I repeat what I referred to in an earlier post, if Frank Beamer had been at GT and had the record he did in his first 6 years at VT, he would probably have been fired after year 3 and definitely after year 6. Well, look what he has done since year 6 at VT. There's no guarantee that Johnson will have similar results, or that even Beamer would have done the same at Tech, but in the majority of cases, 6 years just isn't enough time to be sure a coach isn't going to work out. With Bobby Ross' successor, it was obvious from the start, but with most, you just need to be patient and see how things are going to go. Johnson isn't perfect (but what coach is?), but he sure hasn't had the 1-, 2-, and 3-win seasons that Curry did, or even Ross in his first 2 years. And his 6 years at Tech have certainly been better than Beamer's at VT.