Sidewalk Fans


Jolly Good Fellow
Since Tech only sells season Tickets to 30-35K that leaves around 10-15K (if we leave 5-10K for visiting team) growth. The fastest way is via Sidewalk fans!

I love everything about Georgia Tech, however I am not sure what the answer is in growing the fan base except to say winning B2B2B 9 plus games...
Would be interesting to know how many season ticket holders are ticket brokers or uGa fans (corporate, etc. that want that game and give the rest away).


Helluva Engineer
I don’t know how feasible it would be to do this (and maybe we already do?) but one way GT could try to develop the next generation of Tech sidewalk fans would be to contact all the Cub scout, Boy Scout, Brownies, and Girl Scout Troups in the metro area before the season and offer free tickets to games that won’t sellout (like Alcorn, etc.). Boys and Girls Clubs, Metro area schools, etc. give the youth of Atlanta a reason to become Tech fans, and maybe add something special like tours of the school, stadium, meet Coaches and players etc. make them feel like they can be a part of GT too.
Such a great idea and then give them all a gold GT shirt to wear to the game. How can we think of these ideas and the marketing people cant? I dont understand it.


Not much room to grow sidewalk fans. Such potential is already lost to the mutts and loyalties to other schools for transients in Atl.

Best way to increase fan attendance is to get a higher % of current fans to actually attend. Like @GTFLETCH said though. That will take multiple b2b 9+ wins and winning more than 50% vs the mutts. The “missing” Tech fans can’t tolerate less success than IMO.


Helluva Engineer
Would be interesting to know how many season ticket holders are ticket brokers or uGa fans (corporate, etc. that want that game and give the rest away).

I would guess there are many more actual GT fan season ticket holders that sell that game on StubHub to pay for half or more of their season tickets. I know some that sell those tickets because they don't want to be around the mutt fans. Which in my opinion ends up being circular logic because there wouldn't be that many mutt fans in the stadium if every GT fan season ticket holder actually used their own tickets.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
This may be a “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” sort of deal but being a UGA fan in Georgia seems easy. Even before their NC run there was UGA crap all over the place. You can buy UGA apparel nearly anywhere, hats at any convenience store, and their logo is on the Subway cup you drink out of. GT goods seem to be in limited supply. Did UGA’s marketing pull in the fans or did the large number of fans create the market?

Almost without exception, each state’s land grant universty is the defacto “state” team.

Personally, if I were TStan ... I would open a Tech Store that sold exclusively Tech merchandise, a Tech watering hole, and feature coaches and football players ... and build a sense of community.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Jolly Good Fellow
Kennesaw, GA
Perhaps people are genuinely interested. Most Tech fans who weren't students usually have a very interesting story to share. You'd be amazed how much common ground there is. I'm glad you're a fan and wish there were many more like you.

Couldn't agree more! We have so few sidewalk fans - and I'm so happy that so many of you on this board are and are passionate enough to participate in this board - we are curious how people chose Tech over UGA without a direct connection. It's like trying to find chicken teeth...sidewalk fans are hard to come by, so we always want to know how you got here. Bring your friends - we love you all!


Jolly Good Fellow
Kennesaw, GA
Such a great idea and then give them all a gold GT shirt to wear to the game. How can we think of these ideas and the marketing people cant? I dont understand it.
See previous conversation about GT colors in the locker room...However, I think they do give some away to groups (I always see them in the cheap seats on the early games, and they always have one high school band day) but certainly MORE would be helpful! Love to endear kids early with tickets and freebies. Make them feel part of the community. I love seeing all the military there near Veterans Day!