State of the ACC: Your View


Helluva Engineer
I was thinking about the conference this morning and wondering if it is finally beginning to reach it's potential in football. There are a few factors that have me thinking it might be. I'd be interested to see what other folks think. And it's the off season, so what else are we going to do?

Here is my rationale:

(1) Emergence of Marquee Teams. FSU and Clemson look like they are realizing their potential. Having teams that make the playoffs and/or win NC's is huge for perception of the conference, which also helps recruiting. The only thing is the Coastal has no marquee team. Miami has a good 30-year history but other than recruiting hotbed doesn't have structural advantages a la FSU, Clemson, or even UNC for that matter. And if Richt couldn't make the playoffs at UGA how is he going to do it at Miami.

(2) More competitive conference. Yes there are still teams that appear hopeless in Wake & Syracuse. However Duke has emerged as a year-in, year-out bowl team with a good coach who wants to stay there and improved recruiting. Others are showing signs of life: UVA has hired Mendenhall who is a proven winner, Narduzzi looks like the real deal at Pitt, BC is playing great D and will be tough if they find an O, UNC is coming off a 10 win season. Miami figures to be more consistent with Richt. GT even in a 3-9 season loaded with injuries was tough to beat. Give GT a D and Johnson experienced offensive personel and we are downright scary. Hell even without a D we've given Clemmons and FSU fits. VT and NCSU the jury is out. I kind of think NCSU is getting better under Dohern. VT retains Bud Foster and hired an offensive guru who turned around Memphis. We'll just have to see on Fuentes. But overall I am seeing an improvement with more teams migrating upward than downwards.

(3) Attracting better and more-proven coaches (e.g. Richt>Golden, Mendenhall>what's his face hired away from Richmond, Narduzzi>Cryst).

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Am I delusional?! What say you?

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
State of the ACC?
North Carolina. Eeeeeyyyoooo

Seriously, I think you make a good case, and we know it's early days still. I think the teams to watch will be UNC and UVA, and maybe Pitt. If I were of them, I'd expect better than what they've had (besides last year's unc).

Also, it will be interesting to see what happens with vpisu.


Staff member
I agree that overall the ACC is getting stronger. The elite of the league - FSU, Clemson - may finally be the rising tide that lifts all boats.

Due to my heightened sensitivity to Syracuse bashing I'll offer some data points re: their "hopelessness", which I think is mostly a result of a bad run in the 2000's and a single 56-0 drubbing at Bobby Dodd.
  • Syracuse has won 3 bowl games in the last 6 years
  • During that same span UVA qualified for 1 bowl game and lost
  • Both got rid of coaches this last offseason due to unacceptable results
Syracuse had a very similar run through the 90's. So, it's possible UVA is hopeless too, but actually I think both have some promise.


Jolly Good Fellow
Different slant on some question - State of the ACC? Too big. Louisville, Syracuse, Boston College, and Pitt are fine programs but they should be in a league with Penn State, Maryland, Rutgers, UConn, etc. A ten team ACC of UVA, VT, NCSU, Wake, Duke, UNC, Clemson, GT, FSU, and Miami with a 9 game league schedule would be awesome.


Ramblin' Wreck
The good thing about marquee teams if that when you beat them, it brings you a lot of benefits. We have been more than competitive with Clemson and FSU since Johnson got here. Keep playing .500 with them, and good things will flow. The Clemson game in ATL this year is Huuuuuugggggeeeee. We really really need to hold serve against them.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I don't mind the idea of a marquee team being the standard bearer for each division or for the conference as a whole. What I do take issue with is this idea that there are only certain member schools that are allowed to be marquee teams.

In today's environment, anybody CAN be a marquee team. Look at Oregon in the PAC 12 or Baylor in the Big 12. At one time they were afterthoughts in their leagues, if not out right jokes. But they became marquee teams by winning. They did not start winning because they were first anointed as marquee teams. So, if Wake or BC or whomever starts finishing in the top 5 or 10 consistently, guess what? They become your new marquee teams. It's not a closed system.


