Spring Game 2020


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Although I DO have tickets for the Masters, I quit going to the tournament 10 years ago. My houseguests have tickets of their own, and they have been staying with me for almost 20 years.
Super you are really a very nice guy I wouldn't let anyone stay with me for 20 years , you must have one helluva food bill , 1 maybe 2 days and I tell them here is the door. :)


Ramblin' Wreck
Sorry, but this is sadly too typical of a world which has forgotten, or never learned about, traditions and history.
I don't want to spark a religious debate (which I know posting this is stupid then) but I think your post is what is sadly too typical in the world today. Just because you grew up Christian and learned all about the traditions and history of that faith does not mean everyone else in the world is supposed to. I would bet that there are many Buddhist, Muslim, and even Jewish holidays that you have never heard of (along with the many other religions out there) so please don't criticize someone for not knowing of one of your religious holidays. Sorry for the rant but this is one of my pet peeves.
Augusta, GA
I don't want to spark a religious debate (which I know posting this is stupid then) but I think your post is what is sadly too typical in the world today. Just because you grew up Christian and learned all about the traditions and history of that faith does not mean everyone else in the world is supposed to. I would bet that there are many Buddhist, Muslim, and even Jewish holidays that you have never heard of (along with the many other religions out there) so please don't criticize someone for not knowing of one of your religious holidays. Sorry for the rant but this is one of my pet peeves.
You have totally misunderstood me. I am not concerned with the fact that he is not familiar with a religious day; it just bothers me that someone is not familiar with a commonly (or at least I thought it was commonly) known day of special interest to some people. There are sadly people in this country that don't know that the 4th of July is commonly known as Independence Day. And there are tons of people who don't know what D-Day is, or even Memorial Day or Veterans Day. The point I obviously did not get across (my fault) is that most people know the significance of special days. I admittedly do not know any Buddhist special days, because frankly, I never hear anybody talking about them or read anything about them. But I do know probably all of the Jewish special days (do you?) and many of the muslim special days (again, do you?). I would have equally bothered if, just to use an example, we were playing the game on Veterans Day, and he said he did not previously know what Veterans Day is. Personally, I have no problem with the game being played on Good Friday and, as I have said several times already, I attended the one several years ago under CPJ. BUT, there ARE some people who either do have a problem with it, or simply cannot attend because of obligations on that day. The overall point I was trying to make in a broader sense (again apparently unsuccessfully) was that we now live in a world where special days and/or traditions, and more tragically both history and current events are totally unknown to some people, and that reflects on either our education system, a non-inquisitive attitude on the part of many people, or even parenting ... or a combination of the three. I find that very sad. And that is all I will have to say on the matter.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
Friday night has nothing to do with fans like most things under CGC it’s all about recruiting.
Friday night = No Other spring games for kids to go to. Especially since UGA and Tech usually have the spring game the same weekend.

Let me get this straight:

The spring game has nothing to do with the fans.
The branding has nothing to do with the fans.
The over the top messaging has nothing to do with the fans.

Everything that comes out of this coaching staff lately, we are being told it is not aimed or intended for the fans.

What is intended for the fans? Cause we're the ones buying the tickets and donating our money...


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
I don't want to spark a religious debate (which I know posting this is stupid then) but I think your post is what is sadly too typical in the world today. Just because you grew up Christian and learned all about the traditions and history of that faith does not mean everyone else in the world is supposed to. I would bet that there are many Buddhist, Muslim, and even Jewish holidays that you have never heard of (along with the many other religions out there) so please don't criticize someone for not knowing of one of your religious holidays. Sorry for the rant but this is one of my pet peeves.

I think you missed Super's point. I didn't grow up Jewish, but I know what the major Jewish holidays are. I didn't grow up Muslim, but I know what the major Muslim holidays are. Growing up in the USA, which is predominantly Christian in background, it is somewhat surprising, and saddening to me, that there are people who don't know about Good Friday. It's not a shot at the individual, as it's not their fault they didn't know about it, but rather it's an indictment on how far our society has fallen away from the belief systems that I hold dear.


