Spinning off climate change discussion

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Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
No kidding! Blacks voting 95% for one party is a travesty. It doesn't get more polarizing than that!
Now that I live outside the South I understand why blacks vote 95% for one party. Now that I am in New England I am having to explain to people up here why tea party white males vote 100% for one party. I suppose if people were to actually talk to each other rather than talk at each other we might make some progress but I am not holding my breath.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Boomer said stop the non-football talk, like the government we need to find something we agree on, hey wait, we have an exciting football team we all love, maybe we can talk about that?

Along those lines, I went to a Clemson board and those guys give us no shot. They think their D is gonna gut our O like a fish. Hmmm......

Probably best to start a new thread? We seem to have some which focus on football.


Now that I live outside the South I understand why blacks vote 95% for one party. Now that I am in New England I am having to explain to people up here why tea party white males vote 100% for one party. I suppose if people were to actually talk to each other rather than talk at each other we might make some progress but I am not holding my breath.
He said in the south and white males voting 100% for the tea party is a lie. Don't make things up just to fit your agenda. What tea party candidate did you vote for?


Ramblin' Wreck
Gainesville, FL
Of course it does, nothing is absolute especially when it come to opinions from a bunch of egg heads. If I jump out of an airplane w/o a parachute I am most likely gonna die. It's not absolute, there is documented cases of people surviving when parachutes have failed to deploy. Does that mean I want to jump out of airplane w/o one? How 'bout you?

Scientific Consensus
Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.

I'll side with the opinion of 97% of the world experts on the topic over the 3% that don't. Especially when those 3% don't actually disagree, they just want more data.
That's right DCS, humans HAVE contributed, and almost everyone agrees to that. But I teach this stuff at the university level, and it's the conclusion that we are all going to die so we need to shut everything down, give us your country's economy, and live in the totalitarian state that really bothers me. There is NO EVIDENCE that the planet (even a warmer one) is going to be a worse place to live in the next 100-1000 years. In fact, we may even need warm temps all the exposed land (minus the coastlines) to feed everybody in a few more decades. And there are some engineering solutions to global temperature if it ever gets that bad. So please, no more fear.

BUT....I think we need great secondary play and a healthy Shawn Green to have a shot in the next two games, and a few miracles on ST wouldn't hurt either.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
He said in the south and white males in New England voting 100% for the tea party is a lie. Don't make things up just to fit your agenda. What tea party candidate did you vote for?
I was referring to tea party white males in the South. They are just as monolithic in their voting patterns as any other slice of the electorate. Or do you just want to make blacks the problem in this polarizing scenario?

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
OK, I refrained from commenting but this thread is really "We Have No Business Discussing Facts". The fact is that the earth is getting warmer for the entire planet as evidenced by the rise in sea level every year. That is fact. The mechanism of sunlight not being filtered as much coming to the earth by CO2 than infrared going out is the mechanism which humans have substantially changed and is provable in the laboratory under controlled settings.

What to do about it is politics. Most "answers" to problems in this country are scams to make money for those in power. And the Chinese have far bigger problems and have to generate a lot more wealth to keep the people from revolting. They will do whatever they have to do generate heat and power. They continue to poision their country with much more immediate and harmful air pollution.

The earth has been around for ~6 billion years and will be here after humans have killed themselves off. I just hope we make it through beating UGAg one more time.

Check your "facts"


Ramblin' Wreck
This is a great thread, you can almost hear people's age in how they type, talk, and discuss politics.

Anyone care to discuss religion, or sex perhaps? Or perhaps religion, sex, and politics at the same time? Did you hear about the republican, methodist congressman caught having sex in an airport...with another man!



Ramblin' Wreck
That's right DCS, humans HAVE contributed, and almost everyone agrees to that. But I teach this stuff at the university level, and it's the conclusion that we are all going to die so we need to shut everything down, give us your country's economy, and live in the totalitarian state that really bothers me. There is NO EVIDENCE that the planet (even a warmer one) is going to be a worse place to live in the next 100-1000 years. In fact, we may even need warm temps all the exposed land (minus the coastlines) to feed everybody in a few more decades. And there are some engineering solutions to global temperature if it ever gets that bad. So please, no more fear.

