Really, I find the line of response remarkable. Truly so. Wherein when GT has transfers there is much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair about what is wrong with that program anyway, and all this over -- in my estimation anyway -- nothing more than the normal attrition and contraction of a huge football program involving more than 100 players and 85 scholarships ... yet when it happens elsewhere it instantly migrates to academic rigor. All this despite the fact that, as with GT and its transfers, we really have no clue why two Clemson players are leaving. Sometimes the smugness just bursts at the unseemly seams. While to me the interesting link was that even a national champion football team has transfers, why such drama at Tech? (And if Clemson is all that easy and they have "sold out" then one must admit that given that assumption, academics have nothing to do with it, since 5th grade flunkees could pass there. The logic just keeps circling back.)