Ramblin' Wreck
You have totally misunderstood me. I am not concerned with the fact that he is not familiar with a religious day; it just bothers me that someone is not familiar with a commonly (or at least I thought it was commonly) known day of special interest to some people. There are sadly people in this country that don't know that the 4th of July is commonly known as Independence Day. And there are tons of people who don't know what D-Day is, or even Memorial Day or Veterans Day. The point I obviously did not get across (my fault) is that most people know the significance of special days. I admittedly do not know any Buddhist special days, because frankly, I never hear anybody talking about them or read anything about them. But I do know probably all of the Jewish special days (do you?) and many of the muslim special days (again, do you?). I would have equally bothered if, just to use an example, we were playing the game on Veterans Day, and he said he did not previously know what Veterans Day is. Personally, I have no problem with the game being played on Good Friday and, as I have said several times already, I attended the one several years ago under CPJ. BUT, there ARE some people who either do have a problem with it, or simply cannot attend because of obligations on that day. The overall point I was trying to make in a broader sense (again apparently unsuccessfully) was that we now live in a world where special days and/or traditions, and more tragically both history and current events are totally unknown to some people, and that reflects on either our education system, a non-inquisitive attitude on the part of many people, or even parenting ... or a combination of the three. I find that very sad. And that is all I will have to say on the matter.
Thanks for your clarification, I tried to edit my post to add that I was not trying to attack you or anyone with it but just asking to be more respectful of others that don't share your same beliefs on religion or football for that matter. We all (myself included) could work to be better on here about that when talking about football :D.

And finally to answer your questions, I do not know very many special days of Buddhist, Muslim, or Jewish faiths and I don't expect you to either. I grew up in a very Catholic family so I know all about Good Friday but would argue that, while it has been and sometimes still is recognized as a holiday in businesses, it is one that commonly gets overlooked by many including some that go to (or at least claim to go to) church every week. To @Augusta_Jacket s point, the US is founded on the principles of individual freedom and is a melting pot of cultures and beliefs, so I would argue that rather than the society falling away from your beliefs that it is striving to become more welcoming and open to the beliefs of everyone.

I know I am derailing the thread so Mods please feel free to delete these posts if you feel it is necessary.


Jolly Good Fellow
Supersized, that really is a good problem to have. Wish I had Masters tickets...

Back to Friday night spring games. Getting to the game on Friday nights is a royal pain in the a$$ from the north side of town. Traffic is insane.

Last year we came down early (still traffic was bad), had dinner, and caught the first few innings of the baseball game. Left and went to the spring game. Then caught the last inning. But it still seems odd to have to sporting events overlapping.

As with any function, not everyone will like the date and time.

MARTA? Unless you live up 75... damn it Cobb County!


Over on JOL, folks are lamenting having to choose between their faith, family and Georgia tech football.

I remember reading an article about the failing NFL due to Sunday games and the impact it was having on attendance and revenue. Decent Americans just don’t want to have to choose between the Sabbath and pigskin. Oh wait, never mind, I didn’t read that because it isn’t happening.

I’ve resigned myself to the belief that these boards attract the “special” fans for the most part.

And here you are.....


Helluva Engineer
Let me get this straight:

The spring game has nothing to do with the fans.
The branding has nothing to do with the fans.
The over the top messaging has nothing to do with the fans.

Everything that comes out of this coaching staff lately, we are being told it is not aimed or intended for the fans.

What is intended for the fans? Cause we're the ones buying the tickets and donating our money...

Ummmmm, his job is to get the best players. The fans will follow if all works out. A championship, swag and even a win isn't for the fans, it's for the players. All fans are fools because we only get to brag that a team we support won a game. We don't get any benefits like free swag, championship rings or great free food from the training table. It's because of us that they get those things. Swallow that big ol' pride pill (not you individually but everyone) and realize that everything Collins is doing, he is doing it for the young men in the program and the young men he wants to come into the program.