Realistic expectations for 2016?


Georgia Tech Fan
I hate to say it but this team won't have a winning record . We had 1 guy on the defense last year who scared people and he's gone. The offensive line was supposed to be strong last year and they were not. I don't see anything that suggests that they will be any better this year. Moving guys all over the place and grabbing face masks won't solve our problems. We have an abundance of running backs but no "go to" guy. The play calling last year was as predictable as Donald Trump making an *** of himself. How many times are we going to run our 180 lb quarterback off tackle behind the b-back on any short yardage situation behind a line with huge splits ? That play got blown up more times than a Syrian grocery store. The passing game gets zero respect. We struggle to complete over 50 % of our attempts, and usually don't. The qb's change, the receivers change the line changes but the scheme never does. Shouldn't a team with a supposed strong running game be able to bust a few guys wide open on a little play action on first and 10 ? Not a sling it down the field home run ball, just a drag across the middle or a swing or a curl underneath, just something to build some confidence and consistency . This never happens. I will gladly eat a barrel of crow if i'm all wet on this prediction but I am afraid I'm spot on. I don't see 7 wins out there . Not even 6 . Prove me wrong , PLEASE !


Helluva Engineer
If we can't beat BC to open 2016 I think we are going to be in for a long season...

I think will "beat" BC to open the year , oh, about a game that sets back Irish appetite for American football for a decade.

After that....umm, it's college football. Every year, we all think we will have last year's team back somehow (really, we all do it) and every year we wind up with something totally different and utterly unpredicted. The media stinks at predictions/expectations, and we do too. But since we were lousy last year, I figure we'll be lousy next year. (See what I did there?)


Helluva Engineer
Gibson, GA
We looked horrible last year and had a ton of injuries and turnovers. A lot of inexperience at all speciality postions as well and we still could have at least 7 games if the ball bounces our way 50% of the time in close contest. I'm gonna say we improve and win 50% of our close games and say 8-9 wins.


Helluva Engineer
OOC games: Mercer, Vanderbilt, Georgia Southern, at UGA
Conference: Duke, Miami, Virginia, Clemson, at VT, at Pitt, at VT, BC (neutral site)

What is a realistic expectation for next season? I know a lot can happen from now until kickoff. But looking at our schedule and considering we went 3-9 last year, I only see one game that we can absolutely put a W next to and only one game we can put an L next to. Mercer and Clemson. People will probably argue that we can beat Clemson but with a healthy Deshaun Watson back next year, I just don't see it happening.

Looking at all of the other games, I really have no idea what to expect. I want to be optimistic with all of the people we are returning whether it's from injuries or transfer or whatever. I'm always concerned about our D and I think next year will be no different. We won't be good again.

Is 8-4 unrealistic?
Right now it is just a shade "unrealistic" only due to the weakness of the schedule. The eternal pessimist in me as a Tech fan sees 7-5 as realistic while the optimist in me sees 8-4. It will depend upon the development of the offensive line, and the continued improvement of the defense. The formula remains the same: run the ball, limit possessions, shorten the game. Time of possession and limiting turnovers remain crucial. I wish we had a line that was cohesive, wide receivers that could get separation, to say nothing of game breakers and difference makers galore. "It is what it is" as some unknown philosopher once said.


Only catch is you have to come to Flint to collect.
Cost you over $100 in ammo to get in and out of Flint. You need to raise the bet to $500 to make it worthwhile. Of course Flint's another liberal success story but that's a post for another forum. We probably didn't give them enough!


Helluva Engineer
Flint Michigan
Cost you over $100 in ammo to get in and out of Flint. You need to raise the bet to $500 to make it worthwhile. Of course Flint's another liberal success story but that's a post for another forum. We probably didn't give them enough!
It's not that bad here. Just stay out of the north, east and part of the south sides as well as half of the west side and don't drink any water and there's a semi decent chance you'll make it home lead free.


Helluva Engineer
Flint Michigan
Stop in GR and we'll go to Founders. Whether Milwaukee wins or Ryan, it's about half way in between. Or better yet, just meet in GR to settle no matter who wins.
I love GR. It has a Chicago feel but on a smaller scale. Plus you're only a 30 min drive from Grand Haven.
JT was still a baller all year. He just had no room to work in. He kept us in games when the rest of team looked ready to break.

Actually, that's what keeps me hopeful about 2016. I thought the team fought when they could've given up. Yes we came out flat at times, especially early in the season, but I figure all those close games have to even out somewhere eventually.
Justin was not put into a position to succeed. That's the coaching staff's responsibility, for him and for all of the players. Get them into situations for them to be successful. If our players were just inferior, that's a different story altogether. But there is proof that we had talent at several positions, and that talent was squandered. I'm seeing 5-7, no bowl.