Potential Head Coach Hires

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Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
I don’t get the hate for Whisenhunt. He has good reputation in the NFL and has had a long career there.

I would be excited about the hire. Certainly more excited than Tony Elliot who has proven absolutely nothing in my mind. I don’t get the love for him.

Edited to add I’m going to support whoever the new coach is.

"good reputation in the NFL" LMAO you must not live in TN, we couldn't wait to run his a** out of here!


Helluva Engineer
I don't get the Ken Whisenhunt "hate" either ... and frankly some of the comments in this thread are head scratchers !!
Someone earlier mentioned the TO in a good light giving us an identity ... well did you see the bowl selection our identity got for us !!

You’re blaming our bowl selection on the TO?

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Deleted member 2897

Strawman. People have listed dozens of potential coaching hires that would make them happy. There is literally only one that the majority of us are dead set against.

So now you've probably guessed why I picked that one for my post. And no, the majority of people aren't dead set against Whisenhunt.


Helluva Engineer
I don’t get the hate for Whisenhunt. He has good reputation in the NFL and has had a long career there.

I would be excited about the hire. Certainly more excited than Tony Elliot who has proven absolutely nothing in my mind. I don’t get the love for him.

Edited to add I’m going to support whoever the new coach is.
The issue for Whiz is that the last time he was coaching in college, almost all of our current players weren't even born yet.


Helluva Engineer
It's not totally to blame but yes in part I am ... IMO, I think right now it is our identity and we are looked at as a service academy level team with a small fan base.

I guess your opinion could be right but I think we got the shaft because we don’t travel well as a fan base. BDS was 2/3 full against UVA after winning 5 out of the previous 6. If we can’t get people to come to our home games, we certainly won’t have many that will travel. Quick Lane probably picked last or drew the short straw.

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Helluva Engineer
Please Geoff Collins.
Is Collins the guy who left the Mississippi State defense to Johnson's hardly tender mercies in the Orange Bowl? And would jump after two years? Just asking, because as Bear Bryant once said of one of his former players who hurried from job to job, "That boy ain't running to get ahead. He's high hurdlin' "


Helluva Engineer
I don't get the Ken Whisenhunt "hate" either ... and frankly some of the comments in this thread are head scratchers !!
Someone earlier mentioned the TO in a good light giving us an identity ... well did you see the bowl selection our identity got for us !!

he brings no redeeming qualities to GT that 100 NFL coordinators couldn't bring... and worse off no immediate college links. Teams like Bama couldn't win bringing in true nfl guys. Nor could nebraska. UCLA. We tried this experiment at tech with gailey. Simply that approach, that system, doesn't work here. It will never work here because we can't out recruit other programs that run similar systems. If you don't get that...ok...just graduating from tech doesn't make him a good fit. I think its silly...to even say he is qualified because of it. If it wasn't for that...we wouldn't look at him at all. Thats why it doesn't pass the test for me.

This isn't like kirby smart. Who had a good asst track record in the ncaa, was a uga alumn, in the college game etc. This guy is absent for 20 years from college. On the west coast for a long tenure of that. Zero inroads to high schools here. Runs a typical NFL offensive system. Has had ZERO success developing and coaching young QBs, in fact the opposite. So much so one is vocal about it, the other and his team quit on him. Both were heisman winners. Find one qb KW developed? Find one team he took over, built up, and ran a good NFL program? Az? With a hof QB. That lasted one year due to warner catching fire, and he was a loser in 2/3 of his seasons with AZ. Find one. Take a look at what andy reid is doing in KC. Or McVay in Rams. Or what bellichik did. Or harbaugh at ravens. All these guys did it...with young qbs, unproven, built teams. Etc. KW didn't even come close to scratching it. Look at the Titans now. Vs under him. KW does well with experienced QBs of HOF talent he doesn't have to develop and can system run. Its similar to Chan...Some coaches are great at developing. Some are good managing older QBs and calling those games because they don't have to develop. They can focus on other aspects. To me thats Ken.

Its less about HATING KW than close tech alumns, fans and ex athletes knowing our school; what has worked, what hasn't and repeating the same mistakes. On top of KW lackluster and way below avg HC tenure in the nfl. Then add in team munity on him....its not a good look.

Todd Stansbury dropped the ball getting a 12th game last year which woulda given us a bowl. This year he dropped the ball pushing and selling tech to the bowl committees, partially because he was more in sync for the cfp. I don't trust him one iota.

for me, that summarizes alot of the reason there is rigid objection to KW.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, Georgia

This article has us focusing on Satterfield, Elliott, and Collins, in addition to Whisenhunt.

I would accept any of those except Whisenhunt happily.
Nice seeing this. People need to calm down. Two separate sources, including our own Yomanser, have said the likelihood of KW ending up here is very, very low. The focus has always been on the three named in this article. I personally would be very happy with any of Satterfield, Collins, or Elliott, but I would want them in that order.


