I try to be very careful with how I use words, often checking primary sources for definitions. Wikipedia is not perfect, but it is often written by experts with sources cited. The modern usage of words often tends to be distorted by both ignorance and
<==Please read this paper from 2004. Do not respond to it today. I think you are sharp enough to have seen all it speaks of; however, I caution that it is about 20 pages of solid text when printed in a readable font and it may take up to a month to fully digest.
The most recent casualty to ignorance is "Literally". Literally can mean either "not figuratively" or "figuratively". The meaning of the sentence: "He literally soiled his pants." has an unclear meaning now.
Conservatives have successfully changed the meaning of these words recently: patriot, values, states-rights, political-correctness, liberal, race-baiting (used to refer to the racists, now refers to those who oppose racists), racist, hate, partisan, class-warfare, elitism, entitlement (used to refer to aristocrats and their title to do/own/rule things, now refers to the non-rich expecting to receive the stuff we paid for), and the list goes on...
Welfare was developed to reduce the dependency of the common people on entitled people, now common people are entitled to welfare and it causes them to become dependent on the (previously known as entitled) rich. What an impressive meaning inversion that was!
The point of this post is that Conservatives are trying to poison the language well for Global Warming (changed by Conservatives to Climate Change) and Evolution.