BUT....I think we need great secondary play and a healthy Shawn Green to have a shot in the next two games, and a few miracles on ST wouldn't hurt either.
Flag on the play! Straw man
Just because our current path is heading us towards mass extinction #6 with a high degree of certainty, does not require shutting everything down. This is right-wing fear mongering. Switching our power consumption from carbon intensive sources to wind/solar/battery/etc would be an excellent start and would generate tons of jobs installing/building the new infrastructure. It won't be enough, but the acceleration in CO2 must be halted first.

The total life cycle cost of a new solar PV plant per MWh has just edged lower than a new natural gas plant this year; and solar keeps getting cheaper as the technology improves. There is no economic argument for preferring oil/gas/coal over solar; except that the companies selling oil/gas/coal are spending hundreds of millions every year on election ads and lobbying.


Helluva Engineer
This is a great thread, you can almost hear people's age in how they type, talk, and discuss politics.

Anyone care to discuss religion, or sex perhaps? Or perhaps religion, sex, and politics at the same time? Did you hear about the republican, methodist congressman caught having sex in an airport...with another man!


Sports IS a religion in the South!


Staff member
Please keep it cordial and respect your fellow GT Swarm members, even if you disagree with them and think they are wrong.

Let's also keep it cool with the opinions about race; this is the second "football" thread in the last week where posts had commentaries about race.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
In our system of government people work together to solve larger issues that cannot be solved by individuals or private interest groups. Much of the prosperity we enjoy today is a result of this kind of government work. I do not think of the government as some kind of group of "others." I think of the government as you and me working together. Climate change presents a considerable challenge to our nation, much like challenges we have faced as a nation in previous generations that government ended up solving. Heck, we are having this conversation on the internet, something that would not have happened apart from the government. This is not a good time to completely distrust government (you and me working together) and throw around words like totalitarian and government take over. Climate change research is advancing at a rapid pace as more and more data is coming in. I understand that there are certain economic interests, especially coal, that have a vested interest in discrediting research that has overwhelming agreement in the scientific community, but that sounds to me like letting a particular interest group control a discussion that all of us should be involved in. Just last week I heard an interview with the former head of Shell Oil company. He was clear in his mind that global warming is real and that humans contribute. He also was somewhat fatalistic about the current state of government ever being able to change the course we are on.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
In our system of government people work together to solve larger issues that cannot be solved by individuals or private interest groups. Much of the prosperity we enjoy today is a result of this kind of government work. I do not think of the government as some kind of group of "others." I think of the government as you and me working together. Climate change presents a considerable challenge to our nation, much like challenges we have faced as a nation in previous generations that government ended up solving. Heck, we are having this conversation on the internet, something that would not have happened apart from the government. This is not a good time to completely distrust government (you and me working together) and throw around words like totalitarian and government take over. Climate change research is advancing at a rapid pace as more and more data is coming in. I understand that there are certain economic interests, especially coal, that have a vested interest in discrediting research that has overwhelming agreement in the scientific community, but that sounds to me like letting a particular interest group control a discussion that all of us should be involved in. Just last week I heard an interview with the former head of Shell Oil company. He was clear in his mind that global warming is real and that humans contribute. He also was somewhat fatalistic about the current state of government ever being able to change the course we are on.

The government would want you to use paragraphs.

Seriously though, two things:
1) climate scientists are also an "interest group" seeking to control the discussion

2) the facts, as I've seen them, don't match the predictions in terms of global temperatures or major storms

So, please show me the science, not the theories and hand waving, but the predictive models from the last decade which match our current situation.

Where's AE, oh wait, he's one of those 3 guys on the denial panel.... ;)

Every post you make confirms my initial post.
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