on the heart, the Bama players' eyes explode and their flesh melts, running along the ground and turning Bryant into a 40 foot tall monster. Their dark ritual opens a pit to hell, and all manner of demons and the damned rush out.

Just as all seems lost, Bobby Dodd descends from heaven at the head of a host of scientists, engineers, and businessmen all wearing leather cap football helmets. Having foreseen this day on his retirement, Dodd left instructions for Georgia Tech to build a giant robot because Bryant's oversigning, scholarship yanking ways could only lead to one place: a giant world ending flesh demon. Dodd and his host blind the monster just long enough for CPJ to get into the Georgia Tech robot. A 12 min fight sequence later, CPJ realizes that the monster is just too strong. He tackles the monster's legs out from under it and detonates the thermonuclear weapon hidden in the robot's chest.

Humanity survives, but nearly 4 million people die that day.

The playoff committee simply cannot allow that to come to pass.

And THAT'S why the committee needs an air force general and former secretary of state.

...and that is one corrupt, bloodthirsty Neocon SOS, too. What on Earth is Condoleeza Rice doing on that Committee??? When I found that out, I knew it was all total bs. Anybody from the US Mafia District of Criminals responsible for committing the false-flag nuclear inside job psy-op of 9/11/01 against the American People shouldn't be allowed anywhere near college football. I consider her a criminal 1000x worse than Jailbird Jameis Winston.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
R=E=L=A=X. The play offs will come to us if it's meant to be. I just can't wait for our game Saturday night.
I agree. What's nice is this is the first game all year where I'm not worried and stressing out because we really have nothing to lose. I may actually be able to enjoy a game without being wasted for once this year.


Jolly Good Fellow
Please reread the above and remember all the players we lost over the winter.a new QB, loss of depth on the D-Line....

What a great time for GT football!


Georgia Tech Fan
It's pretty amazing how people get trotted out as experts in front of a national audience, and can't even bother to spend 5 minutes thinking about their wild-*** guesses. Like how on earth would TCU winning help Georgia Tech? It makes Kansas State like 10% less likely to pass us if we win while simultaneously making us about 90% to pass TCU. In no scenario ever does the TCU loss actually put us a rank ahead. Just shoddy journalism all around.


Helluva Engineer
Matt Fortuna, from ESPN, now on board?

On Thursday I outlined discussions we had about how Georgia Tech could possibly sneak into the College Football Playoff with a win this Saturday.

I might have been overcomplicating things.

Colleague Brad Edwards took to Twitter to show a far simpler scenario for the Yellow Jackets to get in.

In this scenario, as Edwards mentioned, No. 9 Kansas State would also likely find itself in contention for that No. 4 spot, as it would be a conference co-champion with No. 3 TCU after beating No. 6 Baylor.

And while No. 10 Mississippi State might have an argument after watching all of the chaos unfold in front of it, the Yellow Jackets would have the advantage of being a champion of a Power 5 conference, something Edwards thinks would ultimately give them the edge.

Is it that big of a stretch to think that No. 1 Alabama beats No. 16 Missouri, No. 2 Oregon beats No. 7 Arizona and No. 3 TCU beats Iowa State? And that No. 5 Ohio State, with its third-strong quarterback, falls to No. 13 Wisconsin, along with No. 6 Baylor falling to No. 9 Kansas State? I don't think it's all that wild.

Insider's Sharon Katz created a table for Georgia Tech that can serve as somewhat of a "who-to-roof-for" guide for Jackets fans this weekend, with scenarios big and small.

So it appears that the stakes may be that much higher for No. 11 Georgia Tech Saturday against No. 4 Florida State. Who would've ever guessed that? (Other than ace Spreecast viewer John, of course. Well done.)