

Helluva Engineer
IIRC CPJ said in the spring MJ wasnt ready yet which is just how he looked at the time. It's been months since the spring and guys develop, so perhaps MJ is more ready now, plus he has better players around him in the 2 deep. Add to that he is now taking #2QB practice reps.

Also Johnson madr pretty clear JT and Tim had 1 and 2 QB locked up and he was moving MJ to try and get him PT only because he's a good athlete. MJ was still the #3 QB.

I do agree with the OP fans dont generally realize the extent to which college players develop, and tend to give up on them way too early. Chamberlain anyone? That said the post still feels a little straw mannish and not a huge fan of this sort of post.


Helluva Engineer
Let's play a good team first, but I'd love to have to eat a huge plate of crow. ;)
Should get your wish this Saturday with Golden Domers but they lost a qb and a rb so things are looking up......course they can reload but doubt they have anybody as good as who they this and the bandwagon cant hold all the folks who will be jumping on.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I really hope we get to the point on this board where, as a community, we understand that when a player's performance is critiqued towards the negative or compared less favorably to another player in some aspect, we are not "hating" on the guy. As a moderator, I wouldn't tolerate much true "hate" to be spewed across these pages anyway. From what I can gather, we all love our kids and realize they are trying.

I am hopeful Timmy has a quick recovery, but also relieved that Matthew was productive in this game. I can't wait to view the recording.

DC Bee

Ramblin' Wreck
Springfield, VA
Looks to me like those "2 and 3 star" athletes are just that athletes.

I'll take it a step further Cappy. Imagine this: athletic football players on a team executing the plays that are called. It would kinda' look like a Top 10 team or something IMO.

Remember when people would explode after losses in the dark years with CPJ saying, "We just didn't execute"? They would claim CPJ sucked and he was just throwing the team under the bus. Well, this is what it looks like when the team executes. :)

Legal Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
Lots of guys talking about burning CC's shirt. Where are they now?

That was based on the fact nobody had seen Jordan play apart from an awful scrimmage, after which we moved him to a different position.

And let's be honest about Jordan. I'm glad he is capable of running the offense, but his TD pass was well under thrown and his long run came against an overmatched defense with only 9 players on the field. More than half our option plays were an easy pitch read since Tulane was so focused on stopping runs up the middle. Kinda amazed at how many people are throwing their chest out at Jordan's performance - we'd score TDs if we had 11 on 9 too.


Jolly Good Fellow
'we are not "hating" on the guy'

The vernacular expressed here is a millennial construct. They don't even know what the phrase 'hating' means. They think that
criticism = hating,
judgement = hating.
opinion = hating.

Legal Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
I really hope we get to the point on this board where, as a community, we understand that when a player's performance is critiqued towards the negative or compared less favorably to another player in some aspect, we are not "hating" on the guy. As a moderator, I wouldn't tolerate much true "hate" to be spewed across these pages anyway. From what I can gather, we all love our kids and realize they are trying.

I am hopeful Timmy has a quick recovery, but also relieved that Matthew was productive in this game. I can't wait to view the recording.

I'm waiting for those days too. One can dream... I'm curious to hear from those criticizing the "Jordan haters" what they saw or heard that made them certain Jordan was going to be a stud Qb.


Helluva Engineer
That was based on the fact nobody had seen Jordan play apart from an awful scrimmage, after which we moved him to a different position.

And let's be honest about Jordan. I'm glad he is capable of running the offense, but his TD pass was well under thrown and his long run came against an overmatched defense with only 9 players on the field. More than half our option plays were an easy pitch read since Tulane was so focused on stopping runs up the middle. Kinda amazed at how many people are throwing their chest out at Jordan's performance - we'd score TDs if we had 11 on 9 too.
Nice job of putting a cloud over the sun, dude.
Legal not saying he is a "stud" qb but he is a capable backup able to step in if needed. Maybe you read some posts I didn't proclaiming him a "stud".


Helluva Engineer
I'm waiting for those days too. One can dream... I'm curious to hear from those criticizing the "Jordan haters" what they saw or heard that made them certain Jordan was going to be a stud Qb.
You missed the whole point. Here's a short recap of events:

1. TB hurts knee
2. a few vocal fellows freak out, some suggest we need to burn CC redshirt, same fellows suggest MJ's qb days are long gone
3. CPJ moves MJ back to qb (as many of us knew his move to Aback was to get his athleticism on the field not because he's a washed up qb)
4. MJ shows he can move the offense effectively, make option reads, make option pitches, throw and run td's
5. Guys on the board feel relieved we have a competent backup until TB comes back.
6. Some guy misinterprets #5 as we're saying MJ is the second coming of JT
7. Same guy lists a bunch of ways to diminish MJ's performance that most of us already took with the proper amount of perspective anyway


Staff member
Here's what I noticed yesterday:
  • Jordan played behind a capable O-Line for the first time in public viewing
  • GT scored a touchdown on every drive he led
That's the most relevant context I have for thinking about Matthew Jordan's ability and readiness. How does that extrapolate against a better opponent? Don't know, however I now have reason to believe we can remain competitive with him in the game.


Ramblin' Wreck
That was based on the fact nobody had seen Jordan play apart from an awful scrimmage, after which we moved him to a different position.

And let's be honest about Jordan. I'm glad he is capable of running the offense, but his TD pass was well under thrown and his long run came against an overmatched defense with only 9 players on the field. More than half our option plays were an easy pitch read since Tulane was so focused on stopping runs up the middle. Kinda amazed at how many people are throwing their chest out at Jordan's performance - we'd score TDs if we had 11 on 9 too.

Lol. Exactly what I am talking about.

The move to a back had nothing to do with his performance at QB.
People assume too much.

Byerly won't be back.


Helluva Engineer
CPJ said in the presser we'd know more in couple weeks about Byerly. If he knew he was out for the year, I'm sure he'd have said it. He's said it about other players.


Helluva Engineer
but his TD pass was well under thrown

I agree with your overall sentiment. I only plucked this detail out because it is a pet peeve.

I hate it when QBs overthrow guys who are wide damn open. It's smarter to underthrow it and make good and sure it's completed. Justin underthrows wide open guys a lot and indeed underthrew on Summers TD catch. Notice when coverage is tight he errs on overthrowing and putting it where only his guy can get it.

Now maybe Jordan really meant to hit the guy perfectly in stride. I dont know, I hope not. It's more mature to take a little off and get the sure 6 pts.

But your real point is taken...sample size is small. Better than stinking the joint up though.