Crecine was fully onboard with improving the Athletics at Tech. Maybe you mean Petit and Klough? Crecine did more for GT Athletics than any president in the history of the Institute. Do you think the natatorium just magically showed up on GT's campus? Do you think all the housing associated with the 1996 Olympics just magically arrived? Do you think GT being the Olympic Village was just happenstance? Maybe you should revisit your history.
It was about facilities and exposure. Olympic sports are important too. Can you tell me another President that oversaw the football team win the National Championship and the basketball play in the Final Four in the same year? Yeah, I didn't think so.
So illuminate us all on all the wonderful things Crecine did for GT sports. Here's some food for thought:
He mentored Homer Rice so he would be a good AD?
He offered up alumni information to GT Athletics Association so they could fundraise better?
He helped improved the football, basketball and baseball facilities?
He directed the individual schools to offer schedule friendly course offerings so players wouldn't have to miss practice?
He beefed up the compliance office so our programs wouldn't end up on probation somewhere down the road?
He led some initiative to increase spending on athletics?
He brokered some athlete friendly degree programs with the Board of Regents?
He eased admissions standards so our recruiting would improve?
Just some ideas. Maybe he did other things? I'm sure you'll wow us with the specifics and we'll all be able to understand. Certainly he pulled off some really great work for GT atletics prior to being the recipient of money generated solely by the fact Atlanta was awarded the Olympics an GT was ideally situated to house a large portion of the athletes with new & exisiting dorms plus had room for the pool & McTit could be used for boxing.
Hey I just remembered one- Danny Hall was hired during his tenure. Had nothing to do with the Olympics either. That should get you started.
Crecine was a fine President, a great steward for GTRI and bolstered our academic reputation. Petit tried to move us to D3, Clough got laughed out of a meeting I attended one time because he was seemingly unaware of the state of our football and basketball programs. I was overseas the bulk of Crecine's tenture and I don't recall anyone I know really mentioning him ever in regards to any of our athletic programs. People talk about Homer Rice all the time, same as Bobby Dodd. Never hear them say & oh yeah don't forget Crecine and all he did for us.