Helluva Engineer
  • Syracuse has won 3 bowl games in the last 6 years
  • During that same span UVA qualified for 1 bowl game and lost
  • Both got rid of coaches this last offseason due to unacceptable results

Truthfully I don't know that much about 'Cuse footabll and lumped them in with Wake out of ignorance. I appreciate your providing real data in a classy manner to set the record straight. I agree Syracuse is more in the NC State category where there are some pieces there but we'll have to see how it pans out. I'll be interested to see how Babers does with his offense.


Helluva Engineer
I think Louisville is going to be one of the big boys soon. They have a swagger about them and Petrino can coach wherever. I hope Richt doesn't turn Miami around but fear they finally made a good hire.


Jolly Good Fellow
McDonough, GA
In today's environment, anybody CAN be a marquee team. Look at Oregon in the PAC 12 or Baylor in the Big 12. At one time they were afterthoughts in their leagues, if not out right jokes. But they became marquee teams by winning. They did not start winning because they were first anointed as marquee teams. So, if Wake or BC or whomever starts finishing in the top 5 or 10 consistently, guess what? They become your new marquee teams. It's not a closed system.

I will agree with you that those two programs pulled themselves up by their bootstraps....or in the case of Baylor, co-eds' bra straps.

However, it has been my experience that whenever one of the non marquee teams in the ACC ends up on top, all we hear is that it is a down year for the conference. There is a definite perception problem and that affects the programs ability to sustain success.


Helluva Engineer
I was thinking about the conference this morning and wondering if it is finally beginning to reach it's potential in football. There are a few factors that have me thinking it might be. I'd be interested to see what other folks think. And it's the off season, so what else are we going to do?

Here is my rationale:

(1) Emergence of Marquee Teams. FSU and Clemson look like they are realizing their potential. Having teams that make the playoffs and/or win NC's is huge for perception of the conference, which also helps recruiting. The only thing is the Coastal has no marquee team. Miami has a good 30-year history but other than recruiting hotbed doesn't have structural advantages a la FSU, Clemson, or even UNC for that matter. And if Richt couldn't make the playoffs at UGA how is he going to do it at Miami.

(2) More competitive conference. Yes there are still teams that appear hopeless in Wake & Syracuse. However Duke has emerged as a year-in, year-out bowl team with a good coach who wants to stay there and improved recruiting. Others are showing signs of life: UVA has hired Mendenhall who is a proven winner, Narduzzi looks like the real deal at Pitt, BC is playing great D and will be tough if they find an O, UNC is coming off a 10 win season. Miami figures to be more consistent with Richt. GT even in a 3-9 season loaded with injuries was tough to beat. Give GT a D and Johnson experienced offensive personel and we are downright scary. Hell even without a D we've given Clemmons and FSU fits. VT and NCSU the jury is out. I kind of think NCSU is getting better under Dohern. VT retains Bud Foster and hired an offensive guru who turned around Memphis. We'll just have to see on Fuentes. But overall I am seeing an improvement with more teams migrating upward than downwards.

(3) Attracting better and more-proven coaches (e.g. Richt>Golden, Mendenhall>what's his face hired away from Richmond, Narduzzi>Cryst).

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Am I delusional?! What say you?

You are correct in your analysis. Which is why GT must address recruiting issues or we will become one of the aforementioned "teams that appear hopeless". It could happen. As it is, we are fortunate indeed to be in the somewhat less competitive Coastal. As I see it, the top dogs, in no particular order are FSU, Clemson, and Miami with UNC and Virginia Tech hoping to dislodge Miami. A compelling question is: Are Miami's best days really behind it? Or can it regain its former dominance? I think that Miami is in on the road to a slow decline and will be displaced by UNC or someone else. Perhaps, Pitt or one of the two Techs. We will see.
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Helluva Engineer
You are a marquee team if you get it done on the field. Just beat them on the field unless bwernie sanders is the new ACC commish.

10 team ACC conference? Have we not done that? Yeah, watch what happens to ACC TV when 40% of the teams are from 1 state.


