In our system of government people work together to solve larger issues that cannot be solved by individuals or private interest groups. Much of the prosperity we enjoy today is a result of this kind of government work. I do not think of the government as some kind of group of "others." I think of the government as you and me working together. Climate change presents a considerable challenge to our nation, much like challenges we have faced as a nation in previous generations that government ended up solving. Heck, we are having this conversation on the internet, something that would not have happened apart from the government. This is not a good time to completely distrust government (you and me working together) and throw around words like totalitarian and government take over. Climate change research is advancing at a rapid pace as more and more data is coming in. I understand that there are certain economic interests, especially coal, that have a vested interest in discrediting research that has overwhelming agreement in the scientific community, but that sounds to me like letting a particular interest group control a discussion that all of us should be involved in. Just last week I heard an interview with the former head of Shell Oil company. He was clear in his mind that global warming is real and that humans contribute. He also was somewhat fatalistic about the current state of government ever being able to change the course we are on.