Helluva Engineer
Whisenhunt only works IF:

-Innovative OC is hired to take advantage of the abundance of talented dual threat QBs in the Southeast, and talented skill players. I believe there is some recruiting advantages to having "NFL coach" next to your name...but those advantages disappear quick after a couple of years if your QB and offense is floundering. OC has to be able to take advantage of a dual threat QB to level the playing field versus more talented teams. IMO, the spread of teams taking advantage of dual threat QBs since CPJ was hired was one of the things no one saw coming, and it also hurt us because before the DT QBs had to move positions, but in the modern era they're a weapon that evens the playing field. GT has done well with DT QBs and with some component of the option (see Friedgen, CPJ).

-Good DC. Keep CNW, or bring Giff Smith and promote to DC. Smith could be an iffy proposition at DC because the level of spread teams on the college level is vast compared to the NFL. Yes, the NFL has teams that run spread/RPO/option, but GT will see it on a weekly basis with night and day variations from week to week. The saving grace for the next OC is most of the 4 stars we recruited in the past few years are on the defensive side. There is talent there. CNW would bring continuity, but Smith was a dang good recruiter for us during his time.

-Give the new staff the support they need. We all know what this means. Open those checkbooks and give the new staff the help they need to staff up recruiting and have more support staff. There's a new message to sell, and I think recruits will be receptive to it initially because GT will represent an opportunity for many recruits to help build something new with a new system in place. Take advantage of it, or lose it.

-Retain coach Andy McCollum. Easily our best recruiter, and can be an invaluable bridge for the new staff. People have questioned his effectiveness as an on the field coach, and that's something to be decided by the next HC, but you can't question his ability to recruit. Now imagine if he can sell something besides a triple option system to play in or against everyday in practice!

Whisenhunt can work...BUT there are a LOT of ifs involved...


Helluva Engineer
Yea let’s forget about him taking a team to the Super Bowl, that’s called cherry picking. He wasn’t necessarily put in the best position with the Titans imo. Regardless of all that, to compare what he did in the pros for what he could potentially do at the college level is comparing apples to oranges. College football and pro football are completely different.

He won the super bowl as the OC. I kinda see the titans (during his tenure) as the tech analog to the NFL. I know that doesn’t directly translate, but had a chance show how he could take a team and build it in into a winning program.


Helluva Engineer
Fernandina Beach, Florida
I guess your opinion could be right but I think we got the shaft because we don’t travel well as a fan base. BDS was 2/3 full against UVA after winning 5 out of the previous 6. If we can’t get people to come to our home games, we certainly won’t have many that will travel. Quick Lane probably picked last or drew the short straw.

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I don't disagree with this part of it ... but IMO, we aren't the only ones with attendance issue's and that alone wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker (in most cases).

Madison Grant

Helluva Engineer
Is Collins the guy who left the Mississippi State defense to Johnson's hardly tender mercies in the Orange Bowl? And would jump after two years? Just asking, because as Bear Bryant once said of one of his former players who hurried from job to job, "That boy ain't running to get ahead. He's high hurdlin' "
That was meant only as a response to the choice of Collins or KW. I realize Collins is not without flaws.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
He won the super bowl as the OC. I kinda see the titans (during his tenure) as the tech analog to the NFL. I know that doesn’t directly translate, but had a chance show how he could take a team and build it in into a winning program.

He did have a chance with a Heisman QB at the helm and failed miserably


Helluva Engineer
He did have a chance with a Heisman QB at the helm and failed miserably

It's scary man. GT is a place you HAVE TO develop talent or else you're SOL. QB is not a position you can fail at developing talent at, especially if you don't have a very good defense. Gailey was blessed with some pretty good defenses so it helped band aid some of the QB shortcomings. The next coach won't have that luxury.

I mean, if you can't develop an offense around a guy like Mariotta who is one of the more dynamic QBs in the NFL, then I'm not too confident what a coach would do with less talented college QBs.


Helluva Engineer
So now you've probably guessed why I picked that one for my post. And no, the majority of people aren't dead set against Whisenhunt.

I have no idea what the older fans are thinking. The ones who use the internet absolutely are against it. But you basically said that nothing makes GT fans happy and it really couldn't be further from the truth. We are actually one of the easier fanbases to please. Heck, most of us would have been happy to go to the Birmingham Bowl or even Shreveport, but again, we got the one and only thing we didn't want.

Anyways, I'm probably going to check out until we get more solid information.


Ramblin' Wreck
The issue for Whiz is that the last time he was coaching in college, almost all of our current players weren't even born yet.

This is what my concern is as well. He has no relationships to any of the HS programs or coaches, and hasn't had to recruit anyone in 20 years. I just don't know if his name alone is a big enough pull to attract a bunch of kids to the school. Maybe he's really improved his play calling and creativity over the years, i don't know, because i haven't followed his career, but i know he has not been very successful as a HC.

Deleted member 2897

I have no idea what the older fans are thinking. The ones who use the internet absolutely are against it. But you basically said that nothing makes GT fans happy and it really couldn't be further from the truth. We are actually one of the easier fanbases to please. Heck, most of us would have been happy to go to the Birmingham Bowl or even Shreveport, but again, we got the one and only thing we didn't want.

Anyways, I'm probably going to check out until we get more solid information.

It was a JOKE. It was a PARODY.

And now, ironically enough, we’re arguing about a parody post about how we like to argue about everything. :) :beercheers:
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