Spring Practice


Jolly Good Fellow
Southern Crescent
How can you say this? Have you seen Mr. Oliver do anything at all in a college football competitive situation?

He probably says this because he saw Marshall play last season. Rarely pitched, kept it himself way too often, poor reads and had a paltry 37% completion rate. If Mr. Marshall doesn't improve exponentially, and neither Johnson or Oliver can unseat him then Tech is screwed for the next 2 seasons if not 3.


Helluva Engineer
He probably says this because he saw Marshall play last season. Rarely pitched, kept it himself way too often, poor reads and had a paltry 37% completion rate. If Mr. Marshall doesn't improve exponentially, and neither Johnson or Oliver can unseat him then Tech is screwed for the next 2 seasons if not 3.
Remind me again, what was Marshall's completion percentage last year? Did he steal your girlfriend or something?


Helluva Engineer
I'm sure the performance of the 1's has been all sunshine and rainbows every other day...

Look, I'm all for being optimistic, but it sounds like that unit is struggling right now...and I think CPJ has been pretty honest about that...this particular interview being one example. So he flat out stated the second team is horrendous...that's concerning to say the least. Beyond that we're returning four starters and a guy who would have started if not for injury. That's promising, but let's not forget that those guys didn't exactly light it up last year...the pass blocking particular was atrocious at times.

I love that we have the experience coming back, but the O Line worries me. Even if the 1's end up being solid it sounds like we're a sprained ankle away from a partially "horrendous" O Line right now...

It's only the Spring, so it's nothing to sweat too much as of yet. Lots of time to improve...but that is exactly what they need to do

Is Dufoor practicing with the team and, if so, has CPJ commented anywhere how he is doing?


Helluva Engineer
Don’t count Ponchez-Mason out yet. CPJ said he wants to get him on the field, and he does good things with the ball in his hands. Another player said he’s like a cross between Benson, and Howard with speed and strength. He was also running with the 1’s some.

Is he a B back only or does he have the skill set to play A back? We could really use a bigger A back like Orwin Smith or Perkins back in the day.


Helluva Engineer
He probably says this because he saw Marshall play last season. Rarely pitched, kept it himself way too often, poor reads and had a paltry 37% completion rate. If Mr. Marshall doesn't improve exponentially, and neither Johnson or Oliver can unseat him then Tech is screwed for the next 2 seasons if not 3.

Let us hope and pray that all three of our guys: Marshall, TO, and Lucas improve "exponentially"during the rest of spring practice and through the summer. If they do that, good things will happen and let the playing time chips fall where they may. TO and Lucas are fully aware that Marshall may be the fair haired boy at the moment but if he takes a false step and tears an ACL it will be SHOWTIME for them.


Helluva Engineer

adidas comments are funny starting around 5:45

One interesting comment by TM when asked about how he is progressing on his goals:

"Right now I haven't been getting too many pull reads..."

I wonder if CPJ is telling CNW what kind of reads to give TM and since he wants to evaluate the Bbacks, he's telling him to show a give read? I hope he's ready to evaluate TM's pull reads soon and then his keep/pitch read. Those need work.

Good to hear he's feeling like he's improving his dropback. I know after watching film he saw that we wasn't getting deep enough on his drops last year.

Also, I like hearing the pass pro has been better, he says he's getting plenty of time. Although, that's not too encouraging from a defensive perspective. I like that he's feeling comfortable in the pocket and he's actively working on staying in the pocket when he has one.