"Get in the way of a defender"? I'm going to write this one off to hyperbole, because I in turn can promise you that an Aback whose goal it is to "get in the way of" is about to be pancaked. Again, see FSU, MSU. (First play MSU, if I recall. God, they were celebrating like Christmas came late.) If he comes in too late he will be tossed aside like a sack of flour; too early and he looks ridiculous being stepped on or over; wrong angle and he lands on his head. Worse, posterior. I have assumed all those positions and that was just against HS guys, not a Division 1 recruit in the bunch. Nobody argues it is calculus, though what it had in common to me was that I could do neither -- but it is part geometry because at some point two lines intersect, and both are moving; kind of like a firing solution a sonar chief will offer up to the boat driver -- but that it is hard. Real hard. It is not see the ball, hit the ball. August is going to be a very trying month for several 18-year-olds and we should not be surprised or disappointed if it lingers. They were recruited for a reason and they will learn. That's all.