Helluva Engineer
I think the ACC has improved significantly and will continue to do so with the influx of quality coaches. Especially on the coastal side. It is a little scary as a Tech fan. UVA has potential to improve significantly. VT has potential to be elite again. Duke and UNC look like they are here to stay and will remain competitive. Miami and Pitt are wildcards but both can be good. The ACC coastal isn't the pushover it may have once been. We are going to have to up our game.


Helluva Engineer
You are correct in your analysis. Which is why GT must address recruiting issues or we will become one of the aforementioned "teams that appear hopeless". It could happen. As it is, we are fortunate indeed to be in the somewhat less competitive Coastal. As I see it, the top dogs, in no particular order are FSU, Clemson, and Miami with UNC and Virginia Tech hoping to dislodge Miami. A compelling question is: Are Miami's best days really behind it? Or can it regain its former dominance? I think that Miami is in on the road to a slow decline and will be displaced by UNC or someone else. Perhaps, Pitt or one of the two Techs. We will see.
I think Miami was on a slow decline 5 years ago. They have arrived at mediocrity at this point. Since joining the ACC they haven't done anything. Its hard to say VT is trying to dislodge them when VT has been a significantly better program for over a decade. Can Richt turn it around? I personally doubt it.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Good analysis overall. Maybe, if TECH had the same team last year but the rest of the conference was like 3 years ago, our record would have looked better. Competition brings out the best in everybody. You won't hear me complain about it. I love the idea of the ACC starting a protracted period of dominance.


Helluva Engineer
Miami - Richt know how to recruit and how to coach, I expect Miami to regain juggernaut status with 3 years. South Florida is still the most talent rich area in the country and Manny Diaz can put together an aggressive defense.

UNC - Still not sold on UNC. Fredora has to build a defense that won't get pushed back for 8 yards a carry like Baylor did to them. That was one of the most embarrassing displays of defense to watch.

UVA - Bronco has a history of building strong teams, but it's unknown if he can do that in the mid Atlantic.

VaTech - Scary. With a coach that knows how to coach an offense aligned with a Bud Foster defense and that's a receipt for success.

Clemson/FSU - NC Contenders

Syracuse - supposedly hired a Homerun coach. Runs a OSU/Houston like spread. Don't know much we'll see.

GT - until recruiting and know I see retaining the talent in the trenches, GT won't be a consistent title contender. With tweaks in the O, and building a strong front seven however, Paul knows how to coach and will find a way to win.


Helluva Engineer
I think Miami was on a slow decline 5 years ago. They have arrived at mediocrity at this point. Since joining the ACC they haven't done anything. Its hard to say VT is trying to dislodge them when VT has been a significantly better program for over a decade. Can Richt turn it around? I personally doubt it.

Scary. They have "arrived at mediocrity" and we are 2 - 6 vs them in last 8 years.


Helluva Engineer
Scary. They have "arrived at mediocrity" and we are 2 - 6 vs them in last 8 years.
That is our problem to figure out. Other teams aren't having the same issues we seem to be having. They have won one bowl game and finished ranked one time in the last 10 years. They still have yet to play in an ACC championship game or make a major bowl game since joining the ACC. Its hard to describe them as anything but mediocre. A Virginia team that was awful in the Mike London era beat them 4 of 6 games.


Helluva Engineer
I said when the ACC let them in that Syracuse was a giant waiting to be awakened. Those guys were missing a decent conference affiliation to get pretty good pretty fast. Now they have it and the rest of us will suffer.

As to the rest. I think there is only one "marquee" team in the ACC: FSU. They've been good so long and so consistently that they deserve the label. I don't think Clemson's recent success is guaranteed to continue; indeed, it may only last until 22 September.

I have to confess, however, that I think this kind of "pull it out" comparison is less and less relevant these days. Talent is more widely distributed these days and all it takes is a little luck (like, say, the first quarter of the 2014 Pitt game) to scramble thing up considerably. And, again, in the ACC only one team stands apart from that - FSU - and even they've had some problems.

Nook Su Kow

Ramblin' Wreck
I know I suck. But I just don't gI've a ****, much less pull for the likes of duh u, vpi, or puke. Other than the gaggers, I pull for the opponents. Rant over. ACC coaching has most definitely improved.